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Everything posted by fakemaster

  1. +1000. Especially the ones who are worried about markings on lugs that will never be seen. They are planning on doing something to somebody for some reason.
  2. "Involuntarily' That's hilarious. Everyone always knows what they're doing.
  3. Large watches are on their way out unless you're a rapper.
  4. Get a Tag. People will believe you're more honest.
  5. Well like it or not he's got us on 4 and 10. They don't increase in value. And many of the people on the board are constantly picking them apart in disappointement.
  6. I agree. I said the same thing at RWI and someone thought I was making an anti Obama statement. I'm like uh no I just think it's ugly.
  7. Good thing I'm not political. But just to point out a few things. You just made my day with that one. Even if it were incorrrectly recited he still would have used the correct words because he would have oh...read the oath before like oh, I did when I was in high school. +1. He was elected BECAUSE of his race not in spite of it. He will give them a check. He will just have to borrow more money to do it. Maybe he'll borrow it from the banks or the mortgage companies. The government will nationalize them soon. So am I. Seriously, you have no idea how much I am praying that he is.
  8. And the fact that no one can really be sure is exactly why our reps are so good.
  9. I'm sure it was 200 but if you got two reliable years out of it then that's about average.
  10. Interesting. People who truly need to be on time always seem to go quartz...
  11. There's another. And you might as well add Speedmasters to the list too. great thing about them is they come in a variety of sizes.
  12. Well Subs and Seamasters are considered sportwatches. And they both look great with a suit. Especially a TT Sub.
  13. Just keep an eye on ebay for new watches with no papers or boxes. Oh wait that's most of them. Nevermind.
  14. Why does everyome always count out the sport watches?
  15. They go both. I did a winder tutorial you might want to read.
  16. I don't know a 7k watch with no papers or box for 2400? What do you think? Good thing we're all smart enough not to buy off enay.
  17. And wear gloves. That crap is toxic.
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