There is a closed factory Electric Blue on the RG for sale. "Well why don't you buy it LordRasta?" Because it was my grail for 2 years and when I couldn't get one I bought the gen. I wouldn't pass this one up if any of you know the history behind the closed factory.
Closed Factory Electric Blue
Think of it as a prostate exam without the lubrication. The important thing is you found your way here and have learned the errors of your way. Be a productive member and donate if you can. We may all exchange our thoughts and ideas freely but someone has to pay for all this fun we have.
Well my son certainly isn't. He has a grant for his tuition but I pay his car/insurance/gas/apartment/school bills outside of tuition. He works so he blows his money on God knows what.
Congrats on your acceptance, it will pay off in the end.
I can answer depends on the version you have. I put a gen bezel on my Ultimate with no problems. I also have a V1 and found the assembly is completely different but I did not attempt to mount the gen bezel on it. With that said, it worked fine on my Ultimate BCE.