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Everything posted by jnagy

  1. thank you,rocky78.i appreciate it.i now know those who do mods,but not sure who just sells parts.
  2. anybody have any superlumed 111 hands or know who sells them beside davidsen?thanks.
  3. i agree this guy is sick,but if you respond to it by saying you would starve him,beat him,hang him,make a spectacle out of him,you are just as bad as him.i'd like to know if anyone,after knowing what he did to that DOG,saw someone torturing him, would step in and stop it?
  4. is this like buying blood diamonds?
  5. jnagy

    broken stem

    hello everyone.i just traded someone for a watch that i really love,and hard to find to boot.it has a swiss 7750.while trying to set the time,the stem snapped off!that really [censored] me off.my question is how hard is it to replace a broken off stem,and it snapped right at the crown?
  6. guess i need to start a moneybooker account,then.thanks.
  7. i was going to order some hands from davidsen but he said he only accepts money booker payments.i've never heard of this before.he just sent me an e-mail address.can you send paypal payment to e-mail address?or am i missing something?
  8. i'm looking to buy one as well,and they have them at ofrei.com.chinese DG3804B.$26.60
  9. ignoring?didn't you respond?
  10. ah,but everybody knows what is right and how people "ought" to act,and how they want to be treated.everyone mainly ignores this.but,that doesn't negate the fact that there is a definate right way and wrong way.
  11. um sorry.guess i'm not all caught up on my std's.
  12. who is anybody to deprive this woman of the one chance she may have of finally having a normal child?anyway,the questions are not logical as corgi already stated.doesn't syphillis make you unable to reproduce anyway?
  13. again,without God flying around in the skies,it is totally subjective as to what right is.my idea of right and your idea of right are both equally meaningless.you must have an outside authority to determine what the TRUTH is.then you must follow this truth even if you disagree with it.then and only then will someone's opinion mean anything.and if you think it is better to have man decide what is acceptable you are flat out crazy.hitler,idi amin,stalin,pol pot,the leaders in bosnia,the leaders in sudan,saddam hussein,and so many more i cannot name,all thought they were doing what was right,and all were or are absolutely EVIL!!!!!that is the result of man making up his own standards.millions murdered.
  14. adolf hitler was also anti-abortion..............................................only for germans,though.i think it is perfectly alright to judge people's wrongdoing.if you know someone is engaged in an immoral activity,it is perfectly acceptable to "judge"that activity as immoral.people get judging the sin and judging the person mixed up.anyway dani,your an atheist,so if man doesn't judge the people,who does?here we go.
  15. thanks.EO117 with sapphire.no problems so far.
  16. mine hasn't exploded yet,but i now expect it to.where do you find the case number for future reference?it has sapphire.
  17. how can i order c-3?
  18. animals have no concept of what is cruel and what is not.hence ,their animal behavior.you still seem to not be able to see how confused your atheistic view and what you say are towards each other.IF,and that is a big if,you do not believe in god,you must believe that human nature and animal nature is one in the same.no alternative.if you admit that there is a god,then your arguement will find purchase.then you can see the vast difference between man and animal.all men know how they ought to behave,some just repress this law.animals have no concept of this.
  19. when these animals are gone won't new ones come along,and aren't new ones being formed as we speak?
  20. the only reason you are calling it animal abuse is because you don't eat dogs.i AGREE with you it is brutal,horrifying slaughter.but,i'm not sure this is torture,and to label them as savages is not fair.if you lived over there you might also eat questionable animals.all animals struggle when stabbed,shot,killed by wild animals,etc..it is all horrible.even running over a squirrel makes me feel bad.but,if you want meat,it is unavoidable.as for the methods they use,if all you have is a spear,bat,and knife,that is what you would use.again,all horrrible.but some of your earlier statements about god led me to believe you are atheist,correct?based on that you definately loose credibility when condeming actions that are natural to a natural hunter/killer(humans).in my eyes this thread could not have continued without eventually going down that"forbidden" path of where we came from and who made us.i'm TOTALLY comfortable with that.as obviously everyone else is who has contributed to this thread.but,please don't feel like anyone is ganging up on you.if you feel that strongly,defend your position as intelligently as possibe and think.
  21. some people just like playing with their food.totally kidding.i just think that if you slaughter dogs everyday for food,you will cease to see them as anything but food.you're trying to get it done as fast as possible so if the animals are treated a little rough, it doesn't matter anymore.i don't think these people are anymore savage than anyone else on this planet.but,other animals on the planet absolutely torture their food before they eat it.i.ve seen killer whales (some of the smartest animals on the planet)play tennis with seals before they eat them.ever seen a cat catch something and play with it a while before dining?i have.seems to me that it is very natural behavior for an animal.so you can't call these people savages,right?
  22. this shows you how flawed the majority of people's thinking is.people only care when the issue concerns them.that is selfishness.
  24. if death is natural,and everything that has ever lived has died,and humans are natural hunters,why do we still have fear and anger over anything dying?just a question.
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