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Everything posted by fakemaster

  1. You can unscrew them? You'd ever need to unscrew them? You learn something new everyday.
  2. It's easy to forget we are the only ones who care. I will always stick by what I say in my sig. As a general rule no one gives a crap about you much less what you are wearing. Hell you'll be lucky if they even notice you're wearing a watch. I wouldn't worry because I have yet to hear of anyone being called out on a decent rep. Well unless they were asking for it. Just don't wear a 30k watch and drive a 71 Pinto. Don't shove your watch in everyone's face. Don't check the time habitually for all to see when there is a clock five feet away. Those are all obvious signs.
  3. Metal is metal. you can damage a gen just as easy as a rep.
  4. You have no idea how much you guys make me laugh.
  5. Wonder what doesn't have a lifer reported this.
  6. You guys are experienced enouigh to know he is using a pic of a 7750 there.
  7. Or any one not in a macro shot.
  8. They are different sizes. Do you want the bigger one?
  9. No it says it's a 21J. You need to drop quite a bit more for working chronos.
  10. Wher can we see this infamous cut?
  11. They're all the same. Take your pick.
  12. The Summer blue was a different shade.
  13. Looks like it ended at 798. How freakin' awesome is that. Thought it wouldn't go that high.
  14. A scammer is one thing. But if it's a trusted dealer please refrain from doing anything involving a chargeback unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary.
  15. Never said anything about dropshipping. Said he was selling an item that did not exist. It's his responsibility as a seller to keep in touch with his suppliers to make sure stock levels are adequate. If they're not then he is supposed to cancel the auction because 'The item is no longer available'. He didn't do that so he should get popped with bad feedback. How is that wrong? Happens here all the time. When a dealer takes money for an item on their site that is no longer made, they get flamed to a crisp.
  16. He was selling an item that did not exist. That's against ebay rules. Open a dispute. You won't get your stuff but it will aggravate the crap out of him. Then leave him negative feedback.
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