Let me preface this little tale with the following qualifier, I take care of all of my things and this extends beyond just my watches! I love wearing luxury watches, I like having nice clothes and a nice laptop, nice cell phone, nice shoes and nice cars. I'm not one for weathered, worn out, beaten up and used, I like everything to look like it just came off the shelf, like I just pulled it out of the box or drove it off the lot. I wash my car every week (in the summer, winter is a crap shoot of salt and sand on the roads) and I regularly clean my watches and cell phone to keep them free of finger prints and other smudges. Is it a little OCD, maybe, but I don't think so, I just take pride in my things and was proud that after two years of use, my old iPhone 4 was still in mint condition (seriously, I mean mint!).
So it should follow that when I park one of my nice cars (nothing special, but still nice) in a parking lot I park further away from the exit, in a low traffic area where someone is less likely to park right next to me. This is done in an attempt to avoid scratches and dings from careless folk whose doors are opened more carelessly than mine, or whose belt is dangling with keys, cell phone holster, and other things that I wouldn't be caught dead clipping to my belt I do this because my car looks best when it's shined up from a fresh wash and a wax, when the rims are break dust free and when THE DOOR DOESN'T HAVE A 5 FOOT LONG SCRAPE RUNNING DOWN THE PASSENGER SIDE BECAUSE, WHILE SOME ASS HAT OUT THERE CANNOT DRIVE, THEY ALSO LACK THE DECENCY TO LEAVE A NOTE TO COVER THE INHERENT COST OF REPAIRING THE FRONT AND REAR PASSENGER DOORS OF A LUXURY VEHICLE! Sorry for the typographic yelling, I'm just really upset by this and currently want nothing more than to track this person down and confront them, why the hell should they get away with causing that much damage to my car? I want their insurance to cover this, I want them to cover my deductable and most importantly I want them to be held responsible for their wreckless and careless operation of a motor vehicle!
I'm at work now but I'll update with some pictures when I get home tonight, you should really see this scratch, it's pretty epic for a parking lot oops. I guess now I'm just off to call my insurance company and see if they will fix this one for me.