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Everything posted by highoeyazmuhudee

  1. well "come as you are". i bet you made an equally sized donation to match your apparel ; )
  2. the only problem with the screw on macro rings is that they will distortr AND cause chromatic abberation at the corners. even the best genuine canon ones cause unwanted problems due to the fact that youre slapping more glass in front of your lens...for $80 you should buy extension tubes... they can get you down to 2:1 with NO DEGRADING IMAGE QUALITY since they DONT use any glass in them but in fact push the focus further away from the digital sensor... ive seen asian knock offs of the kenko $80 brand (which are high qaulity knock offs of the canons)for $6...same thing. EXCEPT the kenkos can auto focus your lens... ive even seen a DIY pringles can MACRO tube. all work very well...google kenko tubes AND stay away from close up filters. hxxp://www.photocritic.org/2005/macro-photography-on-a-budget/ PRINGLES DIY MACRO hxxp://www.toledo-bend.us/index.shtml?ExtTube a brief explanation and example shots of extension tubes
  3. WOW looks PERFECT to me! congrats. got a grand total? : )
  4. so wait... you have an $8,000 dollar canon with maybe $5,000 worth of L lenses and you couldnt afford an $800 canon macro lens?!? it seems like it would be the cheapest part of your kit dont just look at dpreview. a lot of these review sites are biased, read actual reviews on forums i made a light box out of a cardboard box and paper... the pic in my avatar was taken with it. ill upload some pics of the simple box later ; ) why did i choose canon over nikon. personally i didnt like the fact that nikon used sony sensors. canon engineered and created their own. also build quality of the camera. the canon to nikon in my price range had my canon made out of magnesium and the nikon polycarbonate (plastic) also canon is made in japan, says so right on the body. nikons are made in thailand, says so right on the body. also low night noise canon proved to be better. recently tho new things have developed, and since the d300 came out id pay some attention to nikon. even the d40 is being replaced with the d60. dont let the higher sensor size (i.e MP) fool you. its mostly marketing, and anything over 3mp is actually better than film quality. in fact on a seonsr with a crop of 1.6X anything over 10mp youll start to see more noise interference. on full frame cameras they shouldnt really surpass 12-16mp any more is unecessary until they change the format size. hasselblad makes larger format 35mp and up cameras (used exclusively by nasa, and commercial photographers. any picture in outter space was taken with a hasselblad even on the moon landing) but their cameras start at $30,000. so look at the rebel XTI (400D) or XSI (450D) nikon D40X or D60 these new offerings from nikon (D60,D300,D3)are direct competition with canon and finally for the first time in the digital era VERY worthy and maybe even hard to beat competition. i find canon images look a bit warmer (white =more orange)in terms of color, Nikon a bit cooler (white =more blue. which i actually prefer). its preference tho to which you like better. you cant wrong with either camera choice. theyre both solid performers with pros and ocns over each other, but all you need to know is the image quality on either choice is top notch
  5. you dont need to buy a macro lens. just buy the canon 50mm 1.8f lens $90cdn. very good lens and most people eventually get one in their kit for portraits and such anyways..then buy "kenko extension tubes" $80 on ebay this gets you the same macro ability with out the $600 price and its just as good. google it. dont second guess your 400d purchase.
  6. good choice im sure youll be satisfied with your purchase for a while! however if you waited a bit longer you may have caught it at a price break since the 450D comes out early april ($850CDN). either way you wont be disappointed
  7. yet ebay didnt take it down after i reported it AND 2 people bid on it...hmmm
  8. is the beginner actually a 28.8 movment? can anyone confirm
  9. in the original UK one he was wearing a yellow Oakley Detonator
  10. with the exception of a 28.8bph asia movmnt tho? cause thats how its being represented
  11. GMT master thats atrocious. EBAY HASNT halted it. guy sounds slimey too anyone elses eye think this reeks of fake? http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...237#description
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