I have been a Replica collector for a number of years, but never got into the forum & discussion part of it. Lived out of the country (USA) for almost 20 years and always bought directly from sellers. It was nice to hold it in your hand and look at it before actually putting down the cash.
I relocated back to the USA almost a year ago and have gone through replica withdrawls lately and started to do a little browsing and surfing. I may have to actually step out and make a purchase online.
I personally like Omegas, Panerias, Breitlings and a few Tags. Have a few others and have even given a few to friends.
Here is a few pictures of my collection. Not all were present at the time of the picture. I just might have an addiction! Is the an AA for replica watch collectors?
The pictures are'nt the highest of quality or clearest but you get the idea. I tried to get better ones, but the lighting was messing with me