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Posts posted by Admin

  1. :blush: I'm very sorry guys, but it seems to be dragging out. The ISP is having a problem registering the new ip-adresses the server has been registered at RIPE and until this is done, things can't be fixed. The ISP has sent everything that needs to be sent a long time ago, and they are dialy sending follow-ups, but it doesn't seemt o help. These things are usually fixed in 2-3 days, so this is highly unusual.
  2. just tried that and it didn't work. you know i just realized though? i think this started happening after i donated $5 to "take on the admin staff" in the birthday forum. it looks like it changed which group i'm in -- if you'll look at my 'group' designation, it says "birthday boy" (which i kind of like by the way -- i think i'm the only person in this group -- which makes sense of course b/c i was the only person that had the guts to take on the admin/mod staff :whistling:).

    this would also explain why the feature is working for all of the other VIP members.

    kind of interesting. btw, i'm willing to lose the 'view members who have read this topic today' feature if i can keep my birthday boy status :victory:

    deltatahoe (aka birthday boy)

    True indeed. You'll be a birthday boy for another couple of days, but you should now have access to that function again ;)

  3. hmmmm....... :g:

    Teams left in the tournament:





    PSV Eindhoven

    Bayern Munchen

    AC Milan

    man ure

    Now let's review the bets....

    Chelsea - No bets

    Valencia - No bets

    Roma - No bets

    PSV Eindhoven - No bets

    Bayern Munchen - No bets

    AC Milan - No bets

    man utd - No bets (of course not ;))

    Liverpool - well, well, well....what do you know.....two bright minds have their money on liverpool...... :)

  4. So, another day comes to an end and the first part of our birthday celebration is over. First part? Yes, first part! Our first celebration was made on the date that the forum was created. But after the forum was created, the RWG crew had many days of work ahead of them. Most of the moderators we in bad shape and had to go through a rigorous excersie program where they had to delete up to 50 posts a day plus they had to run 5 miles every evening before they went to bed. No sigaretts, alcohol or stippers were allowed in the admin section during these days. Anyway, our "official" birthday is the 17th of march. That's when we opened up the board to all the members. So this is just an early warning that from the 17-18 march we'll be havin' another party and you are all invited. We have more free stuff to give away and we will have more activities, so stay tuned ;)

    PS I'm looking though the posts posted in the "Give me a free VIP membership" and someone will be upgraded real soon ;)

  5. Happy Birthday.......so where's the birthday skin.....I mean we get a Xmas skin...why not a HB one......?

    Birthday skin???? well, you see....I was going to make one, but I got stuck in a couple of MSN conversations with a certain dealer....giving techincal and medical advice...Now, I won'ttk mention any names, but NO SKIN FOR YOU :lol:

  6. Moneybookers is located in England and they follow the same rules (Issued by Financial Service Authority (FSA) in England) as all banks in England has to do (including branches of american banks). I wouldn't really worry about the info you would have to give them. Also, I don't see why they should be more concerned by hackers than any other financial service should be, like the bank you use every day :g:


    You think it's safe to give an off-shore entity of any sort your account information? Then your address? And a credit card number as well?


    And what do I do when their computer systems are hacked and my accounts drained? I begrudgingly gave that information to P*ypal because if they messed me up or were the cause of any sort of fraud on my account I'd sue them.

    The primary reason it is dangerous is exactly because I have no recourse should anything go wrong.


  7. Not just you, Reg. All members, including me, are experiencing this. The reason for this are the DNS changes to the server. There is a thing called rDNS (reverse DNS) that identifies this server to other servers (as in your mail servers) When the rDNS is not set up correct, the receiving e-mail server will reject the e-mail because it has no way of recognising the sending server. This is caused by a faulty setup at the datacentre where our server is hosted, and they have been notified about this several days ago (when you sent me your PM), so it should have been taken care of then. According to them, it has been set up, but it takes some time for this to resolved on all DNS servers. :(

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