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Everything posted by USMC8404

  1. SLIGHTLY OFF TOPIC... I was just thinking about it and realized something. There is a retail store here in the States called Harbor Freight Tools. They sell a wide variety of things there, most of which are made in China at less than half price of what you would pay at one of the big name retail stores. The quality of some of their tools is great and the quality of some of their tools is poor. I have found the same to be true in the "Name Brand" retail stores. What really opened my eyes was when I noticed that the same industrial tile saw at "Lowe's Home Improvement" was $400.00 more that the same saw at Harbor Freight. The only, and I do mean only differences were the color of the paint and the name on the sticker affixed to the body of the saw. Face it guys, everything we purchase in the Western World these days is produced in China or India anyway. Quality has suffered in some cases, and in other cases it has improved. Bottom line, if you can have the same look, feel and function for a lesser price it only makes sense to buy it. I have owned many reps, and a couple of gens. To be perfectly honest some of my rep collection is of higher quality and feel. By the way, I sold the gens to buy more reps.
  2. I have a source for brand new ones. I can save you about $600 off of the retail price. Watch is shipped directly to you from the Omega distributer here in the U.S. PM me if you are interested. Cheers, USMC8404
  3. This website is without a doubt selling replica watches and representing them as gens. Just take a look around on ebay to get a good idea of what gens are actually going for (from time to time you will see reps sold as gens there too). I am just shocked that they are still in operation because this is clearly fraudulent...
  4. I might be interested in a few generic dials. Please PM me with details if it isn't too much trouble. Thanks.
  5. Yes, you are correct. They came from homer's ebay store. All of these watches contain ETA 2836-2 movements. The GMT has a modified version.
  6. Good morning all: I am still relatively new here on this forum but I cannot believe the amount of information I have acquired in the short time I have been a member of RWG. I have always been a fan of nice watches. I remember visiting ADs as far back as high school. I was drawn to the Rolex display case in particular. Not by the name as much as the no nonsense design and functional beauty of the watches. Like most of us on this board, I was particularly enamored by the Rolex Subs. Of course as a school kid I could not afford to purchase a car, let alone a high end watch. I put the passion to own a Rolex away for many years. I owned some nice watches during the years between then and now, but they were usually Seiko, Citizen, or Victronox Swiss Army watches. I even had a few Timex watches. About a year ago I realized that I could finally afford to buy a Rolex if I wanted to so I went to the AD again to look around. It was then that it hit me. Although I could now afford to buy one, the desire to own one was not so strong (at that price point anyway). The saying,
  7. USMC is self explanitory, 8404 is the designator of a Navy Combat Corpsman serving with the Marines. By the way, I retire in December of this year with 21 years service
  8. @Trevor52: You bet I am! Great advise I think.
  9. I am 40 with a 20 year horizon to full retirement as well. This is how my investments are divided: large us equity 50% small / mid us equity 20% international equity 30% I invest 15% of my gross income this way and have for the past 6 or 7 years. In spite of the recent down turn in the market and high energy prices my balance sheet remains in the black and is growing. If you have paid off all of your debt, and established a 3-6 month of expenses into an emergency fund then start investing 15% of your gross as I have shown you above. But remember the first consideration to building wealth is to pay off all of your debt! It does no good to pile money into any investment with 10-15% projected return if you are paying your creditors 15-23%. The borrower is always slave to the lender! Good luck, hope this helps. Cheers...
  10. Hi, I've got this one. It is a four place winder with storage for several more watches. The price is right at $65.00 and the finish is nice. Ebay: Item number: 270255707514 Don't worry if the auction has expired by the time you see this post. This seller runs numerous auctions for the same items. Cheers...
  11. His website claims that it is water resistant. He also offers "water proofing" to 50 meters for an extra fee. I just ordered from him several days ago but I don't have the watch yet. I have several sport model Rolex reps and routinely shower and swim with them. To date I haven't had any problems. Most on the forum will tell you not to get any rep wet. I disagree. As long as the case back is tight, the crystal well seated and the crown screwed down properly you should not have an issue with showering or swimming. Diving, that is another thing all together. Have your watch pressure tested before attempting scuba. Cheers.
  12. Another option is to list the value at $10 and list it as wrist watch, returned for repair. I have done this several times without any issue. Cheers!
  13. Ok, common sense time! Why does everyone keep buying this model of watch with so many problems associated with it? Just a thought
  14. The psychology of wearing a Rolex is exactly why I like wearing non branded versions of these watches. I simply appreciate the design, look, and function. I personally could care less about the branding. I have purchased several rolex reps and a gen Omega since joining this group. Funny thing is that my non branded sterile watches get more wrist time than the "Rolexs" and my Omega rarely comes out of the watch box. [attachme nt=23162:NonBrandedGMT2.JPG]
  15. Good morning and welcome! Your post reminded me of when I first started looking at reps and before I discovered this forum. Let the education begin. It will take you a little while to get to know the place, but it is worth the reading. You will have a graduate education in watches within months, if not weeks. There are many members on this site that are serious collectors, some dealers, and a few watchmakers (modifiers, repairmen, etc.) The watch you are talking about is the same one that peaked my interest (and many others) and brought me here to this forum. Most on this forum refer to it as a Noobmariner or Noob magnet ; ). Basically it denotes a SS or TT Sub made at the Noob factory in China. Most of these reps are produced in Asia in one of several factories. The price you pay will vary according to where you buy it and if it is a Swiss Eta or an Asian movement. You can have this or a similar watch from anywhere between $100 -$1000 USD. Don't pay more than $100 for your first rep without reading here for at least a month! Asian movements aren't bad by the way. They always say on this forum to choose your dealer before you choose your watch. Strong, sound advice I believe. I have posted a link here to the "Trusted Dealer" page on this forum. Most of these dealers will respond back to you on this board in a thread or by PM or email within 24 - 48 hours. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?autoco...E=02&cat=16 Hope this is helpful!
  16. If they are using "regular air mail" then it will come via USPS if you are in CONUS, or Royal Mail Airsure if you are in the UK. Either way, international shipping usually only updates once the parcel is received in the destination country. Once the package arrives in the destination country it must clear customs and then it is shipped to your address. This process can take as little as 5 days, or as long as several weeks.
  17. Unfortunately the credit card company probably will not stop the payment without going through a dispute process. I had a similar experience to yours before I joined this forum. I did finally receive my watch and allowed the purchase to go through. If the shipping company is EMS then it will most likely be delivered to your address before it ever up dates in their system. That is just typical for EMS. In the future if you are going to pay one of these companies with a credit card, make sure it is a card with a relatively small limit in case they decide to come back and charge you again or, out right steal your information. This happened to me once. Thankfully, the card company contacted me to approve the very large charge before they processed it. Good luck and welcome aboard!
  18. Thanks The Zigmeister, I knew you would have the information I wanted to know. I am ordering one today to replace the one I ruined by hand winding earlier this year on my TT Sub.
  19. Thanks Andy.
  20. Hey Steve, I have been keeping salt water fish for years without any problems. I found that the more you mess with it the more trouble you will have. I don't do anything more than a 20% water change per month. Once your tank is established you don't need to do anything else with it (except keeping the glass clean). I have a wet dry system and a lot of live rock in my large bowfront tank. I also have a 1.5 gal. hex with a clown an anamone and an emerald crab in it. It has an undergravel filter system and I change the water in it about once per week. I just recycle it into the larger tank.
  21. Good morning all, I am still new here and learning a little more each day. I have seen several versions of the ETA 2836-2 on the web for sale. Some are silver in color and others are gold. They seem to go for between 75 and 100 USD. Could some one please explain the difference to me. A word or two from The Zigmeister on this topic would be very educational I am sure. Thank you all for a great place to learn about and enjoy my new found hobby!
  22. I really like the non-branded GMT. I recently purchased a non-branded LV Sub with a ETA 2836-2 movement for about 300 USD. Was yours from Patel? I agree it without the branding it appears very simple and elegant! Nice collection!!!
  23. @ Corgi. If you take a pencil erasor to the band you can get the discoloration off easy. Had the same problem. It is not water that did it. It is the Nitric acid they used to TEST the gold on your band...
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