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Diamond Member
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Everything posted by Chino

  1. happy day pal! better late than never! G.
  2. if you want a rewarding hobby, you should go headhunting! watch collecting is no monetary *rewarding*, only a superbly fine and fun money tossing hobby. But very fun and interesting!
  3. hey there, welcome aboard!
  4. perfect spanish, perfect avatar. inmortal avatar.
  5. Beer on me! go to your fav pub and ask for your pint, sent the payment yesterday with the same airmail courier TTK uses for his watch delivery. cheers!
  6. 100% true. specially all about the Admin & Mod team!
  7. Hey there, do you know who Maradona is? There's even a Religion after him... this Argentinians are special people... Chile won last time, which never happens, but it hits them bad as there are limit and political stuff always around. That last Chilean victory made them hire Maradona himself as coach of the national team, and he got instantly forgiven after being defeated by Bolivia, 6-1. He's considered the best player ever along with brazilian Pel
  8. If you want a perfect sub ask for someone named TTK... welcome W-Doggg!
  9. Try pick the dealer who seems safer for you, as you may be prone to get another watch in a near future. great choice too!
  10. Thanks for the review, this was great... Interesting watch! and nice pics too. thanks a lot for sharing!
  11. I too have a 6.3 wrist and I wear a SFSO with no problems, it wears the same as a SMP chrono. Any other smaller watch will be OK. skinny guys can also wear Breitlings!
  12. Welcome aboard! I sense much watches in your wishlist soon... cheers!
  13. Hi fellas, A very desirable watch for small bucks is what you're looking for? Small time window for this oportunity! Run! check THIS out. You gotta love it! Chino.
  14. AAh, my friend... you've put together my favourite diver ever... I got my 7016/0 from Kelster and bought a gen T-19 for it... it's been sitting in the parts box as I'm still fighting with the idea of the transformation... As I think I'll never have the guts to change its looks (as I like having a tudor instead of a 100% rollie piece)... I'll pray for you to get bored of your snowflake soon and have it sold to your Southamerican, teeth-pulling moderator friend... ...I'll wait for that... basically this post is to say: Big congrats on a 100% keeper piece (or sell-able to only mod friends) I know you're already enjoying. cheers! Chino.
  15. hey wwarren, that's the spirit ma fella! thanks for the support!
  16. there are no other lung/heart set in the world as Lani's. Good lungs, good smokes, el grande hearto.
  17. Welcome back, man. enjoy!
  18. once getting involved, I became "wallet disabled" with a heavy pocket disease... so welcome around to madness! now you'll find peekin' on everyone else's wrist as a degenerate... just like peekin' upskirt and downblouses... obscene degenerate!
  19. Thanks Shundi, I didn't have to vote. keep the blondie one.
  20. We're waiting to know who the member is, it is necessary to keep other members from falling in the same trap. If you aren't telling us you're letting this happen.
  21. Impressive D, those boxes and watches look inmaculate. Ziggified watches will rule the world one day. See ya!
  22. As far as I know the mini fiddy is a fantasy watch. There's not a 44 mm Fiddy as a genuine last time I checked the pannie booklet/ site/ fridge. I've been after one myself.
  23. Imagine how many more guys out there who might be solid gold aswell only lurks and won't post. We're missing great other people there. Samurai, I have to say thanks again to you. Aaand a Samurai wouldn't risk his honour doing that! cheers to you mate!
  24. Bienvenido!
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