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Everything posted by DemonSlayer

  1. I agree with what you are saying. I would not sell a watch that I LIKE to wear, but I see gens as a financial investment only Why buy them when you can essentially get the same look and feel in a rep? I would buy reps for my own pleasure, and buy gens purely for a financial investment. If during my life, a gen I owned peaked its value, I would sell it and take the money rather than pass it on but thats only if I knew it wouldnt increase further.
  2. A gen is essentially a financial investment (depending on the brand ofcourse). Not only will you wear it, but you're 'babysitting' it to pass onto your children or any other loved ones, and they in turn would probably do the same. After many years, that $2000-4000 you spent might be worth $100 K in the future. If I had the money to make such an investment, I would (but only if I knew it would bring in much more in the future )
  3. I should hopefully have the second episode soon. As I couldn't find an already ripped copy on the net, I've downloaded and installed the 4oD software and should be able to download the episode on my computer. If it works I will then upload the episode on my rapidshare server.
  4. Much more comfortable on the rubber Or I might wear this one, it hasn't got much wrist time recently, my PAMS have been stealing it all I LOVE the 111h on rubber, such a change after wearing it on steel for so long
  5. Gen TeeJay They look pretty good to me TeeJay
  6. QUOTE: Uncle Jay: Arnold is wearing a 5218-203/A (#24) Pre Vendome. The closest Vendome would be the Pre-A, A, and B series PAM0004s with T dial. Some early Pre-A come with the T- Pre Vendome dials. Also, the 195, but that's DLC coated not PVD. Arnie's watch was a gift from Sly. Funny enough Sly wore a PAM in Daylight before his gift to Arnie, but Eraser was released first so it made it to the big screen before Sly's 201/A (#6). ^^^ Theres someone who knows his Panerai
  7. I must say that I have to agree with Narikaa on his point that some of the popular gens are not ball breaking to aquire I'm of Indian descent, and there are many people here in London who originally come from the same area in India my grandfather came from. Many people in this community feel the need to show that they are wealthy (even if they're nowhere close to being wealthy), and the ONE watch you will see almost everyone wearing who does this is a RADO. The most popular model with the elder generation is the Rado Original Diastar, the gold one In my opinion a horrible watch but each to their own taste. I've even seen some young people with the newer Rado models because Rado has become so popular and well known within this community and its pretty much the only watch that is recognised as being expensive I could walk into a social gathering with a gen Rolex strapped to EACH wrist and most of the elder generation won't even know what it is, perhaps even thinking its some cheap junk My nan, who is on state benefits, hasn't worked for over 20 years and is by no means wealthy, owns a lady Rado Diastar. If you save up a portion of your wage every week, you will soon have enough money to purchase a gen However I personally am not prepared to pay for overpriced gens, of which the large majority of the price is in brand name.
  8. I mentioned this brilliant series on the television series thread I started I think at the time there wasn't much interest in this series, but I like it a lot. I watched the season finale last week Very exciting 2-part episode. I am also a huge fan of the Terminator series, however I don't hold the third one in high regard (its on Channel 5 by the way for UK members ) When I was young kind all I understood was the amazing action and special effects However recently I've come to appreciate the storyline of the series. I have to say James Cameron is a genius for thinking of such a story, however it is debated whether or not he thought of the story originally.
  9. I thought so to, but it seems that theres no 'T SWISS T' under the 6, also the font on the numbers is different.
  10. Arnie wears a PAM in the movie Eraser. At first I thought it was a regular 111 model in SS. However after looking at screen caps from the movie, it appears that its a PVD model and with seconds at 9. The hour markers are also thick. What model do you guys think it is?
  11. The subdials are definitely eye-catching Definitely gives it a 'space' look and rightly so, it IS a space watch
  12. The whole egg thing was taking it too far IMO, same with the condom with the 'holes' in them. It seems like the Chinese will copy anything to save a few bucks, even if health risks are involved. @Dani: I'll keep a look out for the second part I saw the preview on the channel 4 website. This one also features fake Nike trainers, which the 'chavs' seem to find really popular One of the guys made
  13. Thanks again! Oh Victoria, I meant I am DEFINITELY considering Kevlar as my first strap, and then I will think about other synthetics for other straps. I'll check these links out and see whats on offer
  14. TeeJay stated exactly what I meant. Shoes are an essential item of clothing, I'm not wearing them for luxury but rather a necessity for when I go out of my house A leather strap on the other hand is definitely a luxury item, as I have pointed and others, that there are alternatives available. Leather was used in the country my forefathers came from, but the cow wasnt slaughtered for its hide, instead it would be used when the cow died of natural causes. I personally don't believe killing a cow or any other animal for that matter is justified for its skin. Thanks Victoria. That strap does definitely look the business, and a cool buckle too Thats exactly what I was trying to say TeeJay, thanks. Also your first point is true for me, I didn't find it very easy to source leather-free footwear. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, and I know many vegans opt to wear them, but I find footwear is a necessity rather than a luxury. I think I will eventually get one of these However for my first strap I am definitely thinking of going with Kevlar or the Kevlar look. Thanks to all for your help, its much appreciated.
  15. dluddy- thats a nice strap I saw that picture before and began searching for kevlar straps. I would be interested in it. Does it have a rubber backing?
  16. Hey TooTall, no problem you are not being rude at all. Yes I do wear shoes, both sneakers and formal (when the occasion requires them). However its pretty hard to source leather-free decent trainers and shoes. I see straps as a luxury item rather than a necessesity, as others pointed out, I can wear the PAM on rubber or S/S, I have been doing some searching and found some carbon fiber straps with rubber backing. Also it is also possible to manufacture straps using materials that look and feel like leather, but are not.
  17. There is a modder in the UK who goes by the name of "Tom" something, I'm not sure what his prices are though and have never dealt with him.
  18. Yes I own both the SS strap, and also a rubber strap. By far the most comfortable is wearing either the rubber strap or leather. Yes I have taken a look at some carbon fiber straps, but most of them have leather on the underside
  19. What a wide and varied collection I like it! Which ones are reps and which are gens (Cool Rado btw)
  20. I love my recently aquired 009 PVD and my 111h, however, Panerai is a type of watch that is probably best worn without a steel bracelet. Due to my personal beliefs, I won't wear a strap that was made from leather from a cow (or any other animal) that was killed for its meat, or a cow (or any other animal) killed for its hide (I'm not sure if that does happen). Therefore, I ask fellow members to please offer suggestions or help me source straps that are either not made from leather or any other skin, but are still decent straps nonetheless, or made from animal skin where the animal was not purposefully killed, but rather died from natural causes (I know that won't be easy to be certain of). Thank you to all for your suggestion/help.
  21. Yes it is a very interesting documentary. I'm sure the second part will be out soon, as another member mentioned earlier. Yes Andy, Burberry brought that upon themselves, its their own fault. I couldn't believe that those painters only get paid $1 per painting :0 that was astonishing to me, what prices do you guys think they end up retailing?
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