I've ordered from Trusty, JTime, Perfect Clones, Marvellous Replica, and (non-TD) TS-Station this year. Apart from TS, who don't offer to replace the watch(es) if they're seized by customs (this and other reasons accounting for their non-TD status) they all offer a very similar service - you do your research, you enquire about availability, you pay your money, you wait. Sign off (or not) on QC and wait again. Once the watches arrive, if there's any problems, you let the TD know and they offer to sort it if you send it back. Then you fix it yourself or send it to someone you know who will fix it - because only a total fool sends a fake watch back to China. And lastly, the TD will offer you an appropriate discount on the next order ("appropriate" being based on the fact that if you had risked all and sent it back to China, the TD could get it fixed for around 50p).
Of all my TD orders, I had one that turned out to not have been made since about 2002 (my fault for not doing my research), one that broke down soon after arrival (my fault for choosing a watch with a known flaky movement) and one DOA that I fixed myself by swapping in a new 2813. That's out of 20+ watches received.