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Everything posted by fakemaster

  1. Never have understood how such ridiculous conspiracies get started. Little grey people?
  2. There are no dumb questions. Well yes there are. But yours was alright. You never know unless you ask.
  3. This watch relies on the movement of your wrist to power it. If you lay it doen for a few days it will stop. But if you wear it everyday it will keep going and going. Not as reliable as quartz but much better than a handwind.
  4. That is messed up. It is an Automatic watch. That's what they do. Wind themselves. They make a whirring noise. What did you think you were buying?
  5. If your watches stink for an extended time after you finish with them then you aren't cleaning them enough afterwards.
  6. I've argued that many times myself. Reps give people an opportunity to test the waters on a model they would have otherwise never touched.
  7. They all have flaws but actually they all look pretty good.
  8. So many of them are fantasy models. I used to try and decipher it but gave up.
  9. Most people who buy reps don't or most importantly CAN'T buy gens. They are not hurting them.
  10. Well there certainly aren't any aliens there.
  11. Well they have definitely been thrown into the spotlight because of Vond. But Omega is not considered a high end luxury brand. But they are good watches.
  12. The Big Bang was fashionable? I must have missed the first update.
  13. Didn't Jay send Doc the infamous hours @9 Daytona?
  14. LOL! We have a Jetmid sighting!
  15. Well they didn't have Ceramic bezels on theirs so they were cowering in fear.
  16. The people who complain the most are the ones who keep re-electing Ted Kennedy. Until people have to pass a test to vote then it will never change. So there's no point in getting in a fight about it.
  17. LOL. Like it's hard to be President. (Did he say that?) That's how you stir it up slay.
  18. I just had a traumatic experience that I thought I should share with everyone. I recently broke my watch and I needed to buy a replacement. We know the dangers of rep buying. I looked hard but it seemed there was something wrong with every one I looked at. Rehaut that was a micron off, Incorrect handstacks, misaligned cyclops, Can you believe I even saw one watch that had a tiny spec on the datewheel? I mean what are these rep makers thinking? The thought of staring at that through my loupe every month on the 17th made me ill. Anyway after a long and hard search I finally found the watch I wanted and pulled the trigger. I was happy with my purchase. I felt I had made the best choice possible. When it finally came in he mail I strapped it on and headed out the door. I took the subway to work that day. It is a dangerous place I know but my car was in the shop. As I stepped into the car it was full so I was forced to stand. I walked over to the side of the car, grabbed a handstrap and settled in for the ride to work. THAT'S WHEN IT ALL WENT HORRIBLY WRONG........ So there I stood, reading my paper. Then it happened. THEY came in. It was the local street gang...The Anals. Everyone knew who they were. You could spot them by the loupes they carried on their belts. They even had them attached to those little retractable wire clips for quick release. I looked up at my left hand. I was using it hold onto the handle. I panicked and pulled my hand down. The hooligans moved slowly down the car, their heads rocking back and forth as they checked every watch. I pretendted to casually read my paper. I prayed that they hadn't seen me pull my hand down. Maybe they'd go after someone else. There were several guys looking shamefully at the floor. If they were wearing Rollies I was home free. One of them walked by me sniffing the air as he moved through the car. I recognized him. His name was Stack. He could spot a bad GMT hand from a hundred yards. As he slithered by i breathed a sigh of relief. Then he suddenly stopped. His head snapped around like a Cougar that had just spotted his prey. Oh s**t he was looking at me! I tried to run. But I only managed to get about two feet down the car before 5 of them tackled me. I was helpless. As they held me down me down one of them grabbed the watch off my hand. Stack walked towards me, switch opener in hand. In a split second he had the case back off and with the whir of the wire he was examining the internals. Then he looked at me, grinning like an evil Chesire cat. Try as I did I had somehow missed the fact that the 2nd indice on the left right side of the rotor underinterior was 1/1,000,000 if a micron too short! Maybe in another city...another town...on a Monday after a holiday weekend.....when everyone had called in sick....it might have gone unnoticed. But it was not that day or place and they found it the bastards. I was done and I knew it. Well it didn't end well. They tied me to one of the posts and left me there with my watch taped to my chest along with a sign that said 'FAKE'. It was the most embarrasing day of my life. Even so I thought i should share it so that others will not suffer the same fate.
  19. You shouldn't go in the water with reps. But if you decide to do it and they get wet I have some advice. Immediately go here: Then immediately find the next nearest It's just a rep.
  20. That is really crazy stupid.
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