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Everything posted by fakemaster

  1. It's ugly no matter what which means everyne will buy one shortly. I'm sure there will be a V7 soon.
  2. Reps are cheap. Just buy everything that catches your eye.
  3. It wasn't the half lume dot one was it?
  4. The bracelet will. The caseback may or may not. I've seen parts from identical reps from the same place not interchange. Won't hurt to give it a try.
  5. Why do all the good TV shows get cancelled and the crappy ones stay on? Why do people post bad cell phone videos of a concert they went to on You Tube? Why do people who don't vote complain about the state of the country? Why do people who do vote, that complain about the state of the country, always re-elect the same people? Why are stupid people allowed to procreate? Why do dogs hate cats? Why do people buy from dropshippers and then b**ch about QC? Why do people always ask who makes the best Sub? Why do they show the 8 episodes of World's Wildest Police Chases over and over on Spike TV? What does a Midget Flavored Lolipop taste like?
  6. I kept thinking I was opening the same thread by accident. I feel a spam attavk coming on.
  7. That things already gone ridiculously over value.
  8. This is asked so much. In fact it HAS BEEN BEAT TO DEATH. I lnow I have answered it yet everyone always says there has never been a resolution. Let's try again Reps are reps. Of course they are disposable. Any watch can be serviced. If your movement dies the decision to replace it should be based on the condition of the watch and whether you still like it. If taken care of they can last for 10 years. Of course it's not worth it because reps decrease in value I hope that's settled now.
  9. I would not be so anal about it. If you want everyone to know you like bond get the one with 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 007007007007007007007007007007007007 all over it. Otherwise buy the other
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