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Everything posted by DemonSlayer

  1. Yes it is beginning to drain my finances Thats why I'm trying to cut back now and limit my collection. It is addictive, but I think we have to be rational at some point. Thanks! My favourite character in Street Fighter
  2. Had this one on earlier: Now switched to this one (just arrived today):
  3. I'm not willing to take that chance He's also given us the ability to commit murder, rape, and other evils. Does that mean we should go about doing those things? Not all the people of the earth were living in caves, grunting at each other and God knows what else. Other people at different parts of the Earth were growing their own food, because they knew how to.
  4. And he should have also made a being without the ability to create unspeakable evil acts, commit murder, rape and all sorts of other evils. But he didn't did he, instead he gave us free will. I can understand about the craving part, and I know how it tastes (I've tried it before ) but just because we crave something, it doesn't always make it right does it. Hell I bet a lot of men here have 'craved' a woman they saw on the street, but that wouldn't make it right if we just jumped on her in the middle of the street and rocked the bushes
  5. I recently bought a DJ, I have to say I'm impressed at this watch, though it feels really small after wearing a 111h for so long, I will soon get used to it. Mine has a fluted bezel, but I'm not sure which I actually prefer, a smooth or a fluted bezel. Which do you prefer and why?
  6. I was merely pointing out, that we as humans are not 'built for the kill' so to speak as the natural carnivore predators in the wild are. We have to resort to weapons to kill deer, antelope, cows and other animals. A lion or a tiger on the other hand hunts these using its teeth, claws, speed, agility, muscular strength and so on. Now, if an animal was coming to attack me, with intent to kill or severly injure me, then of course I won't be foolish enough to allow it to do that. I would defend myself in any way I can, so guns and knives would have to be used in this kind of situation. Humans can certainly survive without meat, I know many who do so, and for millenia humans have been surviving without the need to kill animals and eat them. God has given us the ability to grow our own food, a lion and a tiger can't. So they have designed to hunt and kill other animals for food.
  7. I understand that we have 'collectors' of watches here, and all collectors of anything, be it watches, china pottery or art have a type of obsession, and thats why they collect these things in large numbers. Some marvel at the look of the watch, and appreciate its beauty etc, and others like Lanikai put on a specific watch for cigar smoking I can say that I'm not at the stage where I will buy a watch just to put it on display and admire it, (thats a real watch nut) and probably never will be. I wear reps because I like the look of them, and I can also appreciate some of the history attached to certain brands. However thats not why I buy them, I buy them because I think they look good and they meet my criteria. I do agree with the cycles, a lot of people after buying a large quantity of reps, start to discover their tastes. Also as others have pointed out, start to mod their watches to get them to being as close to genuine as possible. I still stand by my original point, of people who want to pass of their reps as gens, but they wear a different one each day or week and don't think that anyone who notices this won't suspect them of owning reps Unless of course you are wealthy or can make yourself out to be.
  8. I think people who are so familiar with gen stuff, they are knowledged (and obsessed ) with it that they are able to tell a gen from a rep just by 'feeling' it. Thats some talent right there...
  9. The thing is, people are always complaining about reps not being accurate enough, and then they own 20 or so reps. They then wear a different one each day of the week or similar, doesn't that make you more suspect of owning reps, unless people think you are LOADED and able to afford so many gens. By the way this is only addressed to people who want to pass of their reps as gens. Then you have gen owners who have only own one watch, but wear the same one day in day out for years
  10. Firstly, are the eskimos there because they want to preserve tradition or they're forced to live there? You have brought up a group, which PROBABLY might die if they don't consume meat, however what about the large majority of the human population who are not in this situation. Humans are NOT natural hunters. Do you see any people hunting deer by chasing one, and killing it using its bare hands (or teeth)? A lion could do that with relative ease, because it is DESIGNED to do so. We have to use guns, spears, darts or whatever to do kill them.
  11. Hmm, your quite right about that Kruzer. However with gens, it can be seen as a financial investment, as some gens do increase in value over time, in some cases by quite a significant amount. This won't happen with reps, so the investment reasons can't be applied to them. I just can't see the point of buying so many watches, and they're just collecting dust on a shelf, never likely to be worn again.
  12. I think that buying lots of reps certainly helps us identify our taste in watches. For example someone who might never have been into Breitling or Rolex, have found that after purchasing them as reps, they have developed a taste for them. If I was in this position, I would sell off all the reps that I know wouldn't get any wrist time at all, unless, as I pointed out they have sentimental value or if you plan to sell when the price increases.
  13. I know there are some members here with an extrodinary amount of reps. However, whats the chance that all of them will get wrist time, not much... Unless they have sentimental value, is there any other point in having such a large collection? I think 12 watches is plenty, and in my opinion, the ideal amount would be 8 reps. However like many members here, I'm having trouble keeping the numbers low Personally any watches I find that are not getting any wrist time, and if they don't have any sentimental value, I would just sell them. Whats the opinions of others on this board?
  14. Yes, Jnagy the point you mentioned about the Gorillas having sharp canine teeth, yet their diets are almost purely derived from plants and fruit, and only occasionally eating insects. Also I don't believe that some ancient civilizations used to hunt and eat animals like the wild cavemen did.
  15. My parents drink that a lot, but its milk for me Have to keep my strength up Yes, its actually ironic that onions are a staple food in Indian cooking. I guess its just the case of people doing what they wish. You have some people who want to follow religion 'by the book' and others who take a more relaxed approach. I have come across verses in scripture which directly forbids meat and alcohol, but many people still consume these. Personally I still eat onions and garlic, actually within each of the three categories, theres 'levels' within each one So the effects of eating onions for example does not have the same strong negative effect as consuming meat.
  16. Yes, kind of like that I'm certainly not knowledged on this kind of stuff, so still have a lot of reading to do However its not just meat that falls into this category, alcohol falls into this category as do onions and garlic. I'm sure there are probably a few more. It can also be thought of as a 'you are what you eat'. As its not pure, it can have negative effects on the mind.
  17. Well, demons are hardly good are they? They're forces of evil, and therefore should be removed
  18. I'm glad you asked that question TeeJay As you already know, I am a Hindu. Food is classified into 3 categories known as gunas, sattvic, rajas, and tamsic. These are also known as the three 'tendencies'. Heres a quick wiki description: * Sattva (originally "being, existence, entity") has been translated to mean balance, order, or purity. This typically implies that a person with more of Sattva has a positive or even orderly state of mind. Such a person is psychologically kind, calm, alert and thoughtful. Compare also the bodhisattvas in Buddhism. Indologist Georg Feuerstein translates sattva as "lucidity". * Rajas (originally "atmosphere, air, firmament") leads one to activity. This type of activity is explained by the term Yogakshem. Yogakshem is composed of two words: Yoga and Kshem. Yoga in the present context is acquiring something that one does not have. Kshem means losing something that one already has. Rajas is the force that creates desires for acquiring new things and fears for losing something that one has. These desires and fears lead one to activity. (Rajas is etymologically unrelated to the word raja.) Feuerstein translates rajas as "dynamism". * Tamas (originally "darkness", "obscurity") has been translated to mean "too inactive", negative, lethargic, dull, or slow. Usually it is associated with darkness, delusion, or ignorance. A tamas quality also can imply that a person has a self-destructive or entropic state of mind. That person is constantly pursuing destructive activities. Feuerstein translates tamas as "inertia". Animal flesh, is in the tamas category. Therefore we believe that its consumption has a negative effect on both our body and mind and spirituality if you will. I believe that the actual sin is in the killing of the animal, and not the consumption. However I avoid eating meat even if the animal died in natural circumstances, for the effects it has on us.
  19. Yes, that may be so. I haven't actually seen a successful halal slaughter so I don't know how the animal reacts. If the animal is indeed rendered unconscious as soon as the throat is slit, then one can say that it will suffer less. However I haven't researched into any slaughter method so I can't say for sure. To me all animal slaughter is wrong.
  20. Its things like how we as humans aren't naturally designed to hunt animals for food consumption. We have to kill them using man-made tools such as guns, knives, spears etc. whereas lions, tigers and other carnivores hunt them with their teeth, claws and even by striking with the paw. A carnivores intenstines are the appropriate length to digest meat efficiently, without leaving traces of undigested raw meat in their stomachs. Their stomachs are very acidic to kill any bacteria present in the raw meat, humans have to cook meat to eat it to prevent the risk of falling ill or even dying from bacteria. There are other scientific arguments as well, all this just leads me to believe, that we as humans aren't naturally supposed to eat meat, and we can certainly survive without eating any. I'm with you on the milk I consume a lot of it also, I don't think you will find any Indians who are lactose intolerant
  21. I think its the whole slaughter with the blood and everything which shocks me. However me being a vegetarian, this shouldn't suprise you Personally I am against the slaughter of animals for consumption, both ethically and religiously. I don't believe that meat is a part of the natural diet for humans. I think science does confirm this in certain aspects too.
  22. Here are two videos I found on Youtube, showing a cow (I believe) and a goat killed via the Halal way, however I'm not sure how skilled these people were in the slaughter, because these animals sure do look like they suffered to me and the cow took over a minute to die: WARNING - VERY GRAPHIC
  23. Lanikai, I had no idea thats how it worked! So these 'forwarders' are basically people employed by the businessmen be they rep sellers or whatever, to pay any 'tax' is necessary to make sure these packages leave China. So customs seizure/confiscation must be pretty rare in China when forwarders are involved. I think the person I am dealing with is not being completely honest. I think he sent me a phoney tracking number. Today I contacted him, he said to me that the package was stolen by customs workers. He said what they do is scan the packages, if it contains something valuable like phones, watches, electricals etc. they open the packages, and steal and distribute it amongst themselves, and the seller can't do anything because the stuff is counterfeit. This guy is a huge seller of many replica stuff, so I know he has 'forwarders' working for him. I just wanted to learn more on Chinese customs confiscating things, but it seems that it doesn't occur very often, especially when forwarders are involved.
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