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About Toothless

  • Birthday 09/01/1965

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    United Kingdom

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    North West

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  1. Thanks, i'd been reading mentions of movements where changing the day/date with the hands at certain locations will break it. I will search and read some more. Thxs.
  2. Thanks Ali, the 'raffles" link is just what I had in mind. (are there no UK sellers?) I hadn' t planned on using a "Rolex" dial so... I shall have to think that one over. As to the movement, I'd included the wrong link earlier, this is the correct page I'd used. https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32846387196.html?spm=a2g0n.orderlist-amp.item.32846387196&aff_trace_key=&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=817amp-pStI7h48M21NgQMaJTrl9w1571268130917 If you have a few Parnis, you must really think them good? Is there anything I should do on opening the package? How do you start to put winds in it? and adjust the date? Any "dos & don'ts"? Cheers
  3. Hello chaps, first post so if the thread is in the wrong place, or if I make errors please excuse as any ill-will is not meant. I'm not a watch guy but I've a Parnis yatchmaster coming. https://m.aliexpress.com/item/4000232211159.html?trace=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail&spm=a2g0n.store_allProduct.allProducts_338606771.4000232211159 While the brand ticks all the boxes, I'm not impressed with the name so am considering buying a sterile dial. I'm also considering putting a clear back on it so the internals can be seen. Has anyone ever swapped a dial out on one of these? Is it do-able as I've read it can be difficult to take this brand apart. Any links to it being done? Secondly could some friendly chap post links or info on the parts I'll need, thanks.
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