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Posts posted by Admin

  1. Guys, please be patient. Basically, I have two choices when I do an upgrade;

    1. Do everything at once and keep the forum offline for days
    2. Do the upgrade, finish the most urgent stuff and put the forum back online again so that people can access it

    I always try to keep the downtime as short as possible to let you guys back in. I still have A LOT to do with the site, both when it comes to looks and functions, so bear with me as I continue to work in the background to improve the site. As I have said before; I have been doing this for some years and I know how most of you like things, so give me some time to get to know the new version of the software as good as I knew the old one and give me time to install everything that needs to be installed and tweaked. This is the biggest upgrade ever done to the software I have been using since v. 1, so there are tons of stuff I also have to relearn ;)

    And again; The sales area will be online again within a day ot two (Seriously, do you not read these threads :p )

  2. Well, the upgrade seems to have gone fine and all adjustment done to the servers are also looking good. There are however tons of background tasks that are running, rebuilding content, PM's,links, images, etc. so you might experience minor or even big problems using the site for another 12-24 hours. This is also the reason certain areas of the forum is offline I would appreciate it if you post about any errors here, but wait at least 6 hours after this post has been made and if the content you are looking for or the error persists, please post about it in this topic.

    There are still a lot of changes that will be done to the forum, but I wanted to let you all get back online and get familiar with the new site. Once the background tasks are done, I will make more adjustments to the site and all off the forums will be brought back.

    One more ting; we are back on the rwg.cc domain. Easier to remember and use ;)

    • Like 1
  3. Hi all


    As I posted about three months ago, the forum software is ready for a major upgrade and overhaul. After having spent a lot of time testing the new software, doing several test migrations from the old (And let me just tell you; this is some booooring stuff to do. Every test migration has taken 2-3 hours to complete due to major database upgrades that has to be performed on a lot of database fields. I have also been waiting to see if the plugins we use would be released in new versions supporting the new software version, contacting developers askin/begging them to upgrade, etc.)


    I am in the final stages of preparing an upgrade. I'm not 100% sure when I have the time to do this, but the forum will most likely be taken down either early next week or late next week. You'll know when this happes, as you will most likely get an error when trying to access the forum, but most liklely you will be forwarded to a page that tells you what is going on ;)


    Now, I have been running forums on this platform for almost 12 years and every time we do some upgrades and/or changes, there as a lot of members that are happy with the new stuff and equally, a lot of members that doesn't like it. I am sure it will be the same way this time also. And let me just tell you right away that there are a lot of stuff that will change. Unfortunately, some services will disappear, as the person(s) that create some of the specific addons we are using, no longer are around and some developers haven't finished upgrading their addons to support the new version and I havae no idea if they ever will. So basically, this is just a warning that you will see a lot of changes and some features (perhaps your favourite feature) will be gone and there will be some new ones.In the end, I always do my best to adjust the forum and the services we offer to please as many as possible, so I will be monitoring the feedback when the forum is online agan and see if anything can be done, if there are stuff that a lot of people really dislike ;)

  4. Yeah, sorry for taking so long. I actually managed to mess up some DNS-settings and nameserver settings and it took a while before I noticed this. DNS propagation unfortunately takes longer at some locations than other, but hopefully everybody should be able to get on again soon.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi y'all


    Looks like we're having some DNS-issues so this could mean that RWG might become unreachable for shorter periods from your location. I am working on this and hopefully it should be resolved (Resolved...haha...ahem..sorry, just some DNS humor :p ) within 10-15 minutes.

  6. Hi. This is your captain speaking.


    Been an awful long time down in the basement and as things are in my personal life, I am afraid I will spend most of my time down there, being your "wrench monkey" instead of being able to participate in watch discussions.


    The fact is that 3 days ago marked the 9th birthday of this forum. At least that was the day that we all moved from the old RWG and created our new home here. A lot of water has passed under the bridge in these years and we are now over 60.000 members and have more than 1,2 million posts.

    A lot of things has happened in the internet world also, technology wise and the forum software that we are using is facing a major upgrade. I am in the middle of testing out the upgrade as we speak and trying to prepare all files, databases, servers, etc for the upgrade, so that it will take place as smooth as possible.

    I just want to warn you all that the new software will introduce some major changes to the forum. It will also mean that a great deal of the "extras" we have installed today, will most likely not work until developers hopefully create new versions of the extras we use today. It will mean a new look, new buttons, new places for things you have been used to find in another place for a long time now. But the upgrade is needed, for many reasons; One of the major reasons is that I hope to be able to integrate the upgrade function into the forum software again. It hasn't been easy after I was blacklisted by PP and they closed ALL of my accounts (personal, personal business accounts, etc). but the "hidden" solution that is in place now has been working fairly good.


    Not going to make this post any longer than necessary, but just wanted to give you a heads up that there will be some downtime soon due to this. I will get back with more details as soon as I know when ;)


    • Like 5
  7. Howdy guys. Just me, down in the basement, where we store all the tech stuff. Had a database failure, so we bumped the site over to backup servers. Could be some content missing, but it is being synchronized from our offline backups as we speak (type). I'll be heading down in the basement again to monitor this.

  8. Hi guys


    Unfortunately, it is me working in the background, preparing for an upgrade of the forum. Had a rather large process running to convert the entire database to the same charset and this process apparently took a snapshot of the database when it started and then used that snapshot when it finished. I am rebuilding what I can, but it looks like a lot of posts/messages are gone for good :(

  9. Hi all


    Discovered today that my e-mail hasn't been working for some time now. Because of this, I now have a rather solid backlog of PM's and e-mails to respoind to, since I have neither gotten any e-mails or e-mail notifications about PM's for almost 10 days.

    So if you have e-mailed me or PM'ed me in the last couple of weeks, please give me a day or two to reply to you. If you haven't heard back in a day or to, please e-mail me or PM me again and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

  10. Hi guys


    Sorry for not responding. The RWG mail all of a sudden stopped working last week and to be honest, I didn't notice it for now (Enjoy the silence.... ;) )


    Unfortunately, our current upgrade system seems to create some problems for some members and this is of course not supposed to happen. The very best way to get in touch with me, despite the problems the last week, is by mail: admin@rwg.cc

  11. Howdy, fellas. Just to make things clear; I am still around and so are a lot of the other admins and mods, but it might seem that you want a more active crown than us old geezers ;) Well, perhaps a changes or addons in the mod/admins ranks are needed and this is and has been discussed in the admin area.


    Yes, I have very little time for watches these days. I am trying to juggle two jobs (in two different companies) so that doesn't leave much time left for the forum. But the love is still there, both for watches and for the forum and I always have a hope that I will find more time. But I am still around and I try my best to answer PM's and e-mails on a daily basis, except weekends.

    Yes, I know I have missed some e-mails and PM's and I apologize for this. If you are still waiting for a reply on something PM me or e-mail (admin@rwg.cc) and I will get back to you as soon as possible



    I have found the bug in the new member upgrade system and it only affects members who pay on a monthly basis and have decided to skip paying for 1 or more months. This will leave a unpaid invoice in the system and the system will then shut down the account due to this unpaid invoice. For now, I have to fix thius manually for each emmber, but I am looking into how this can be solved. So if your account for some reason has been downgraded, please PM or e-mail me and I will of course fix this.




    How have you tried reaching our to me. Can't seem to find any PM's or e-mails from you? Feel free to resend or contact me again ;)


    Let me just end this little rant with another huge thanks to Mike on a bike and everything he currently is doing for our forum :tu:

  12. OK. The system seems to be working just as planned, so I am now removing the previous used system. When this is done, all members who have not paid the last couple of months will be automatically downgraded, so watch out if your status changes during the next 4-5 hours ;)


    And for those of you who want to upgrade: Shoot me a PM for instructions. 


    Also, let me just say this immediately: It is extremely important that this system is kept under the radar. All members should contact ME first and not PP or their credit card company if they have any problems or questions regarding the transactions!!

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