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Posts posted by Admin

  1. It's a good thing he didn't try to pass it off as a gen. Keep in mind 90% of the population who buy fake watches buy them as a gag. It's sort of like a shady little piece of black market goods that give people a sense of danger. That same 90% of people would never dream of spending $300 or more on a fake watch. They would be more than content with a genuine seiko. We are in the great minority of the WIS.

    Also, 90% of people have no idea there is a "high range" replica world out there and only have access to these kind of watches ;)

  2. We have a wealth of information here at RWG and we have many great contributors that spend many hours writing reviews, taking pictures, etc. It really makes me sad that it looks like people have stopped responding to these threads anymore. I think I read the same thing posted by Pugwash somewhere, but I would very strongly encourage our members to at least use the "thank you"-rating on these topics (uding our rating system) or even better is posting a post about how much you liked the review, what you liked or even post that you did not like it and why. Maybe this sounds silly, but it is always great to get feedback from the membership when you have spent hours writing up and interesting post, no matter what it is. Same goes of course for great photoes or other posts you just like for some reason. These posts are also a part of making this into a living and breathing community and sometimes can spark interesting discussions ;) So please, post your opinion or at the very least use the rating system on great posts. No matter what you do, it will make the posters feel their time is worthwhile and it will also make it easier for other/new members to find these great articles :tu:

  3. Euno, I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. My hearfelt condolances to you and your family. Reading your post made me think about how much I still miss my dad. I lost my father 7 years ago. He was only 47 years old at the time. I was 25 and this was a big blow for me. I had just picked him up at our family cottage because he was not feeling very well and I was proud to tell him that I had gotten engaged the day before. Offered to take him to the doctor, but he told me "it wasn't that bad". 2 hours after I dropped him off at home he was found dead outside, after a massive heart attack. Anyway, the point here was that what got me though all of it was talking to my family and friends about all the good stories about my father and also how much I loved him and missed him. So I think I understand where you are coming from when you are posting this here. And your father...well...I'll bet you he's sharing ice cream with his friends right now.

  4. Hey all,

    I noticed something that I thought was odd, so I figured I would ask if anyone else sees the same thing on the boards.

    When looking at a person's status, i.e. whether they're a member or a VIP etc., I've noticed that some people show as a VIP and then some people show as a VIP Member.

    I was just wondering why?


    This is just done for practical purposes by me, because of the fact that PP closed my account. All new VIP upgrades are "only" VIP, while the ones who have not been downgraded by paypal yet are VIP members.

  5. Strange, the signature wasn't showing up for a while... seems to be back now. Slay's one says "Under Construction".

    Bizarre. Slay's has been like that a while. I guess he didn't want to just shorten it as I chose to :D

    Indeed we did get complaint about the sheer size of the signatures (With the size of their signatures and both of them posting multiple replies on a single page, it was a loooong read ;)), so I asked both Slay and Teejay to down-size them a it. Slay told me he was busy partying and would do it after love parade :lol:

  6. @ admin..... could we get a pic of a thermometer to show us how far we are away from being OK next month ...

    thanks for being here RWG


    I would love to be able to jump on this and say "YES!", but since all upgrades/payments are processed manually via different payment providers, I would have to set this up manually and I really don't ned more work. I will however look into the possibility of doing something like this, but I'm not making any promises.

  7. FYI: We have reached this months goal, thanks to one very large donation (the member prefers to stay anonymous), 2 large donations (thanks TT and kruzer), 34 other donations and 14 members who have upgraded their VIP memberships. Thank you very much, to all of the members who have donated and upgraded their memberships!!!! :tu::notworthy::tu:

    Current VIP members, please have this in the back of your minds;

    Your VIP membership will now automatically be cancelled by Paypal because of my closed accounts. Please upgrade your VIP membership again.

    And on a final note (maybe I should call it a warning ;)); I am afraid that I will be starting a similar topic next month also. We need more VIP members to have some sort or predictable economy and since PP froze my acounts, we only have these 14 new VIP members. The remaining 379 VIP members are members who I am no longer able to receive monthy, bi-annual or annual payments from, since PP will automatically cancel any subscriptions that are related to my closed accounts and that is basically all VIP memberships upuntil these last 14.

    Also, I would like to finish of with the fact that many members offer their donations and want nothing in return. They donate instead of upgrading their memerships. So even if there are many names who are not written in yellow, there are many contributors (that contribute with either money or their time, writing great reviews, FAQ's or other great posts) among these names also. A big thank you to these members also :tu:

  8. I suggest you all listen to TT and get this topic back on track. I have repeatedly said that donations or upgrades to VIP are volunteer, even when I ask people to step up, these contributions should be volunteer. And we do not get any new VIP members or new donations by treating non-paying/donating members like they are second class members. Please have that in the back of your minds. And for the record; we have reached our goal for this month ;)

  9. For the record; the feature was originally supposed to be available to the VIP members and in a private PM conversation I mentioned this to docblackrock, hence his comments. When the feture was installed, I changed my mind and made it available to all members. So just a little confusion added to your life by the admin ;)

  10. @admin: I don't know if it's technical possible, but can't you just block all ads with words like "replica", "fake" "grade" and all words that are referring to replica sites?

    I don't know if the sites I've found are real scam sites or just sites with some lower end reps, but to me they look rather fishy...

    No can do. The only thing I can add to these filters are domain-names.

  11. Dear members

    You can now embed YouTube clips in your posts. To do this you will need the ID of the Youtube clip. So how do you figure out the ID of a YouTube clip then, I hear you asking? Well, lets take a look at the link of a youtube-clip;

    The clip ID is everything that is behind the v= in the link, so in this example the id is 2H6DSoqZz_s So to embed the clip in your post, you just hit the YouTube-button in the post-editor; youtube.jpg And insert the code inbetween the youtube tags. It should look like this;

    The result will look like this:

    Yet another improvement to RWG from the RWG team ;)

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