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Posts posted by kegra

  1. i dont have access to RWI and no proxy seems to work for me right now so can you please provide rubys email and any photo album web address.

    Are there any others trusted dealers like Sichuan that carry tiffany? i have seen in old rwg many post about bags but not too many about tiffany so if you know point me the right direction.


  2. Before some time i was looking at the 850$ price tag cause i wanted a decent rep that could last, now i can get that decent rep that could last for years spending around 200$. Eventualy everything will be come crystal clear, stay here and you will see what the matrix is, hopefully you got out of it, you are here .


  3. Before a year i was working on a big project implementing an internet payment gateway with a uk software company and a very big Greek bank.

    This project made me know very well the current legislation that Master Card and Visa apply to all the transactions.

    They have a 2 tier categorization ,

    1 Carldholder is present and doing the transaction phsysicaly

    2 the cardholder is not present and the transaction is beeing done electonicaly.

    Both categories must have Cardholders Signature, and if the second category applies then a photocopy of the back and front of the card along with amount and signature must be sent to the merchant that charges the CC.

    If any dispute arises the merchant must provide this info or a charge back is issued.

    This is very strict i have filed several charge back requests and my demands have fullfiled 100% with master card and Visa.

    I use my credit card number all the time and i am afraid nothing. Every merchant that do not follow this policy (asking for photocopy with amount and signature) is open to dispute and eventualy to return the money if no money exist on the merchants' bank account the bank returns th money and takes legal action over the merchant.

    People that are afraid have no knowledge on the Legislation or the watch to much TV..


  4. Does she know this pic is on the internet?

    /me grumbles something about model releases, proof of age and criminal proceedings, what with the fact it's actually hosted on RWG's server.

    Pug, we are dealing here with replicas ... and other stuff do you think that a nude girl (and without showing anything - her hot parts were covered) will harm this Site or any "authotiry" will care ???


  5. Had an interesting experience with my modded SS Sub today.

    Had a bit of a problem with my very nicely modded Ralex sub today. One of the pearl markers on the sub dial popped loose from the backing piece, and was floating around the dial. This piece is one of the nicest subs I have seen, purchased from one of our most respected dealers, and brought up to speed by one of our most respected rep craftsman. The fact that the marker came loose is a bummer, but stuff happens.

    To make a long story shorter, I found a watchmaker locally, that had a good rep, and rather then send the piece back to the guy who did the modifications (out of U.S) I took the piece to him. When I brought out the watch and showed him the loose marker (at 6:00) he told me no problem, I could come back in a couple of hours and he would have it repaired. Cool. He wrote up a work order, gave me a receipt to pick it up, and out the door I went.

    He probably spent 15 seconds looking at the thing. When I got to the car and looked at the receipt, he had written; 'Marker repair - Rolex COPY'!!!! So much for spending 500.00 for the watch and the modding.

    Who is fooling who? I STILL love the watch, and will continue to wear it of course, but I doubt I will spend that kind of money to have the normal upgrading that our watch guys do again. Oh well.

    I think he just used common sense, If it was a rolex it would have taken its way to the AD with a lots of compaints from you why this has happend to your expencive watch. So he thought that if you bring the watch to him this must be rep..


  6. Credit to Enzo for doing it first ...

    Honest, I'll get off this modding kick and back on to the photo tutorials soon, don't worry. Just let me burn through the PAM fever.

    Dont now but iam not able to open replica-watch.info, dont know why but this wasnt available to me since the begining... should i do something special ? like proxy or something ?


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