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Everything posted by watchmark

  1. i don't understand why a small thing make so big... i am not a bad seller.... if you want watch i will post to you now... OK ! this is my unluck due to my bank processing credit card risk control. .i will lose 1 watch and 430USD. no problem... if you happy i will send HBB to you NOW. i understand you as a buyer ..you have no mistake for this .. you have paid and i should send watch to you.. i can not say any thing. the only i want say is COULD YOU HELP ME take money out from bank?? i need you help... i will send your watch to you now. if you don't want help me. it's ok... my unluck..i will lose one watch and 430USD. you will still get your watch.. ok??
  2. hi every one. now my web site payment system already back to normal... because my bank have credit card risk control. my bank temporary frozed all credit card user of my credit card agency.. i am very luck.... only 2 buyer money temporary frozed... my bank agency advice me refund that 2 buyer money. and ask me to tell my buyer do remake payment again. because my bank agency already change to another new bank account for redit card payment. now every thing is ok.. evry thing back to normal already... don't worry... all package which sent out will be reach buyer ... only 2 package i need refund to my buyer and my buyer need remake payment after refund received. my bank agency tell me the refund processing time is 20 days.. i also don't understand why so long time...
  3. dear pix the quartz HBB is not use ceramic bezel. that is use PVD bezel... thanks regards mark
  4. dear friend thank you very much. i selling ceramic bezel as 240USD. because factory wholeslaer ask very high crazy price... we really have no choose. hope you can understand that.thank you again regards mark
  5. hello maybe i use wrong photo on my site. but i confirm the correct date HBB is what you buy for 405USD selling in my web site now.....
  6. dear friend sorry reply late. i don't have sunglass. welcome to my web site. thank you regards mark
  7. thank you very much! i think i get it.
  8. dear friend this picture showing i measure the watch case size is 48.03mm. also not 44.5mm... and i tryed many time... i can not get 44.5mm size for this watch at all . please advice. thank you
  9. This is another seller who selling HBB HIGH BEAT 28.8K ASIA 7750 HBB. that is same design watch with my one. but size is 44.5mm on that seller site: http://www.bigbangworld.com/index.php?main...;products_id=10 please help!! who watch size is correct???? and please view this watch: http://www.bigbangworld.com/index.php?main...;products_id=14 do you think this watch is same movement with my HBB asia 7750 low beat ??? PLEASE Help... thank you very much!!
  10. dear friend toady. i have one buyer bought a ASIA 7750 21.6K LOW BEAT HBB from me. which is this one: http://www.timeshops.net/Big_Bang_(RG_Cera...0_1137-4736.htm Regarding the HBB case size. some of another seller size is 44.5mm. but i measure it personally today. i notic the size is not 44.5mm the size should be 42.55mm. i take some picture want to show you. please view as below: and please give me some advice. thank you
  11. dear friend yes. i already notic that... my web pohoto not same. and for detail also like what you said. thanks for your advice. i will going to update my all photo... but that is big job..i need do it one by one and take all watch for new photo.... my web site is new and fresh... still have lot of flaw..please give us more patient. i believe i can do it more better in the future. i will do my best to let all my buyer satisfy. thank you very much regards mark
  12. yes. i already notic that. my another some of buyer also ask me about size.... recently i upload many new watch on my web site. that watch size i measured personally. i think should be correct later...thank you
  13. Dear DemonSlayer Yes. your are right... Of Cause i am not factory. that is impossible... i am only a very very small retail local seller on guangzhou watch market...i am very very luck to meet PIX.Ron...and Many good friend here and all RWG member. i think this is will be change my life. i want to learn from all of yours. include seller and buyer. i don't want very huge profit on replica watch..because i know replica watch quality not good as real watch. and i always tell my buyer the true of our china replica watch. good is good. bad is bad. i can not make lie.. that is why i also don't want selling too high price for replica watch due to replica watch quality... Dear The Zigmeister yes. you said is very exact and correct. you are very professional buyer/seller. i think i will tell factory wholesalers about this problem. i wish factory can make correction in this later. thank you very much for your kindly advice. regards mark
  14. thank you. yes. you are right. that is what i am thinking now.... and because our factory have some new hublot coming soon. we are planning now. i will upload to my site after photo ready after few days. thanks anyway regards mark
  15. dear friend thank you. i will go to measure it again personally tomorrow. i will upload picture here. regards mark
  16. I just check with factory today. i think i made a mistake. THE lower grade of HBB use Asian 7750, 21,000bph (low beat) movement. that is why cheaper. sorry about that regards mark
  17. Dear All Honorific RWG Member and All Friend My name is Mark. i am Apprentice collectors on RWG. because recently some Member friend ask me about my site HBB movement and price. in my personal viewpoint. i have to write some clarify from my personal suggestion. first. sorry for my very poor english.i am local china seller. second. if my viewpoint is mistake. please forgive me and help me make correction. i am very happy some high knowledgeble Member friend help me improve my very poor watch knowledge. i thank you very much.... this is my first time write so long in RWG... on china HBB market. 1. there have 2 different 7750 movement for HBB in china market. one is 28.8BPH with normal quality movement which i selling 400++USD before on my web site. i guess this kind of movement quality grade maybe like this http://www.timeshops.net/Mont_Blanc_Sport_...0_1116-1296.htm 2. the second kind of HBB 7750 movement which is better than first HBB movement. but it 's also 28.8BPH. this kind of movement watch price i guess some seller selling around 1000USD. the different is that kind of movement where have some lines engraved on the movement ( please advice ). like this: http://www.timeshops.net/Hublot_Big_Bang_B...0__999-3262.htm http://www.timeshops.net/Hublot_Ceramic_Be..._7750__1202.htm why this kind of movement HBB ( 1000USD ) very expensive? a. this kind of movement made by some higher Grade mechanic. i think that mechanic who is someone know how to made swiss quality movement. b. this kind of movement watch rubber strap very fragrance... c. Factory ask very high price. d. this kind of movement more reliable and time exact than the first HBB movement. e. this kind of movement watch casing quality better than first HBB casing. until now i still not sure how to call the first HBB... if i call 28.8GPH is NEW ASIA 7750 for second HBB (775USD). so what name i call for first HBB which also use 7750 28.8GPH movement but price much lower ??? please help....... if you have some different advice. i am very very happy to learn from your. thankyou very much and appreciate! Apprentice collectors Mark
  18. dear friend thank you. the price up because resently factory make up 7750 movement watch price. and my old price too low. my web company service charge lot of money also. that is why i need make up little price. for for new aisa 7750 HBB. i only selling around 750USD. but for same watch . i think another seller's price will be little higher than me. so this is what i offer our members friend. thank you regards mark
  19. hello every one. first. sorry for my poor english. i have some thing need make clarify. there have two type hublot (movement ) selling on my web site: www.timesshop.net 1. http://www.timeshops.net/Hublot_bigbang_Ai...c_case_1121.htm ---- this is old 7750 movement. which is more cheaper. but quality is ok. pix buy one from me. 2. http://www.timeshops.net/Hublot_Ceramic_Ca...oating_1213.htm ---- this is new 7750 movement. which is more expensive. the quality is good. this two watch movement are different.
  20. i have Graham selling now. anyone interest please go to my web site: www.timesshop.net thanks.
  21. i have this two watch. please PM me. thanks
  22. welcome. hope to become friend.
  23. dear friend thank you very much for your kindly advice. i already make correction. i am sorry about that. that watch use asian copy 7750 automatic chronograph movement. and thanks Pix. regards mark
  24. thank you very much . my all friend here. i am very appreciate. i am looking forward to do business with all of yours. Thank you PIX. best regards Mark
  25. Hi, everyone, here in China everything is almost back to normal, and we will be in a position to supply your needs in watches, ect. We will do our best to answer any questions you have , and reply to pm`s as soon as possible. Should you wish to order anything, or enquire about any of our products: watches, mobile phones, Designer shirts Armani, Burberry, Ralph Lauren Polo . We offer prices at a very competitive level. Payment can be made via. Paypal, Moneybooker, Western Union. We can assure you of our best attention at all times. All watches are personnaly inspected, packed and shipped by ourselves. NO DROPSHIPPING WHATSOEVER, is ever used. All photographs are of the original watch you will receive.
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