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Noel Fleischer

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Noel Fleischer last won the day on May 12 2012

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About Noel Fleischer

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  1. Haven't been here in a while,TC YM for Holidays.
  2. Yes- they sell those dirt cheap over there. Some are $29! I bought a $69 version for the GF, not a bad deal.
  3. Actually there is a lot more similarity than you may imagine. And you're right, a normal person would never do the things that an Addict would.That's why they consider it an illness. Look at Alcoholism for example. Alcohol is mostly carbs, and Alcoholics do not process it the same way that a regular person might. Consider the possibility that the Alcoholic/Addict, like the Diabetic, lacks an enzyme needed to metabolize the alcohol a or even another substance like heroin.
  4. Yes it is very sad- I always enjoyed his work very much. A very realistic actor, hard to find. And I think it's also sad that we sit here and pass judgement. Alcoholism/Drug Addiction is a complicated 'diesease', not simply defined a a moral issue involving degenerate weaklings with no 'will power'. Many times it has a genetic basis. BTW- I would say that Suboxone ( buprenorphine) has become the more popular opiate substitute. Can be done outpatient in a private doctor's office, without much hassle. Of course the drugs & alcohol are a small problem overall. It's a 'brain disorder' involving the neural circuits for reward/avoidance. Plus, the ever present danger of 'relapse' even after a period of sobriety, as what seemed to happen here. That's why people keep attending AA/NA, etc. They know if they don't keep a vigilant state this is the fate that may await them.
  5. The buyer is nuts, and doesn't deserve the money back IMO. It's hard to say for sure, but that mov't looks gen to me. I can't see the jewel seat, are there 3 cutouts? That seems to be a reliable sign of the gen. Many clones are stamped now, and I think there are a lot of hybrid Gen/Clones as well. If a person sells a rep, I would say 'sold as Swiss'. You (or the TDs) can not be expected to open every back and check the mov't. If someone wants a 100% guarantee; they should get a gen. Or at least buy from someone like BK who installs his own Gen mov'ts.
  6. The Noob 42mm. CrPO, great watch- via Torobravo.
  7. I'm under the impression the V6 Factory version is the best. There may be some issue with the pushers; which have fallen off some of these.
  8. New BK/Noob Sub C V2- excellent rep!
  9. I will definitely take a look at the pens. All the best wishes for you and the project. As a matter of chance, my cousin happens to be the Director of the BM Transplant Team at Kaiser Hospital/City of Hope in LA.
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