Ta daa!! My PAM 288, mailed by Josh December 1, and "dispatched" from the sorting center on December 3. Then silence until it hit U.S. Customs yesterday. Delivered this morning: Seven weeks! But, if ever there was a watch worth waiting for, this is it. Just gorgeous. The most gen-like I've ever seen. The genuine alligator strap is outstanding. But listen to this, guys. The package was absolutely saturated with water. The cardboard box, even though inside a plastic baggie just disintegrated, it was so wet. The styrofoam box was wet inside, along with the bubblewrap wrapping the watch. I wasn't concerned about the watch, which I assume is at least water resistant, but I feared the strap might be damaged. But, fortunately Josh had the watch itself inside two zip locks, and it was perfectly dry. My bet is the Chinese postal folks had the backed up mail stored outside in the snow and rain for weeks, maybe under a tarp. Never seen that before. But, it's here after seven weeks, so have heart, guys.