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Everything posted by jake48
OK - Said I would have some more pics by the weekend. Hope this is good for now. I didn't have time to set up the light box so I went outside - sorry for the glare...
QUOTE (jake48 @ Nov 3 2007, 10:09 PM) * In my quest for the ultimate TT I have spent at least twenty five hundred dollars Yeah, I know - it really doesn't make a lot of sense, but understand that what got me started in this whole Rep thing was that I wanted a good TT sub, but didn't want to spend $5,800.00 for one. The reason for the amount of money I spent was in large part due to my obsessive nature of getting a TT watch "Just right". Over the years I bought at least a half a dozen TT subs and spent countless hours and $$$ modding them. It really wasn't that hard to push past $1,500.00 trying to get it "Just right". Once I had spent that much, it wasn't like I was going to give up... Anyway, let me tell you that having bought all those watches, I have dealt with just about every dealer, met the people who Mod them and met people from just about every walk of life in this crazy hobby we share - AND FOR THAT, IT WAS NOT ONLY WORTH EVERY PENNY - I don't think I could put a value you on it... Now about the watch - we are quickly coming up on about one year since I posted this post. I have done the following to the watch since I posted the pictures and let me tell you, the watch still wears and looks like a new Gen... Here is what I did: Thinned the crown guards. Installed Gen tube and Gen Crown Re-Lumed dial. Milled and installed a more Gen like bezel insert. Removed cyclops and aligned lazer etched coronet at 6, then re-glued cyclops. The gold on both the bracelet and the bezel are still holding that unique 18k polished look you see on a Gen and sometimes when I look down at the watch on my wrist, I can't believe it isn't a Gen. Unfortunately, because I will be so busy for the next few days I can not take and post some pictures. Hopefully I can get some pictures up by the weekend that are worthy of this watch - it really is a beauty and I can't begin to tell you how lucky I feel to have traveled down the path that took me to this watch...
It's one worth getting - that's for sure. Given that there are very few Gens in existence, I doubt it's a watch that anybody would ever be able to call you out on - especially given how minute the flaws are. I sure wish there was a black SS bracelet finished like the watch that would go with it - that would put it over the top for me... I wonder if I get the PVD bracelet off of my Kobold to match? Hmmmm....
Anybody that would like to see the evidence I have about this guy feel free to PM me. This is his MO= Long blow hard post to boost his ego - usually some reference to his "inside sources" Gens, income or extravagant life style. When he gets called out he first claims victim (see above) Then tries and makes the other person out to be a bad evil person (see above) When this doesn't work, the threats start - Foul mouthed PM's - lawsuits (I have the proof) Don't say I didn't warn you... Your not worth my time Mr. Gee. You need help bro..
Well - it doesn't surprise me that this poster gets called out. RobbieGees "sources" have been questionable in the past and he was caught in a lie over at RG & RWI (he later went back and edited his threads to take out the incriminating posts, but I have them copied and archived) Bottom line - the guys a BULL$hitter... He just regurgitates stuff he reads on the web and if he get's called out, instead of backing his claims up, he goes all jihad on you. You really didn't think we weren't keeping an eye on you, did you Mr. Gee?
Basically, I think Ken is saying this - smaller triangle of course (correct me if I am wrong)
Nice watch Tourby. I really look forward to seeing the engraved movements on your presentation back models. Please post them when they are done.
I can see that you clearly suffer from an incurable disease called "Repitus" Symptoms include, but are not limited to: 1- Uncontrolled urge to check Rep web sites compulsively, sometimes more than 10 times a day. 2- Stating out loud and to no one in particular, but to whom ever will listen, "Really, this is the last watch I am going to buy..." 3- Spending inordinate sums of money to "Mod" a Rep knowing that it will still, in the end - just be a Rep... 4- Complaining that there is just no d@mn reason the Chinese can't make a "perfect" 1:1 copy, so the only logical conclusion must be a conspiracy by the "Factories" to get us to buy more watches... 5- Reviewing finances and thinking not in terms of how much money you have left in this weeks budget, but in terms of how much is left over as it equates to watches you need that are still "on the list"... 6- Hiding watches from the wife and when asked by friends how many watches you own, understating by saying, "Oh, a few..." 7- Posting to Rep boards that Reps have too many "flaws" yet ordering more... If you suffer from any of these symptoms you are almost certain to live a life of unfulfilled wanting. The only known way to cure oneself is to go "Cold Turkey" and renounce all watches - both Gen and Rep. Of course, if you feel that you have contracted this disease and would like to rid yourself of the cause (your current watch collection) I will be more than happy to avail myself of your need. Please PM me and I will give you the address to send the watches to
Well, if my sources prove correct, we are still 3+ weeks away from actually holding one of these babies in our hot little hands. Stand by...
Dave - I agree with you on principal - but I have got to remind you - there frigg'n Reps man! That's why we pay $300.00 for a $5,000.00 + watch. Believe me - the flaws bug me too and I have spent thousands on mod projects to get a watch as close to Gen as possible. I get great satisfaction out of my mod projects, but in the end - it is and will always just be a REP! If you want perfect - buy a Gen - other wise, if this watch is in the same family of recent "Super" Reps and they don't go too crazy with the price, it will be money well spent if you like this type of watch...
How about two?
+1 - I wish I didn't have to settle on these little flaws, but truthfully, if we didn't have such an anal group of guys who spent hours combing over pictures blown up 3x, we may never have even noticed some of the very minor differences. I am not sure I would worry too much about some one saying, "Excuse me, can you hold your wrist still and over in the light so I can examine your lume dot?"
Nice find poopy - OK - who is gong to man up and put down the cash for one of these guys? Looks pretty good to me... I am working on my source, but so far it is wait and see. I look forward to hearing from someone who has actually seen the watch... I have got to laugh though, SIX pages to this thread and NO ONE has even seen the watch in person... "V2" may very well end up being V1!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Considering we are merely looking at pictures (all be it three times the normal size of the watch) this watch looks very promising. I am with you on it looks good enough to browse through a Gen store on the wrist (please don't go on a "Never wear your Rep into an AD" tirade - I am not saying to do it - I am just saying the watch looks good enough to pass the test) If in fact this is a picture of two Reps and a Gen, the Reps at top and right and the Gen at left, the picture illustrates perfectly what I have been saying about trying to take a picture of a black watch to show it's finish (five pictures of the same watch and you can end up with five pictures that show the finish look totally different from each other due to lighting alone). I think the finish on the top watch may look different due to the lighting. Either way - a watch this rare that looks this close to Gen will pass the test 99.9% of the time as most people have never even seen the watch in person - including staff at an AD... Bad a$$ looking watch - hope the price isn't too killer (I have heard it may be on the high side) - looks like I might add this to the collection.
cAn I cOME tO YoUr HoUSe?
and some will not see enough...
And some not at all LOL...
Doc - stop and think just a little bit man... What have I been saying? For ME the watch isn't out till it is out (some one has actually seen it) What appears to be going on, from MY point of view is that you made some claims about the poor quality of a watch that had not been released yet. Now you have painted your self into a corner and still, before anyone has actually seen the watch, based on pictures that may or may not accurately represent the watch yet to be released, you have some how proclaimed your ability to predict the future. Like I said before - when someone actually has seen the watch let me know. Until then, I stand by my bet - I doubt the original picture posted of the watch will accurately represent the final watch produced. What's wrong with waiting until someone has the watch in hand before we start tearing it apart? Get over it doc- you'll have your day to say "I told you so" - or maybe you won't... I am hoping you won't, not becuase I have some ego driven desire to be right - but becuase I am hoping for a good watch... What's your motive for proclaiming the watch DOA before you have actually seen the watch? Could it be you ego is over riding your common sense? All I am saying is...
Good observations and you have every right to be cynical. I will check with some of my sources and see what they have to say about the Black Skyland. Untill then - what do I think? What I can say is that, as we know, there is more than one "Factory" Josh and Andrew do not have quite the pull many think they have - there are other dealers out there, some known, some unknown here on these boards, that have just as much pull with the "Factories" as Josh and Andrew would want you to believe. It's just that these other dealers keep a much lower profile and prefer to keep it that way. As far as "proprietary" watches and exclusive rights go - it's the frigg'n Chinese we are dealing with here. They are the hands down, uncontested, Olympian Champions of ripping off patented things - whether it be watches, software, missles or motorcyles - or each other for that matter - it's all fair game - there are no "rules" to speak of. We tend to approach the idea of ownership with a Western mind set of exclusivity- they do not. Anything can and does go - the Cartel can "claim" exclusivity, but the reality is that as soon as it makes business sense for the "Factory" to sell to someone else - they do...
Super - You bring up a good point, but I would ask that you consider a few realities - most of what we say here has little to no effect on what the factories produce. Some dealers have an influence with the manufactures, and yes our forum helps with our discussions to direct some input, but the reality is the manufacturers have made decisions to produce a watch long before we ever get involved and it will be made the way "they" want to make it - not the way "we" wanted them to make it. Look at how long the simple design of a 16610 is and people have been crying for years about how bad it is and yet we keep getting cr@p from the "Factories" Do you really think "we" have that much influence? The "Factories" for the most part, do what they want and for us to somehow believe that we change their course is like the fly on the tip of a charging rhinoceroses nose thinking the fly made the rhino go where the fly wanted. Sad, but true... IF I were to engage in any meaningful input that I thought would help with making a watch more accurate I would (and have) email the dealers direct with my input. Coming on a thread and blasting the "flaws" of a picture is easy and I am not sure it does a whole lot of good other than stroke someone
I agree - Josh's MO is to post a "Factory" picture with the $888,888 price and then usually there after, he posts the price and that the watch is available. On more than one occasion, however, I have seen watches go up and then disappear on his site. If I am not mistaken, this happened with the SSD. Not sure that it really means anything and I have never said I believe the watch pictured on Josh's site is of a "protoype" - it's just that after all the years I have been doing this I think we can all agree that RARELY does the initial picture of a watch do the real McCoy justice. Sometime the watch is better than the photo and sometimes it is considerably worse than the photo would leave you to believe. For the most part I try to seek out info on watches that come from someone with REAL first hand knowledge. This, for me, is someone who has held both the Gen and Rep. My observation up untill this point, that the watch pictured will probably be conserderably different than the watch produced, is based on the following. Factory photos have a verifiable history of being heavily photo shopped. On countless occassions dealers have posted pictures of watches to be realeased - yet when the watch is realeased it is nothing like the photos that were posted. PVD/black finnishes on watches can be photographed 10 times and you will end up with 10 different looks. Josh put up and then removed the photo That of course calls into question (for ME) the value of people who are so eager to proclaim a watch DOA before it is even released and anyone has even seen it. All I am saying, or have ever said here, is wouldn't it be prudent to hold off proclaiming a watch "Shitty" when we should be considering the factors I have mentioned? What do you think Andrew? Do you really think the watch that was pictured will be exactly like the picture when it is finally realeased? I am not really into specualting, but truthfully, I don't think it is much of a strech to say the final watch produced will probably be different from the one pictured. Untill then, complaining about how bad the watch is seems pointless to me as we really can't say for sure what the final version will look like...
Exactlty! I see you are starting to see the light... Now can we move along from the childish jibber jabber and talk about the watch. I kinda like poopypants bet that the watch in the picture probably won't be the watch produced. What do you think?
You two (Mick & Doc) had bad day? Bad week? Bad life? You are starting to squeal like two little pigglets knocked from your mamma's teet - wa, wa, wa , wa, wa. I'll try to break it down one more time. For ME a bunch of SPECULATION that came from a PICTURE of a watch that in all likelyhood is not even of the watch as it will be produced, does not have much value to me. My original request was that I "sure would like to hear form someone who had held both the Gen and Rep". I would think it is as obvious as it is simple. I really don't see much of an arguement trying to draw conclusions of the quality of a watch yet to be released when those conclusions are based on PICTURES. I really shouldn't have to explain something as basic as this to someone who has been around long enough to know, but here's a news flash for you guys - the "Factory" photoshops the heck out of thier photos and rarely does the "REAL" watch ever end up looking like it does in the photos. I am not really sure how one can make statements like this is "shitty" or the "case colour is wrong, too dark, too shiny" when we are talking about a frigg'n PICTURE and know one has even seen the watch. I find this amusing and of no real value - that is all - no reason to get all bent about it. For me, I like the truth and the facts that usually accompany the truth. It's kinda a real world thing - I prefer observations form the real dealeo. Now if you two want to go on about how "shitty" the watch that nobody has seen is, from pictures that are probably not even of the watch that will come out, be my guest. I would like to hear from someone who has actually held or seen both - that's all. As far as the personal attacks and the flaming goes - you guys are amatures- go back and read some of TTK's stuff. Now that was a guy who was good at being an a$$whole...
Now that's more like it - a bet'n man. I will not only bet that it will have the lume dot fixed? (Like the v2) but I will bet that there will be quite a few things that will be different from the original photo posted on Josh's site...