While not an original idea (Thank Mike on a Bike for that idea), I thought I'd create a fake watch repair invoice for people sending reps to countries with risky customs, or those who just wanna go to the extra effort of ensuring their replicas end up where they want it to end up. Instead of making your own one up, I made one for everyone to use. All you have to do is 1) Download the .docx file: http://www.filedropper.com/fakewatchrepairinvoice
(I can upload it in another format if someone wishes) 2) Change the watch details and date. You can also change the particulars, cost, and even the name of your 'watch repair store' if you want 3) Print it out 4) Place it with the rep you're sending 5) Declare on your customs deceleration form something like 'Repaired timepiece' or something along the lines of that
6) Send it off
I welcome any feedback, or if there are any flaws in my idea.
Happy shipping guys