Hi there,
I followed this thread (on old rwg, too) for a long time, tons of pretty nice information that has to be read (and of course to be understood )
First: I want to say thank you for all that great work you have done and all information you are sharing!
I sent an inquiry to Edmunds in the past. I simply asked them for plano-convex lenses with 6mm diameter and a 2 or 2.5 magnification coefficient while the lense (with a 1.2mm c.t) has a distance from the object (date wheel) of about 3 or 3.5mm.
Was that the wrong way...? I hope not. I am still waiting for an answer which will be forwarded here asap. Maybe it helps but maybe there is another solution found by the meantime. Then pardon me but this thread is that big... Maybe I overread some important postings...