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Everything posted by danzeman22

  1. Raffle full? get out of town... Lets draw this sucker and send me my watch haha Good luck to all entrants.
  2. Care factor Zero TeeJay... Hate away
  3. Good work only 6 tickets to go BUY BUY BUY
  4. Alright i am over being politically correct. I am calling a spade a spade and i don't care what you or the other grand standers on this thread think or say. Plain and simple this rep is a POS and my point on the 100 dollar comment was that i would not buy it for 100 dollars as for around the same money I'm sure you could of got a decent rep. Load your cannons ladies and fire away. "PS, for Mr. Danzeman22, I do regret that my watch is not up to your standard. I know that with your profound knowledge and insights on rep market you could easily find source for 7750 Daytona for way less than 100US$...perhaps you could suggest me where to buy? I got mine for 105$ and still shame on myself even today! "
  5. Bump Come on guys.... Buy the last 8 tickets 50 euros for a great piece and a great cause.... Support the community that supports you.....
  6. Great piece the AR really sets it off..... Congrats great watch
  7. I have moved on in all honesty...... You have your opinion i have mine, there is no way we will bridge the gap..... Build a bridge...
  8. O my lord you ignorant man. I will not argue with you because it is pointless, but i will make a few statements to correct you. I was specifically talking about other long standing contributors to this forum.... members who have invested in V72 6263 that pay true homage to the gen 6263(namely freddy)... Nothing about me at all... I think you will find people dropping the big dollars on reps also have very valuable gen collections, and enjoy the hobby far beyond the "brand". I would also suggest the only person that thinks they have "significance" in this debate is you. Taking a stance on the basis of "$100" which was clearly a flippant and sarcastic remark is undeniably laughable. Cheers D
  9. 10 tickets to go..... Come on guyssssssssssssssssssss.... So close
  10. Not even worth a dignified response..... But i will say this..... So let me get this straight you are buying a replica "brand" watch for it to have glaring faults and not really resemble its real life counterpart?? Moronic to say the least. Furthermore you are backhanding most of the significant posters on this site for which i think you should be ashamed...... And if you read on past the thread you would see the point i was getting at.....
  11. hehe If you do ubi i declare a bidding war
  12. Hey vlaletom, I agree entirely that the feel is different, my point is that the search and expense doesnt justify the feel imo... There is a 7835/361 that i can get my hands on but it is around 900 euros. Now to me unless i have a franken with a gen rolex movement (not just any v72) in it i am not spending 900 euros on the bracelet.... That being said the bracelet and the end links do bother me a little but not enough to warrant that expense, i believe there are better investments to be made on the DW 6263 Good topic and good discussion Dan
  13. Just purchased my 3rd.... Lets do it guys.
  14. Hey guys, You can buy 3 tickets each. So those if financially possible who have bought 1 buy 2, those who bought 2 buy 3 as you are allowed up to 3 tickets... That way we can get this thing drawn. Less disposable income floating around these parts than anticipated hehe... D
  15. Great topic, very enjoyable and informative read. That original monaco is a beauty but the vintage subs wet my whistle D
  16. It is a 7750---> 7760 movement, i believe he removes a few parts and improves it to be more like gen e.g. the no hacking etc.... Looks great man, i still love the acrylic bezel though especially if you throw it in a bag of coins and add a bit of character Still looks fantastic. D
  17. IMO the price you would have to pay for a gen bracelet isnt worth it..... The rep that your thinking of VLY has the correct end link and bracelet stamp(571,78350) the quality is also very good if you are still looking at the one from spin that is. If i could get pics on my computer i would take some snaps. Cheers Daniel
  18. we could all buy one more? and get this drawn?
  19. I have seen them around, generally custom built.
  20. Sorry I think if its his all time fav piece, he would love some good quality picture references of what a good rep versus bad rep are and subsequently the gen article. Just trying to help point the man in the right direction. Not pissing on anyones parade. Dan
  21. I know its not for you and that you wanted a dealer etc.... Just saying if you are after a cheap cheap cheap rep of a 50 grand watch ???? whats the point.... It just sets yourself or others up for being called out.
  22. Or even a DW 6263 by spin to compare
  23. Here is a gen 6263 silver dial for you to compare........ http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.watches.co.uk/watch_pics/extrapics/ro0207P_daytona_bracelet.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.watches.co.uk/watch.php%3Fwid%3D0207P&usg=__SqTygNbQcD4DEXUDREkb8N2VAlk=&h=460&w=400&sz=37&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=dCsnayJMyE24QM:&tbnh=128&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3D6263%2Bbracelet%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
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