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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2012 in Posts

  1. Yes I know the 30 is backwards 305L I can't wait to get home and strap on my Donerix strap
    1 point
  2. Ronin: I am in FL and got your stuff
    1 point
  3. Modern custom BK GMT Iic for today:
    1 point
  4. I pinning my hopes on the pilot
    1 point
  5. The thing about Rolex is, you can't win either way, if it's gen, it's seen as a fake, if it's rep it's seen as a fake, so if you like the watch then that's all that matters! hawaiian robot: the asian 21j is just as nice, the movement comes in for a bit of criticism but it's not too bad, they are a straight forward swap out with another should anything go wrong with the movement, (even saying that makes it sound like expect the worst ) they really are not that bad at all. Plenty of people are happy with their a21j PO's. vandal: no watch yet, nothing worse than waiting, I'm sure you'll be sorted soon, the apparently don't bother seizing these in the US, the dealers are so confident they offer to replace all free of charge in the unlikely event that it did happen. They're just being slow. Now if it was in German customs that would be another story. Also agree on the aquaracers, both chrono and non chrono are really good (I didn't realise until recently that the chrono was so good aswell) I originally had a gen quartz blue 500m.....really gorgeous, then I got the rep black and sat down one day and examined both watch heads side by side, they really are amazing you'd need a loupe to see the minute differences, some people complain that the logo isn't cut as accurate as gen....yes that's a valid argument...when examining the logos under a 10x loupe
    1 point
  6. Adeodatus: I understand you were saying it satirically. I actually found it pretty funny. The guy isn't on the top of my friends list anyway, since him and his crew is planning on ripping me off, and will do so as soon as the smallest opportunity arises. I don’t normally think it’s a good idea for me to lose large sums of money, so I also don’t feel the need to extend them additional courtesies. Vandal: It sounds like that Trusty Time is a pretty good place. I mean, you had a problem and it was taken care of, that says A LOT. I read about the “short crown” issue in your other thread. I worry about a couple things in the REP game. 1. What happens if this is seized in customs (or lost in shipping?) From the end user, their out a watch/money, they WANT that watch/money. From the dealers view: the watch was sent; your problem. I wonder what would happen in that situation. 2. If there is a problem, is the dealer really going to do anything or just ignore you? I think the trusted vendors, you know you're going to get taken care of, and in the case of Trusty Time, Vandal, you're sure of it. So that's a lock. I'm pretty confident in Joshua, even though I haven't put it to the test, but really only because he is charging (relatively) quite a bit more than others. I could be totally wrong, but that is my educated guess. I’m sure it helps to be on the forum(s) so they know that it could affect future sales. As far as calling out the fake Rolex. This is someone that grew up in Chicago with me; I was just ribbing my mate, it wasn’t all sinister. The watch is canal street fake man. Like Vandal said, “It’s a fake F’n watch.” It isn’t real. Don’t get your panties in a bunch when someone asks if it’s fake or calls it out on you. Your watch and accessories don’t define you. When your Tyler Durden, with an identity of your own, this stuff just falls off your back. I feel, pretty much, the exact same way he does. It’s a nice $300-$350 automatic “Swiss” movement (supposedly.) It’s a decent watch, and that’s all I need. I like the looks of the P.O. If someone thinks it’s real, all the better. That said, I am not the kind of person who is going to spend $4,500 on its GEN counterpart at this time. I have the money, in fact, I wasted, I mean spent, as much as a GEN watch would have cost last week, on a similar un-necessary luxury item that I wanted. If I like the REP, and actually WEAR it (my other issue) then I may, in the future, consider a GEN. I wholeheartedly agree that the markup is ridiculous and un-necessary. I was going to get the GEN 300M second hand for $1,300, then I really started to like the P.O. and thought, “I’ll try this if this REP is that close.” If this GEN watch new was 2 grand, I would have bought it in a heartbeat. For the price of the GEN P.O., I could have manufactured my own titantium case that was an exact match to original, have someone throw in a REAL Swiss 2824 movement, and Franken the rest of it all with GEN & REP parts (where not crucial) for the same amount, and to me it would be better than what they are selling. That’s me. If I can make it, and make it better than what I can buy, for cheaper, then that is not a product I am going to buy. Some might say, “That’s not a GEN Omega product.” Yea, no kidding, to me, it’s better. I respect the guys on here Frankening their watches, I sometimes scratch my head when I hear how much they are investing into them, but hey, I’m not paying their bills. So what’s it to me? I wish I had that level of skill and dedication to do that in some form or another, and I may want to pursue something like that in the future as a hobby. I think to make the statement that someone is “force fit” into “our” community is ridiculous and childish. In fact, when I came here, I read a thread of “good drama” about people from here, kicked off some other forum, for essentially nothing. I’m a lighthearted person. I say a lot of stupid S#!T, and probably insult many people without realizing it. Hey, that’s me, that’s where I’m from, I don’t pull punches. Take it or leave it. The accentuation on “our community” really implies “your” community, and to my understanding, it is not YOURS. If you're implying that I am helping one vendor or another from China, or ultimately could give two squirts of [censored] about them, then you're sorely mistaken. I am not helping any vendor; I have no ties to any vendor. I am not Chinese, if I was, then I would be standing here with a doctorate with honors as the grand pooh bah of understanding and communicating the English language. Clearly I’m an American with a pretty distinctive writing style, so we can put whatever conspiracy theory that exists to rest. So, in conclusion, my advice, that no one wants, but will read anyway, is go out, get a copy of FIGHT CLUB and watch it. Watch it until you understand that YOU’RE NOT YOUR KHAKIS, YOUR NOT YOUR WATCH. Who cares what anyone thinks of you, and if you want a GEN, REP or a tattooed on watch, that is only right once a day… then that’s your business. No one else’s.
    1 point
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