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Hello everyone, Several months ago I have received a promotional email from Trustytime and learned about their new replica product sites: FinerLabel.net Andrew claimed that the website is operated by his brother Ben, and AAA+ quality of bags and service will be a standard of them. Since I am interested in getting a replica bag and I have seen some nice reviews about them on the forum, I have decided to give them a try. The overall communication and purchase process went smooth; I have made the payment on Sept 27th, and I have received the item on Oct 7th. Around 11 days to have the product shipped to me. However, the product I am receiving has seriously disappointed me AND I will never purchase anything from FinerLabels or even Trustytime. The product I am receiving have different patterns and colour of interior, and Ben has refused to send any QC photos throughout the purchasing process. Review of the same bag from FinerLabels.net : http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/173240-my-experience-with-finerlabelsnet/ The Chanel Bag that I have purchased: http://finerlabels.net/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=1081&search=30172 Photos of the bag and comparison begin here: I understand that you cannot compare a replica bag with genuine bag, but the quality from FinerLabels is below standard, it is same quality as the 200$ RMB chanel replica bag. I can even locate the 200$ RMB chanel replica bag that FinerLabel has sold to me. 200$RMB Replica Chanel: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.222.hTZGeL&id=40842929037&ns=1#detail Comparison of the screws A photo without red lines: To me, the shape looks really bad. Poor quality bag I am receiving AND here is probably the "BEST" part of the BAG: Product I am receiving is even different from the one presented on their website: Currency Exchange Prove: FinerLabel is charging you 268$USD (1645$RMB) for a bag that is originally selling for 33.91$USD (208$ RMB) 208$ RMB Link: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.222.hTZGeL&id=40842929037&ns=1#detail You cannot compare replica product with genuine product, but FinerLabels is selling POOR QUALITY PRODUCT and MAKING LOADS OF PROFIT FROM YOU. I am not an active member, and I am used to research on reviews and comments only. I have bought several watches from TrustyTime and InTime before, all of the watches are impressive. But in comparison, InTime Ryan is awesome to deal with. I have contacted Ben about my concerns and dissatisfaction, unfortunately I still have not get any reply from him after 24 hours. The quality of service they are providing is horrible, and they are not a HONEST seller. To me, THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED AT ALL. Thank you for reading the review, and sorry if there is any inappropriate or offending language used.
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- FinerLabels
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