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3717 - Lume comparison rep vs gen


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For starters, This doesn't strictly qualify as a rep vs gen comparison cos the gen is not a gen per se... its the next best thing, a gen dial with ARed crystal. So disclaimers aside, on to the lume comparison between my swapped out rep dial and the gen dial.

As mentioned in my previous thread, the rep lume markers are a dead give away cos they are chunky flat sharp edge markers. Here's a comparison shot side by side.


Here is a lume comparison shot after 10s UV light. Rep hands placed on for comparison - Notice the difference in brightness and 'greenness' in the markers esp horizontal markers which are in focus


After Luming, the shape of the marker can be made more rounded and this imho is even more valuable than improving the lume quality. Although you can't reduce the thickness of the marker unless you completely remove it, you can make it less crude sharp edged and closer to gen like. Couple of after lume pics


9 o'clock marker


Close up of the roundness of lume at 9 o'clock marker


A shallower angle - better view of the edge roundness of the 3 and 9 markers.


Lume shot of dial


And the final conclusion, another comparison shot of both dials - The difference in brightness and 'greenness' has been corrected with the right formula mix of lume.


Hope you've enjoyed this little comparo of mine.. took me more time taking photos than luming! haha



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  • 2 weeks later...

I realised that luming the markers rounder does reduce the sharp edged blockiness of the markers but does not reduce the chunkiness of the rep marker, which for me is still the biggest tell.

So i'm working on reducing the chunk on the markers now on my spare work dial. Here are some pics, 3 marker is reduced compared to rep 9 marker. Also the 12 marker is reduced compared to rep 9 marker. Just a thin layer of lume on top and should be much closer to gen due to reduced chunk.



Will update again later.

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After luming the shaved markers, the chunkiness of the rep marker is gone and more gen feel. Hope the photos can show the roundness i've tried to create to reduce the sharp edges of the shaved rep marker.



Certainly tedious and high dial fatality rate haha but much closer to gen effect than luming over the rep markers.

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