@Legend sorry if im asking the wrong questions.
so i looked up v7 and v9 divers and so far from what i read on rwi and rwg it looks like the v9 is a better option according to some and there are others who also prefer the V7s but made no mentions as to why they do so.
so may i know why you think the best one is still the v7?
also for the XF v2 FC divers, i notice theres a few with diff movements, if i do get one which one should i get thats able to be modded and if you dont mind me asking, what are the mods available or should i get on the v7/v9 divers?
I saw the thread that you posted about the modded XF V2 and it looks amazing.
some of the mods i know of are DW change, cyclops, low beat conversion, AR coating, reluming and possibly a mod for the links so that its more flexible, but im not sure what is really needed and not. It would be nice to have an input from someone that is has lots of experience in the rep scene and a legend regarding modded APs heh.
sorry if im asking lots of newb questions, this would prob be my first rep so yeh.