Well, i had been wondering what the legal conequences of buying replicas would be, and now i know.
At 8.45 pm it knocked on my door. I opened, and two armed police officers (they are not normally armed in Norway, only on high-risk jobs) entered together with a guy from customs. They were armed with pistols, bulletproof vests and a battering ram. I was arrested and put in a holding cell. I was told i had broken the customs law, but no elaboration on what they meant. After 6 hours in the cell i was brought up to an office. The charge against me was taking a watch out of the country without declaring it! The fact it was a rep didn't factor in.
This has inspired me, and i therefore offer a transport service for all Norwegian members who are afraid of customs. They can have it sent to Sweden, and i will pick it up, take it across the border, and mail it domestically. :-)