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Everything posted by fakemaster

  1. Eat less than you burn. The pounds will melt away. It wil require no effort on your part. Avtually less because you will be spending less time eating.
  2. +10000. Especially aince the pictures aren't even theirs to begin with.
  3. Need totake it apart and have a look. And your friend needs to pay for any repair.
  4. You can. You will have to change some things out. but Swiss is always better.
  5. I understand people are passionate about this. But a lot of it is semantics. In the end it all boils down to content. You can reconstitute domains and copy designs. But if the content is not there then it is not the original board, even if the same person did it. The database for RWG is gone. So RWG is gone. That is why it is called 'RWG Redeux'. In that same line of thought TRC is not gone because the content is still there. As far as the who did what, first and where why should it matter? We're supposedly all one community that is not engaged in competion with one another right?
  6. It is common for the hands and dial lume to be different.
  7. I don't prefer either one. Hate the visors. Personal preference for sure.
  8. Am I correct that you'd want to pay the same prices?
  9. People always say that. Who did you hear this from?
  10. Couldn't have said it any better. Soooo true. And not just the club guys either.
  11. Didn't you hear T? They all wear reps.
  12. fakemaster

    Top Gear

    Isn't that called Bullrun?
  13. Man I'll bet some of you guys are ticked you didn't see that. How often do you see opportunities like that.
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