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Everything posted by rocket754

  1. True...I don't want people to think I am running around yelling "the sky is falling!" I just don't want to end up being a big dummy about the world around me. I think it comes down to me saying WTF? in disbelief- everytime I try to educate myself a little more about our world. The majority of people my age just don't give a rats a$$ and that included me for years. Not to say I am on some crusade now. It's just that for years my social circle has only been concerned with our new cars, bigger houses, where we went on vacation, check out my new Rolex dude!.. Not to say I totally reject such material things cause I don't. I still want all that stuff....pretty bad actually. I guess it's just a battle with myself really. One part of me thinks "what is the point of this crap?" the other part of me can't get past the total "high" I get by owning all these toys . That's a whole other issue all together and I am getting off topic now. I am tired and I think I am going to go across the street to get my 4 dollar latte from starbizzle...(starbucks)
  2. I need to step back and reevaluate the information I read (I am sure not everything I read is true) before I can make any real decision about anything. I need to hear both sides of the arguement first. For instance, I was reading about how Hitler burned down his own parliment...then in the following events afterward he issued a Patriot Act type bill for his country to protect themselves from communists.....and I think we all know how everything ended up in history. I MEAN IS THAT TRUE?? Good hell....that sounds a little to close to home but I may be reading into it a little to much and my line of thinking may be askew. I think I have paralysis by analysis right now. I watched that interview with russo....what he was saying about his buddy rockafeller....geeeze...rockafeller wants to eventually chip us all and have all our money tied to the chip and if we step out of line they will just shut off the chip? WTF? I know I can't read into that very much but this crap is not science fiction...we have RFID chip available and I read about how they are being put in everything possible in my tech blogs. Then I remember that florida family who volunteered to have RFID chips put in them because of fear. Their whole rational was after 911 they wanted to make sure the family was safe. All this stuff makes my stomach get upset. sigh.... I guess I better get to work now.
  3. God help us all..... Got to get some rest for work.
  4. Exactly. It's the perfect enviroment for rule makers to change things around us without anyone really noticing. I am guilty...me and many of my friends and classmates just don't care....not on purpose though. But in the past couple of years I have began to ask myself more questions....not to people or friends but to myself. You can't change things in the same manner they have been changed in the past. People need to be much smarter these days to outsmart a fox.
  5. well of course....I am one of the drones...I still have in my head that I should be buying the next cool gadget and should be upgrading my car....no joke. I have ever so brief realizations when I look around and see what is happening. I am still a young guy so it's not over for me. I don't want to walk through life in a coma... I know I should educate myself but my generation just doesn't see the point or care for that matter until we are directly affected and by then it may be to late. I want to do something but like everything else it takes guts to change things.... I think what sort of woke me up a little bit is when my dad told me. "son..you need to wake up to the world around you.....what you see may scare you"
  6. Thanks Manny. I am not some activist wack job.
  7. I don't really want to debate conspiracy. I am not even a political person. I want our country to be safe but not at the cost of all my freedoms...... I don't have all the facts but even a regular guy that really doesn't pay attention to politics sees that this is not right. I mean.....geeze....my stupid passport has a chip in it. What are they going to do next in the coming years....electronically tag me? I don't know. It doesn't seem like this is the solution if you spend any real time thinking about it. I asked my wife if she would be ok having a RFID tag implanted in her and she is all for it. WTF? "I think it would keep us all safe" was her rational. I don't bother arguing with her. I know better I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression of Rocket...I am just a regular guy and I think America ROCKS...I just would hate to see things go terribly wrong.
  8. I don't really post anything of importance..mmmm...ever here But I am glad you see some of the frightening stuff that has been made a REAL law in our land to keep us safe. I don't want to start a debate as to 911 and what happened....I don't care about the how. I am only worried about the ramifications that have become law as a result of the events.
  9. I really don't give a CRAP about the theories. I do care about what is real.....I am scared of polices like the patriot act that we are told is needed to keep us safe. I don't know about any of you but one of the many really cool things this act offers is that we can have our home searched with or without being home with no warrant and we could be arrested and held with no legal representation for as long as possible without telling you what the charge is???? This is just one of the many cool things that could happen on our own soil if you are suspected of having any ties with terror. You just have to be suspected..that's it! It was expanded to include domestic terrorism which means that they can do whatever they want with Americans to. If anyone has read the patriot act the wording is so vague that they could "in theory" lock you up and throw away the key without cause ( I am sort of embelishing) I don't really know enough about this stuff to interpret it better but wow.... freedom from fines and forfeitures without trial.....I can see this one from our bill of rights slowing being wiped out THAT IS REAL SH*T. Doesn't that scare anyone??? Somebody took our constitution and wiped their a$$ with it and told us it's for our own safety!! This is the first time I have ever cused in a thread
  10. There has been conspiracy theories on everything for as long as we can remember. What I am not OK with is that our civil liberties are slowly being eroded away in the name of security and NO one seems to notice.... Wake the F...up
  11. Exactly....this crap has happened before and it will happen again in the future. You will feel better about all this with time. I am very interested in you becoming a drop shipper I hope you consider this because we need some good people to bring us a factory connection at a reasonable cost. I had a chance to be a US dealer some time back with a dealer from TRC and after talks with him I decided not to do it but to give you an example. new improved 50th anniversary LV subs had just came out an they were selling for 250 for the swiss versions from the dealers at the time The supplier informed me that he would send me 12 of the same swiss LV's to sale to people at a cost of 110.00 each.....that was my cost. I would imagine that his cost must have been 50 bucks each. (just a guess) I guess my point is the mark up is pretty high as we all know but I got a little taste of what it was back then. I would love to see someone cement a factory connection to bring us our reps .
  12. The 253 has a display back.
  13. Should have looked at the movement...That would have been a good tell along with the color of the chrono hand.
  14. So... since this has all been discussed to death and nothing new is being revealed or will ever be revealed the question is..... what now? As a forum what do we do now? history is repeating itself here....I have seen this type of situation happen before and so has many other old timers. Life will go on and we will all be more wise in the future...or will we?
  15. http://www.replica-watch.info/phpBB3/viewt...p;sk=t&sd=a just accusations of price fixing and inventory control..... you can read and draw your own conclusions
  16. This is really a great rep at a very reasonable price. At this point with version 2 there is really not much to point out as flaws. This is sizing up to be a great new release year. We still have some more goodies on their way...
  17. Crap. You are right andreww....that stinks!
  18. That's what I was thinking when they dropped the product bomb this week on us all I was like.....
  19. the super avenger totally flew under the radar. This week sort of feels like we are all attending a new car show....just waiting to see what new models come out.
  20. Thanks Andreww EDIT: If I would have paid attention to the pics on puretimes site it shows the strap size in the case back pic...next time I will look more before I ask
  21. Does anyone know if the rep breitling straps will fit the BSA? noob question... Like this one? http://www.pc-80108.com/0000blru10002-rubb...ack-p-4676.html It just wanted something to compromise since they may not make the ocean racer strap
  22. Clearly puretimes version is better after looking at UB7's gen compare pic. The lume application is not that big of deal it can be quickly corrected with a trip to The Zigmeister or someone else for a lume job. And it's cheaper on top of all that?....not sure what more we want here?
  23. This looks like a special edition- real swiss engine- River ROO is brewing
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