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Posts posted by cony212

  1. Went to my local mall here in NW London, passed by one of those stores which "rapairs shoes, cuts keys, and does watch repairs"...I saw he had a waterproof testing machine so I asked how much he charges, he asked to see my watch...I handed over my speedy moon watch, he looks at the front, turns it around...I'm waiting to hear if he'll ask if it's a replica...instead he says "Hmm...this doesn't use a battery...blah blah blah" told me that my watch wasn't water proof because it didn't have "water proof" written on it... :bangin:


  2. I'm a very young teenager myself and I would say about 50% of my male friends wear a watch to tell time...the girls on the other hand, all use their cell phones...I have always worn watches, from my first casio, to a talking watch, even the calculator watch, i'm sure we've all used them one time or another to help us in tests :p I've gotten so used to wearing a watch that my wrist feels naked whenever I'm not wearin one.

    "The inconvenience of strapping it on in the morning," ...How lazy can one person be? 4.5 seconds out of your morning time is an inconvenience??? :bangin:

  3. Might as well post my experience with one of those sites...

    Before I found all the forums, I read about replica-center and all of that...then I stumbled onto a website which had the watch I wanted for so long, a 50th anni. Rolex Submariner, "much cheaper" then all of the sites replica center recommended...I paid $170 for it, From here. Now, the million dollar question...What did I get?

    Well, what I got in the mail was a CD-Rom drive...yes, you heard right, a cd-rom drive, even came with the cable to connect it! at that point I thought I was scammed...but something caught my attention...it had one of those "void if removed" stickers which is broken...which led me to open up the cd-rom drive...Surprise, surprise what was inside? A Rolex! Brilliant...how the hell did a watch inside of a cd-rom pass thru customs I have no idea...the watch I recieved was almost the same as the watch I had ordered from Andrew, except it had a skinny minute hand, bad divers extension clasp, slow date transition, etc...

    We are BLESSED to have the dealers we have here.

  4. I'm putting together a little franken pocket watch...I've got a nice skeleton movement for it, but I have no movement holder to hold it in place...So far I'm using blu-tack but it looks horrible, anybody got any creative ideas on what I can use as a movement holder? keep in mind its a skeleton movement so I can't hide it behind a dial...

    BIG tip for begginers: Do NOT go near the balance wheel! no matter what! be very, very careful not to even touch it accidently...I've trashed 3 movements that way...:(

    Thanks :)

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