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Everything posted by USMC8404

  1. Why don't you try reading some dealer reviews? Use the search button. Depending on which model/brand of watch you are interested in a few hours of reading could provide you quite an education. Good luck!
  2. Read some reviews
  3. George W. Bush = big disappointment. Sad to say, I voted for him twice! Watch out we are getting into politics now... Not encouraged on this forum.
  4. Please forgive the sarcasm in my last post but, there is truth in what I said. You won't go to GTMO, Cuba for underaged drinking; however, if you are caught with false ID, Fake watches (which assume you have or you would not be here), and German accents you could easily be charged with a felony. Not that German accents are a crime mind you but fake identification is. JohnG is right about not being able to return at a later date if your visa is revoked. Don't take the chance kid. Come over and have the time of your life, but do it responsibly.
  5. I would not recommend for you to attempt such a thing. If you get caught, or should I say, when you get caught you and your friends will have your visas revoked at the very least, and worst case could find yourselves in that quaint little prison camp for terrorists in Cuba awaiting a trial that the government will be in no great hurry to provide! But, what do I know. I only have 22 years of military experience. Try this website: WWW.FBI.GOV They are the real experts and you should speak with them directly on this subject. Get aquainted with them now because you will be spending a lot of time with them in the future!
  6. It is just like buying a new car. Yes, the value drops the minute it is driven off of the lot; however, when you by a Mercedes, BMW, or Porche, you will have residual value built in. If you buy a Toyota, or Ford you are faced with deminishing value over time! Bottom line, buy second hand and hold for a long time. Has anyone been paying attention to the stock market? Not a place to have your money right now! Myself having lost 8 or 10K in the last six months. However, why not INVEST in something with a proven track record of holding its value with the potential to increase? Just MHO! But what the hell do I know?!
  7. Try www.rolex.com. I hear they have an excellent sub!
  8. That depends on the watch. I just purchased one as an investment and because I love the watch. I owned a gen Two Tone Omega Seamaster Pro but never fell in love with it. Sold it earlier this year. Now I have an "F" serial Sub LV that I really enjoy wearing. I have owned several reps of the same watch and the reps convenced me that this was indeed the right one for me. Yet, another reason to buy reps, you get to test drive the model at about 1/10th the price! Nice photo BTW! I really need to get a better camera...
  9. I think the date mag is actually pretty good on the Euromariner. The date on my Euro sets just a fraction too low in the date window, but not really noticeable unless you are looking for it.
  10. @Mickey, I must be a little slow today. I just realized your comment was directed at another member...
  11. Stephane, PM me your email and I will send you photos if you would like to see them. @Mickey, Yes, I am in the right forum... Those guys at TZ are too stuffy and dull! Plus, I could not afford to build a large collection of Gens. One or two maybe, but not 8 0r 10! Additionally, nothing compares to the information available on this site about gens and reps alike. Lastly, I like it here!
  12. Thanks. I have been wanting one for a very long time!
  13. Good Catch! These are the only real flaws. Also the printing of the Noob dial is a little bolder, but you can't tell unless they are side by side. I plan to send it off to The Zigmeister early next year to have these issues corrected.
  14. Both watches are 28,800 vpm. My Euromariner has the ETA, I can't speak for the Asian because I don't own one. I will say that from what I have read here that the Asian Clone ETAs are pretty good.
  15. I am not going to say right away which is which. Let's see how many can pick the right one!
  16. Good morning all: First let me say please excuse my poor photography skills. I am not a pro at taking pictures. Anyway, I just received my gen Sumariner LV two days ago and at first I was a little disappointed I also have the Euromariner version of this watch and could not believe just how very close both watches are. They look almost identical! The feel of the Gen is a little better on the wrist, but this could be explained by the fact I know it is the real deal. My disappointment has faded and now I could not be happier with my new watch. As a bonus I no longer have to worry about wearing the Euromariner and being called out. It is that good! The gen will stay on my wrist most of the time. But now I have a beater for when I am out hunting, fishing, doing yard work, etc. Let me know what you think. See if you can distinguish which is the Gen!
  17. I am going to see them again tomorrow. I will ask about it and see what she says. She might have just been trying to sell me a watch! I went in looking for an F serial LV (first year of the 50th year model) and of course it wasn't available in the show case; she said that it might be able to be sourced. I ended up buying the gen F series else where for a lot less and recieved it today overnight by Fedex. She didn't offer an explanation with her comment but did say, it (the GMT II C) would go into limited production and may go out of production. According to her this information came with the price increase notice. I am considering purchasing one as a hedge. Worst case it will do better than the US dollar over the next few years.
  18. I was talking with my local AD about this yesterday. She also said that the new GMT Master C will be either going into very limited production or no longer made some time soon!
  19. Yes. Chris at Eurotimez is by far the best with service and QC. The Euromariner is the "best sub" excluding Rolex of course
  20. I guess that would be me. I purchased an F serial LV yesterday and am expecting it to arrive by fedex by noon today. I understand the guilt feeling associated with it, but I am hoping it will pass once it is on my wrist! After too many reps, I decided to finally pull the trigger on a real Rolex too. Picks to follow tomorrow in another post.
  21. If a watch is stopped fully it should be manually wound about 30 full turns. This should be done very carefully and deliberately. After that, wearing it will keep the movement running. An automatic winder is a good Idea but you will still have to set the time and adjust the date from time to time. In your case you should have the movement looked at by a local watch smith or watchmaker. There is no such thing as a 2 hour power reserve. There is definately something wrong with your watch.
  22. Do yourself a favor. If it truely does need repair have a local watchmaker do the work. Otherwise you are looking at waiting months after you send it back to China. I sent a watch back to him (Andrew) at Trusty Time and waited over three months for a refund! If you have the ETA movement any good watch smith should be able to repair it or replace it if need be.
  23. Try Eurotimez. I purchased one from him. It is an Euromariner LV with an ETA and is extremely nice! If I can get my digital camera functioning properly I will post some pics. Or you could just visit his wedsite by following the dealer link.
  24. If you send your watch back to China for repair be prepaired for a very long wait. I sent a watch back for a refund from Trusty Time and it took about three months to get my money back! Best to seek the assistance of a local watch maker.
  25. I have the Euromariner LV from Eurotimez. I believe it is by far the "best sub" and Eurotimez is among the best dealers.
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