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The next Houston Texas GTG is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, 9 May 2009 at Guadalajara Hacienda, 9799 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX, from 11:45 am to 4 pm. I just got off of the phone with Nigel, the manager, and Miss Jessica will be serving us again!

The last GTG was the best one yet with an awesome turnout from all the boards! I cannot wait to see how the next one will be!

It does not matter where you are - Dallas, San Antonio, Tomball or Timbuktu - we extend a warm invitation for you to come and be with your fellow watch enthusiasts! It will be an afternoon of friendship, fellowship, food and, most importantly, watches!

With the tentative date being almost 6 weeks or so away, there is more than enough time for plans to be made to attend. If you have never been to a Houston GTG, you don't know what you're missing! I urge everyone to please consider attending.

I envision this GTG to be a bit different than the rest... I would like to see an agenda somewhat. I will try and come up with something in the next few days or so and present this to you the members for approval. Stay tuned.

So, there it is! Sound off, spread the word, make your plans! I can't wait...I know you can't either!


Only 4 more weeks folks!

Bring your new watches and your friends...I am very much looking forward to this one!

Thanks to everyone for spreading the word...more to come soon!

  • 3 weeks later...

OK folks...let me give you an update.

My apologies for being scarce. A health issue and work has kept me busy.

If you are planning to attend the GTG for May 9th, I ask that you RSVP to big_offshore_daddy@yahoo.com with the following information:

Forum Name

First Name

Forum(s) You Belong To (This is a multi-board event)

I will post tomorrow with the agenda details.

Posted (edited)

With almost 5 days to Saturday, the next Houston GTG is almost upon us!

Remember, it's this Saturday, 9 May 2009 from 11:45 am to 4 pm at Guadalajara Hacienda, 9799 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX.

If you haven't done so already, please take 90 seconds and shoot me an e-mail letting me know that you're coming. I already have a list who have said they're attending, and I have a list that I am pretty sure that will attend, but I'd like to have this for two reasons. 1 - For the establishment, so we'll have plenty of settings for everyone. 2 - So I can have enough nametags for everyone.

Here's what I would like to see:

1. An hour to an hour and a half of Meet and Greet, chit chat, eating, etc.

2. Formal discussions of our hobby...whatever you want to bring up.

3. More chit chat.

We will also have a special guest. My watch repair guy wanted to attend and see what our hobby is all about. Miguel is a Rolex expert in his own right and would be an asset to our community if I can talk him into joining.

This is just a rough outline. If you would like to see something else added, feel free to mention it.

Folks, if you have never been to a GTG, especially a Houston GTG, I encourage you to attend! We have an awesome time of food, fun, fellowship and, most importantly, watches! We always have a great turnout, with some coming 3 hours just to be there. Won't you come too? We'd love to see you there!

Edited by Bill Vest
Posted (edited)

OK folks, the next Houston, TX GTG is just a few days away. Remember, it's this Saturday, 9 May 2009 from 11:45 am to 4 pm at Guadalajara Hacienda, 9799 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX.

At the present time we have 15 people who have said they will attend. And I have been told that some will be bringing friends as well. I have told the restaurant to expect 25 to 30. If you have not contacted me, please do it soon so that I may give the restaurant folks a final number Friday, and ensure that we have enough place settings.

If you want a pre-printed name tag instead of a "Hello, my name is..." sticker and a Sharpie, and you know you haven't contacted me, I need to hear from you as well.

Please contact me at big_offshore_daddy@yahoo.com.

Let's make this one the best GTG yet! Bring your friends, significant others and spouses! Bring your cameras! Bring your cash and checkbooks! We want to see everyone there!

Edited by Bill Vest

It is less than 48 hours away...are you coming???

OK folks, the next Houston, TX GTG is this Saturday, 9 May 2009 from 11:45 am to 4 pm at Guadalajara Hacienda, 9799 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX.

This is has the potential to be the best one yet! We have about 20 people confirmed, not including spouses, SO's and friends. If you haven't made your plans yet, we invite you to come for an afternoon of good food, great fellowship and awesome watches!

I do hate to mention this, but there isn't much choice...

Seeing as that it is looking like we'll have more than 20 people, the restaurant's rules require 1 server for every 20 people...so we will have 2 servers. What that means is that the management respectfully requests we take care of our servers. The server must get a minimum of 18% per ticket or $70.00, which ever is greater. Here is what I propose...

I am asking that everyone bring $10 - $20 to put in the kitty for the servers, plus tipping 18% minimum. That is not much to ask for those who are sacrificing waiting on multiple tables with a very good potential, to spend an afternoon with us. They took very, very good care of us the last time, and it is the least we can do. Please, do it for the children.

I thank you all for your time and attention to this, and I know that they will appreciate your generosity.

If you haven't RSVP'd yet, please do so to big_offshore_daddy@yahoo.com.

I can't wait to see all of you on Saturday!!!


Here are the members from across the boards that have confirmed for the next Houston GTG. It is this Saturday, 9 May 2009 from 11:45 am to 4 pm at Guadalajara Hacienda, 9799 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX.

So far we have:

Mr. and Mrs. brtelec

Mr. and Mrs. BobM

Mr. and Mrs. Cyfer (SugarMamma)

239rep and 2 friends


indyberetta and Miss Jo





SoCal Transplant





Miguel The Watch Repairman

If I have left anyone out, please send me an e-mail to big_offshore_daddy@yahoo.com.

We would love to see you there!


TODAY IS THE DAY!!! Three hours and counting!!!

The next Houston GTG is almost here!!! It is this TODAY, 9 May 2009 from 11:45 am to 4 pm at Guadalajara Hacienda, 9799 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX. If you haven't made your plans, we extend a warm invitation for you to come join us for an afternoon of good food, great fellowship and, most importantly, awesome watches!

This is looking like this is going to be the best one yet! Won't you join us?



Another Houston, TX GTG is in the books!

If you weren't there, we really missed you! And you missed a great time of food, fellowship and - the reason why we were there - watches! We had another great turnout from members across the three major boards! My apologies for not posting yesterday, but I was overtaken by other obligations.

The GTG was held yesterday afternoon at the Guadalajara Hacienda, on the Katy Freeway in Houston, Texas. Our gracious host, Nigel, again provided a wonderful venue for us to meet today.


If you ever find yourself in the Memorial City area of Houston, stop on by and have a meal or a drink. With as many Mexican restaurants as we have here in Houston, this one is indeed a well kept secret!


For the second time Miss Jessica, our server, took very, very good care of us again. Your drink was never empty and your food was at your table within minutes of ordering! Thank you again, Miss Jessica, for a great afternoon and your wonderful service!


And now on to some of the photos!

A discussion involving the current state of the world economy and how best to take over the world.


A display of the wares...



Mr. Savage's ubiquitous display of straps!


Doctor Ron, selling the store...


Viewing the wares!



Bless us, oh Lord, Lenin and Stalin, for these gifts which we are about to receive...


Alligoat in a discussion...and sporting an awesome FG rep!


Indyberetta and Miss Jo, perusing the fare. Indy sported an awesome FG Daytona (oh yes, folks, it's really REAL GOLD!).


239rep and his newest fighter, the Pride of Chicago, Houston, RWI and Moscow, DoctorRon!


BigOffshoreDaddy (BillVest) enjoying a cold one...Stay thirsty my friends!


BigOffshoreDaddy (BillVest) and his life partner, brtelec, sharing a tender moment. Honestly folks, brtelec is one of my most trusted and best friends on the planet, and I am proud to call him my brother.


The next Houston, TX GTG will be announced very soon. In the meantime, thanks to all that attended! For those of you that could not make it, you were truly missed and we hope to see you at the next one! In any event, were it not for each and every one of you, we could not do this. Thanks for making this all possible!

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