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Everything posted by solchitlins

  1. Where can I find the classic Quartz Speedmaster Moon watch? And what is the going price? I found one from a guy here but it's like $224, that seems awful high for a quartz rep right? And then I found the one on watcheden http://www.watcheden.biz/omega-speedmaster-working-chronograph-with-black-dial-i-18479-p-1.html But then I read that someone tried to order one and they changed the appearance of it???
  2. Here's Spunky and Chachi. sorry for your loss.
  3. everyone I know will be using that $$$ to pay some late bills. It's not going to stimulate the economy at all.
  4. I'd like to make a pretty necklace out of Guillermo Vargas Habacuc's teeth. That would be art!
  5. use davidsenjpn@gmail.com
  6. I think the SMP Chrono and the Tag Link Chrono are still awesome reps if you like the style.
  7. Thats one of my favorite gens but I'm not sure about any reps. Honestly my Asian econo movt has crapped out on me pretty fast on my SMP. If you really like a watch I would suggest upgrading to a ETA, atleast on the basic 21j movt. It's not that it doesn't run, but it seems hard to find the gears for setting it and the rotor doessn't seem to wind too much with out a manual wind anymore jmho.......... plus sapphire make a big diff.
  8. I read that the gen 005 is not a swanneck.
  9. Hmm? That's probally why it's taking so long. It's been a week now, still no package. Ohio to Michigan should be really fast.
  10. I used to, taking a break from it now. Ive had fresh and salt, still have an 6ft tank in the basement ready to go. My favorite fresh is the Blue Frontosa from Zaire, plan on getting a colony some day soon. not my pics/I wish I also enjoy ultra rare clownfish, although thats what eventually brought down my salt tanks, didn't quarenteen long enough, had a nasty disease, crashed my salt tanks trying to stop it.
  11. I'm a junkie! I need them all and like now!
  12. Is it down again?
  13. I ordered a few straps a few days ago. Just have to call Ron and give him your Credit card info. I ordered a Ivory Croc and a Grey Stingray, Pam style in 24mm Xlong. Looking forward to getting the package in the mail.
  14. seiko H558 arnold from commando I sold mine about 8 yrs ago. What a mistake.
  15. I bought one from WBK and I love it. It cost under $100 shipped from the USA to the USA. Not sure if he is a dealer here on this forum, but his reputation is outstanding. When he gets these they sell out quick. I like the watch so much that I have decided that when it croaks I'm going to try to find myself a nice used real one. or the chrono version maybe? So I guess you can't really go too wrong which ever way you choose. An ETA and Saphire would be nice but for under $100 the asian mineral glass version from WBK is awesome too. The down side is that the reps bracelet, while nice looking, doesn't come close to the feel of the gen. Another reason why I choose the cheap Asian version.
  16. Any Funk / Break dance fans here? these are shure to please: Pomona Beach style New age Sing'n in the rain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tACZJIZT4eE Korean Border guards dance off I also was thinking of a super cool Asian new wave music video where everyone doing the robot at the 7-11, gas station ect.. anyone know what I'm talking about?
  17. Ok if were getting that silly then how bout some Star Wars rap? Funny stuff.
  18. Totally differnt but check out Boy Wonder on Stunt Guitar. This video features Steve Vai with the Zappa plays Zappa tour. Give him a minute to get going but it's great! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...videoid=7101507 enjoy
  19. Thanks TommyJoe, I watched that like 18 times in a row. It really brought me back to some good times, also made me cry. I miss Jerry so much.
  20. I went and tried some on a few weeks ago and the Seamaster Chronograph was my favorite by far. Just felt perfect. If I ever drop serious $$$ on a watch that might have to be the one. I have one of WBK's SMP reps that I like so much I have given thought to replacing it with the gen.
  21. I love spoting a vintage Omega or Rolex. My family owns a restaurant so I nottice watches from time to time. I remember my Dads friend showing us his new flashy Porsche and he was wearing a cheap Seiko quartz.
  22. Hey looks like Chachi! btw Chihuahuas have been know to live up to 20 yrs. Some of those big breeds last about half that.
  23. The only Gen I have left is my beater Poljot Aviator. not my pic, ripped from web. Think I paid $90 new for it. Great little manual wind Russian time peice.
  24. I would like to add a personal story about Pit bulls if I could? Now before we begin, I agree it's all in how you raise them, but please be warned some dogs need more training than others. I know it's probally my own fault but, A few years ago after the death of my faithfull Shep mix, I decided to go adopt a puppy. I was told that the little pup was a Terrier mix. Probally a Rat Terrier mix. Well the little guy turned into a full blown Pit Bull. Scared the neighbors, was very hard to train, basically a Bad Dog. He was so cute, but a total spaze, allways biting us, shreding the place up. Didn't listen at all, maybe he was retarded, I'm not sure. Like he had dog A.D.D. It was like he was from Hell. It broke my heart but I made the decision that he was too much for me to handle. So back to the Shelter we go. I was a reck but I knew he was more than I could commit to. Thats when they tell me that they don't take Pit Bulls! That they will distroy him if I leave him! This is the same place I got him from! It took me a long time to find a spot for him in a shelter that said they would try to adopt him. I hope he found a home that could care for him better than I. Hopefully he didn't get put down. I'm still really messed up and heart broken over this. so please just make sure you find a breed that matches your life style. Maybe most Pit Bulls are wonderfull, mine wasn't. Also think about how other are going to preceive your dog. If your into having a scarry dog that frightens people then thats up to you. I know where I live Pit Bulls have to have a muzzel on when their out doors. Just something to consider is all. So now I have my two Chihuahuas. I love them so much. The first one I adopted from a couple, was allready trained. A year later we bought the Chihuahua puppy. There a much better match for us. They are good little watch dogs, sleep a lot, cost little to feed, keep us warm at night, don't require much excercise and keep us laughing all day long.
  25. I think Omega uses it's own movt, so the design of the chronos is spaced closer together at 3,6 and 9. It is impossible for the rep movt to be stet up the same, so it's a bit off. Still great looking just not the same as gen. The other SMP chrono, with the dials at 6,9 and 12 can use the rep movt and be set more like the gen.
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