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Strap Suggestion for my Yellow Avenger Seawolf Breit

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Hi RWGs...

Since I'm kinda new to Breitlings , I need some help finding a new strap for my Yellow Avenger Seawolf

it's this one


bought it as it looks , with the blue strap...

Now , I don't know much about breit straps (more like a pam guy)

Today I found the Mona Serie by Peter Gunny but I would be grateful if you could suggest me other straps,makers,web sites that sell breit straps..



Hi, nice wolf, still want one of those.


I use them (going to buy the metal one someday too): http://www.strappedfortime.com/shop/item.aspx/hadley-roma-stainless-steel-breitling-pilot-watch-band/107/

them: http://www.watch-band-center.com/shop2/index.php?user=watchstrap&hkat=357&skat=360&so=3

something like this is inexpensive and great: http://www.watch-band-center.com/watchstrap-p18287h357s360-Watch-strap-Nairobi-.html

they have others which are more for comfort. Changes the look a lot:)


and do like Bradystraps a lot because they come with the inbuilt toolless lug release system.


@asciwhite : NATO?hmmmmm...not a bad idea at all....;)



@Nightwatch : If I'm going for the leather option , I would rather go for something premium....but they all look pretty nice...:)

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