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Everything posted by Brucelles

  1. Errm, possibly. The problem is that I work in Paris but speak schoolboy French and my watch guy, though he's really good, doesn't speak English. One of them, at least, was working, but totally inconsistent, sometimes it was 20 minutes / hour fast. Another was working, but kept stopping until I moved my wrist again. The watchman said that he had serviced them all and tried to fix an issue with something I translated as a regulator, but I am not really in a position to have a technical discussion with him. Oh, and one rattled. Not a good sign. That's a very helpful piece of information. Thanks very much.
  2. Actually, Automatoco, that's brilliant. I can either do it myself, as I have one spare to play with, or get my friendly, neighbourhood horologistto replace it. I have even found a movement on ebay. Thanks very much.
  3. I put all four of them in the shop for a service and three of them he couldn't fix easily; the 4th is still in there, but it's the 39mm version which my wife thinks is too big. I guess I could actually just ask my watch guy to fix one of the 1016s with a replacement movement, but I sort of like the fun of getting a new rep in the mail.
  4. Hi, My wife's beloved gen 1016 is back with its maker for some love, and will be gone for an estimated 4 months. She has a gen JLC Albatross as a backup, but it's a bit girly for her after the Rolex, so she wants a rep to keep her going. I have 4 rep explorers (I Like them), but despite having not been worn or bothered much for about a year they are all dead. Three came from Trusty, and one from Ruby. Can anyone recommend a seller of reliable 1016s? Alternatively, I am open to buying something I can cannibalise for its movement, though I am not an experienced horologist. I could probably get it apart and back together again. By the way, if anyone sees a decent JLC Albatross rep, please let me know, as I may need to cannibalise one since my wife caught her gen in the car door, and JLC want €900 to service and repair it.
  5. I used to own a Lamborghini Urraco in orangey-red (long story but in essence the owner's wife was [censored] off at him). For a 'supercar' it was hideous, designed by Marcello Ghandini This one is advertised in Car Trader Spain as "1973 CLASSIC BUTE OF A CAR Bright yellow" Link I think they misspelled 'butt'.
  6. I am sorry to be rude, but that thing looks like a upside down genitals.
  7. At least he didn't want oral. That would give a new meaning to the term 'dog breath'.
  8. Yes, but you would have to be really crass to want one.
  9. One point that noobs may not consider. Not everyone can tell a real Rolex from a replica. I would guess less than 1% of the population of Britain certainly (possibly more in Dubai). You may be happy with a good-ish copy from a reliable dealer. Ask Ruby or Andrew or one of the other recommended dealers here and you will get a watch that looks great, will run well for years, will fool 99.9% of the world, even if they take it off your wrist and look closely and will come in at the right price. You could go looking for a super sub, but realistically, there's a hit and miss aspect to buying from a website anyway. The excellent Breitling Chronomat I bought 2 years back is about 3 times better than the 'identical' model from the same vendor 3 months later. If you set your expectations realistically you will get a watch that looks the business, does the business and keeps you in business. By the way, don't get a 'solid gold' Sub. No-one in their right mind would do that, and no-one would believe it was real anyway. If you looked like you could afford a solid Gold sub you wouldn't be buying a rep, so people will know.
  10. I bought one from Andrew about 18 months ago. It was SS with a white dial and looked superb, I had a buddy take out some of the extra gears, which took him about 2 minutes. My guess is that your best bet, if you want this great watch but without the risk of failure, is to buy it and ask your friendly neighbourhood horologist to do the surgery for you. It will probably cost about
  11. I had a problem seeing photobucket images. Still made the purchase though, as they came up after about 5 minutes, so I guess it's fixed.
  12. Thanks for the review, I had considered it, but now I realise that it's just too big for my dainty wrists. I am back to ordering the full-bollock blingy TT Navitimer. Dudes, if you want to buy one from Precious time try: http://www.precioustime-uk.com www.ptswiss.com Or try www.eurotimez.com/ Thanks for the review, I had considered it, but now I realise that it's just too big for my dainty wrists. I am back to ordering the full-bollock blingy TT Navitimer. Dudes, if you want to buy one from Precious time try: http://www.precioustime-uk.com www.ptswiss.com Or try www.eurotimez.com/
  13. South Ossetia has been militarily quiet since the spring of 2006, when the Georgian Military and Georgian Government concluded a political, (bribery) and military campaign to add some disaffected South Ossetian villages to the Georgian Area of Control. Politically, it has been quite loud, provoked politically by the recognition of Kosovar Independence and economically by the boom in North Ossetia and Sochi, contrasted by the absolute absence of any attempts at economic development by Georgia. Still, the Georgians and the South Ossetians managed to sign a treaty guaranteeing South Ossetian Autonomy and re-committing to resolve their issues peacefully. On June 7th, the Georgian Military High Command finalise their plans and timetable for the reconquest of South Ossetia and submit them to Saakashvili for approval. He signs off on approval on June 10th. (There are often few secrets from Russia in the former SSR's as roughly half the population is still closely tied to Russia and has shifting alliances, sadly, the Russian FSB did not learn of this until August 12th, when they arrested the Deputy Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Georgia, while he was in Russia, trying to activate Georgian Intelligence cells (Russian Mafia) to undertake terrorist operations and sabotage ). On the morning of August 1st, Georgian artillery in the Georgian Area of Control open fire on the hamlet of Polia, killing six and wounding four, destroying the village and forcing its remaining 110 inhabitants to flee. South Ossetian Militia responds with sniper attacks and small unit raids on the Georgian Area of Control. Russia called for both sides to stop shooting and re-affirm their commitment to resolve their differences peacefully. Saakashvili accused the South Ossetians of starting a war and reaffirmed Georgia's commitment to retake the enclaves by any means possible and punish the criminals that infested those areas. On August 5th, the Georgian Military moved to their start line. Sporadic sniping and raids continued into August 6th, with a further 3 Georgian soldiers being wounded, and 13 South Ossetians were wounded and 4 killed by Georgian shelling. Saakashvili ordered a unilateral ceasefire and called for talks "in any format", reaffirmed the long-standing offer of full autonomy for South Ossetia, proposed that Russia should guarantee that solution, offered a general amnesty, and pleaded for international intercession to stop the hostilities. In an International Press release, the Georgian Government reiterated that it was prepared to engage in direct talks with the de facto government of South Ossetia without any preconditions. On August 7th, Georgia claimed that South Ossetian Artillery has shelled the villages of Avnevi, Eredvi, Nuli and Kurta, claimed that civilians were fleeing the area, but this was denied by the South Ossetians and to date, has not been confirmed to have happened. The Georgian Military crossed their start line. Now, strategically, there is only one way for Georgia to reclaim South Ossetia by force of arms. South Ossetia is connected to Georgia by a wide plain and rolling foothills, and connected to Russia and North Ossetia by 8 single lane, dirt, fair weather trails winding through the mountains, and one two lane, paved highway that passes through the mountains via the Roki tunnel in South Ossetia. Seize the Roki Tunnel in a lightning strike, covert action, or close the tunnel with an airstrike, commando raid or sabotage. Surround and invest Tskhinvali, bottle the CIS Peacekeepers up in their base, avoiding combat with them and basically turning them into hostages. The only means for the South Ossetians to resupply or reinforce is now by airdrops flying over the Mountains, the Russians are now limited to the 1000 CIS Peacekeepers trapped in Tskhinvali and what ever food, water and ammo they have on them. In Counter Insurgency Clear and Hold Operations, allied with bribery and political incentives, mop up the South Ossetians. Still, you lose any chance at reclaiming Abkhazia. The Georgian Military did not do this. Instead, they opened their attacks by flattening the South Ossetian villages of Kolia, Bana, Harvseti, Lenitiki, Otap, Akalgori, Kvasi and Rustavi Minos, killing roughly 500 South Ossetian civilians, and sending in Georgian Troops and Special Forces to force the South Ossetians to flee, raping and killing any who attempted to remain and burning the villages to their foundations. One third of the South Ossetian population was turned into refugees on the first official day of the war. At the same time, they indiscriminately shelled Tskhinvali with 155mm artillery fire, Grad MLRS area denial Rockets, Hind and Mil-8 helicopter gunships, and dropped cluster munitions and air fuel weapons from SU-25's turning it into a sister city to Grodzny. Their initial attacks killed over 500 South Ossetian Civilians, wounded several thousand, killed 13 CIS Peacekeepers and wounded 80 more. They then attacked with armoured columns and infantry, indiscriminately firing at both civilian and military positions and claimed to have taken the city. In reality, they never managed anything other than some footholds in the suburbs and some armoured thrusts into the center of town. Why they never attacked the Roki Tunnel became clear as 40,000 South Ossetian refugees fled via the tunnel to Russia. When the Bear got rolling, the Georgian Agenda became very clear. Unwilling to face armed and trained Soldiers, the Georgian Army fled from mere rumours of the Russian advance, continually claiming to have ceased firing and have evacuated South Ossetia over the next 4 days while continuing their ethnic cleansing in the villages they still occupied, even the Georgian Areas of Control, and shelling, rocketing and launching airstrikes on civilian targets and infrastructure in South Ossetia. Why is it that every military the US trains runs away? People make jokes about the French fighting abilities, but man, the French can really fight compared to any US trained example. Georgian attacks on South Ossetian civilians and civilian infrastructure did not stop until August 12th, when Russian forces completed mopping up Operations in South Ossetia and the Russian Air force destroyed the last Georgian Air assets. Pretty good summaries of the War, and the Propaganda War http://exiledonline.com/war-nerd-south-oss...r-of-my-dreams/ http://exiledonline.com/georgia-gets-its-w...s-brain-plaque/ another good summary: http://duckofminerva.blogspot.com/2008/08/...for-sanity.html and a perfect example of the Georgian Army running away, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle4509692.ece
  14. I don't think it's any secret. I had read (I think in the Scottish Daily Herald) that the UN are trying to get access to the remote villages in Ossetia in order to investigate an alleged massacre of 1,600 civilians follwing the total destruction of 10 villages. Apparently unofficial intelligence from US sources suggests that the massacres did happen. If so, then Russia's actions look a little more understandable. Not that one good massacre deserves another, but still, what would your country do if a neighbour slaughtered 1,600 of your people?
  15. Thanks Edge. I just took a fairly buggered Daytona apart, fixed it and replaced all the bits, thanks to you. It is even running. It may not now gain two minutes a week, but that would be too much to hope for. Cheers. I take my hat off to you.
  16. Bummer you didn't take the advice to check out the RWI sales forum. therebel sold a beautiful blue/white version yesterday. At $200 it may have been out of your range though.
  17. Well, many thanks for the expert advice. I guess I buy the ETA and find another project to mess about with. Given that I've just learned to arc weld, perhaps I'll turn my BMW 740i E32 into an E36.
  18. I need a Steelfish. Simple as that. I am wondering if it is a better idea to buy one of the Super Steelfish for $300+ or to buy a cheapo for $120-$135 shipped and an Ofreis DG 4813 and marry up the two. My concern would be the AR as I think, apart from sweep, Breitling AR is the biggest tell (No-one really memorizes font sizes do they?). I figure that swapping out the movement would be fun and make me feel good, and get me a cheaper super Steelfish, but only if the cheapo versions come with double AR. So, does anyone know if any do? and if so, who has them?
  19. Very, very nice. I wonder if a BCE would make a nice Christmas present for my wife. I'd have to wear it occasionally too, of course.
  20. My wife and I were both -6 in each eye, and we both had LASIK in Abu Dhabi in 1997 with a doctor Allah (!) doing thr surgery. It was a piece of cake, took a couple of hours , mainly waiting around, and we could both see to read street signs on the way home. My wife had no complications at all, and I had an occasional ghost image, basically a faint double vision when I'm tired. I was so happy with mine that within a couple of months most of my friends had had it done too. My daughter is -9 R and -9.5 L and is now 19. We will be looking to see what mechanism is best for her, but I suspect that it will be implants. I do love technology. It was good to read this thread, nothing new to me, but nice to hear how other people are doing.
  21. My gen Breitling chrono has non-screw pushers and is rated to 10atm/100m. tbh it doesn't feel right that the pushers still work under water, but I have used them to reset at 22 metres with no problems. I wonder about this: You heat up the watch, thereby heating and expanding the air inside it, if there is a leak it leaks out and the pressure equilibrates with the outside pressure. Then you drop it into cold water. The cold cools the case and thus the air inside it, which contracts and allows air pressure to force water into the case. It sounds to me as though you will fill your watch with water.
  22. That's a nice looking watch. Ridiculous for under $50.
  23. Interesting nick there. Do I smell another metallist? I actually took my daughter to an event called "Ronsters of Mock" this summer and saw a band named "Up The Irons" Damned good band actually. When I lived in the UAE (A.D.) there were a few good replicas in the Hamdan mall. You had to ask for them, but they were there. You do know that the chances are that the post office will open any watch delivered to you and may or may not confiscate it? I guess that you'll know more when the parcels start to arrive. Anyway, good luck with the watches. I envy you the sun. It's pouring down in Brussels at the moment, and the temp is around 7-9 degrees C.
  24. I appear to be lost.
  25. Thanks for the advice freddy333. I'll call the JLC boutique in London to see if they have a clue. The quote I got was an 'estimate' from a JLC AD in Brussels for shipping, insurance, repair, checking and return. They won't accept it without doing a service, which is a bit pointless as it was done about 6 months ago. Also, the time is an issue, I will be moving to Tanzania in the new year and I don't want a valuable watch sent via the mail to anywhere like that.
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