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Posts posted by Admin

  1. What happened to the Sudoku here? I had all 3 records... I tear it up :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    It will be back. Had to remove all "extras" from the forum to get it running properly again. Just have some job stuff to finish before the weekend and then I'll have time to start re-installing stuff :)

  2. Sorry about that, V. Happy belated birthay to you ;)

    Anywah; another update. It looks a new problem with has arised. The forum is now using way to much memory and computing power than it has usually done. It looks like it might be some of the new addons I have installed. So, to get rid of this problem, I will be re-installing theboard software in a couple of hours. A fresh installation will mean that ALL additional services will be gone until I get around to fixing them. TO keep the board online as much as possible, I will work in the backgroun with some installations. Because of this, you can receive error messages now and then. these usually go away after a couple of minutes.

  3. It seesm that one or more of the memory modules installed on our server is malfulctioning. Because of this, the server has very little memory available and is having a hard time to keep up with the current load. I've contacted the ISP about this, but have not received any replies so far. So if you experience problems wth RWG today, you know the reason.

  4. Well, they were certainly not expecting people of our intellectual calibre to respond.

    Now here's one for you Mensa-types: if you can find the solution to this most difficult of puzzles (just the answer and not even the reason) in under fifteen minutes, you are positively Einsteinian: less than one-thousandth of one-percent of all those who try succeed.

    (Oops, I nearly forgot the question here):

    Which one square/configuration is totally erroneous when compared with any sequence (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) of nine successive other squares?

    Just one rotten apple, so to speak....

    I've explained it in my usual imprecise way, but good luck just the same: I know some of you guys can do it!


    (Like I said, first one to find the answer in under fifteen minutes - or ever - is a freaking genius).

    Phew...if THAT doesn't put a stop to this thread.....

  5. There is a site called ieWatches.com, advertising on this site, using photos of genuine watches to sell their reps, including photos of watches that are note even repped. What I found most interesting was that the watches that were 'sold out' also happened to be the ones which were not repped. For example, take a look at their Breguet page....

    I understand that they may be a paid advertiser, but c'mon....


    I guess this in the google ads. I'll ad them to the bloack-list. Don't have any control over the ads google show here, as they stream the ads based on the content of the site. Only thing I can do is add sites that you notify me about to a block list.

  6. The inital post has been deleted, as cross-posting is not allowed here.

    TJ, if you want your money back or you want me to upgrade your membership, please contact me. You know where. All members who wanted their donations to be concidered as purchase of a VIP membership was asked specifically to contact me about this ;)

  7. I don't know if anyone else is experiencing the same, but when I try to read any of the threads, the page no longer centers - it has to be manually scrolled to the right in order to display the right margin and the end of lines.

    In other words, the page no longer fits on the screen.

    Update/note: it does center in the 'low-fi' version, but of course, everything else looks awful.... :dots:

    Still running that old browser of yours, J? The page centers alrigth in Opera, IE and Firefox here...

  8. Is it not possible to have the old and the new skins here so people can choose which one they want?

    /edit - Erm? I just replied to an admin post but it's gone!

    It is possible with multiple skins, but only one skin will be maintained with all the news and updates.

  9. What happened to the Photography section that dealt with cameras, non-watch pics & how-to's?

    Thanks for all the effort and hard work :D

    Photography and Photo gallery has been combined into on forum. You'll find all the posts there

    One thing missing is how many new posts there are next to the view new posts link - liked that function.

    It will be back. Like I said before; I did not have time to finsih all the upgrades and updates, so most of the old functions will re-appear over the coming days ;)

  10. Well it's not bad but I think the avatar resizing is a BAD move. The avatars can now be huge and will take silly amounts of time to load, even on a decent connection. 250x250 is immense for an avatar. I feel that signatures have always been too large here and now so are avatars.

    So. I'm off to the control panel to see if I can turn them off.

    I hear what you are saying and I do agree. I will take a look at this tomorrow and decide what is the best size to use ;)

  11. Well, I'm listening to all your suggestions and will of course take all of them into consideration;

    FYI: The current RWG skin (work name MeanGreen ;)) is the only skin that will be updated with all features.

    And no, the looney bin posts will NOT show up in the new posts search!

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