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Everything posted by fakemaster

  1. Another clueless comment. How surprising.
  2. A bunch of clones wuth different screen names who are the same guy.
  3. I'll help you out if you need it.
  4. Oh yeah. 27 years to be exact.
  5. Lesser of two evils. Get both,
  6. RMFAOL Yeah they'll be right behind you. Alas poor ASC we knew him well.
  7. +10 And no one is able to spot a decent rep when it's on a wrist walking by.
  8. I'm still waiting to hear where someone has actually been called out by a passerby on the Subway.
  9. The guy was walking by. So the determination it was a rep was just a wild guess.
  10. Well. First they have no motivation to fix things that can't be seen without a loupe. Second, the rep forums are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. A few guys running around looking for the perfect Sub are not high on their priority list.
  11. It's over 500 now. Can't wait to see where it ends up.
  12. Before you start tearing it apart take a look at this. A Tutorial On Using The Seamaster Clasp
  13. Can't wait to see this one unfold.
  14. Finally closed at $400 US. Awesome.
  15. No one will notice or care what you're wearing so pick what you like better.
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