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Everything posted by deanr

  1. Read many people say it doesnt, and one saying it did but they were an extremely tight fit, so tight that on the first try he thought they didnt fit
  2. http://www.movingtochinablog.com/shopping/shanghai-fake-markets/ Went to one that was connected to a metro and had 4-5 floors but cant remember which, had shoes bags watches etc Watches were on the top floor, had to ask for an Automatic to see anything decent, got an LV wallet in the basement carpark, cool experience but huge PITA to get a decent price
  3. Someone PM me dealer info
  4. Next page after certificato di conformita Readable version from Mare nostrom book Just the bottom one in this pic
  5. Problems with italian and english parts, I just had a go at writing from the pics, but ask in the italian section @ RG.... Si dichiara che questo orologio è stato sottoposto a tutte le verifiche prescritte dalle procedure di controllo di qualità Panerai al fine di assicurarne la conformità alla documentazione grafica ed alle specifiche applicabili. In particolare, in aggiunta a tutti i controlli e collaudi eseguiti sulle varie parti componenti, l’orologio è stato sottoposto con esito favorevole ad una prova finale di ermeticità a 40 Atm, eseguita secondo la norma ISO 6425 - 1084 (F) (vedi nota). La documentazione che comprova l’esito positivo di tutti controlli e collaudi eseguiti è conservata negli archivi del Reparto Assucurazione Qualità della Panerai. Nota: In aggiunta a detta prova, eseguita sul 100% degli orologi, l’ermeticità a 40 Atm viene verificata, per 24 ore consecutive, secondo la norma ISO 2859, Livello di Ispezione II, AQL 2,5. This watch has undergone all of the inspections prescribed by Panerai quality control procedures in order to ensure its conformity to the drawings and to the applicable specifications. In particular, in addition to all the checkes and inspections performed on its various component parts, the watch has undergone and passed a final tightness test at 40 atmospheres conducted in accordance with ISO 6425-1984 (F) (see note). The documentation confirming the positive outcome of all the checks and inspections performed is on file in the Quality Assurance Department of Panerai. Note: In addition to the above test, performed on 100% of the watches, tightness at 40 atmospheres was verified for 24 consecutive hours, according to ISO 2859, with Inspection Level II, AQL 2,5.
  6. Subbed to your thread at RG hoping for this, would have found you and killed you if w0lf didnt spill the beans about this over there! 1. ikequebec (201/A non-matching) 2. ikequebec (202/A non-matching) 3. Sergeant_At_Arms (201/A matching) 4. Sergeant_At_Arms (202/A non-matching) 5. torresp (201/A matching) 6. ubiquitous (201/A matching) 7. ubiquitous (201/A non-matching) 8. dropbear2008 (201/A non-matching) 9. dropbear2008 (202/A non-matching) 10. altesporsche (201/A matching) 11. altesporsche (201/A non-matching) 12. altesporsche (202/A matching) 13. altesporsche (202/A non-matching) 14. m3amg (201/A matching) 15. air (201/A non-matching) 16. air (202/A non matching) 17. boston909 (201/A matching) 18. NTB (201/A non-matching) 19. NTB (202/A non-matching) 20. Korneevy (201/A matching) 21. deanr (201/A non-matching)
  7. If its the same construction as the first version then it wont take a gen crystal, on the gen the detachable rehaut fits inside crystal gasket, on the rep the rehaut just sits in under the gasket/crystal and the diameter is too large to fit inside a gen gasket
  8. +1 for forget rehaut engraving... on the cheap ones it doesnt line up with the markers and on the WM9 they didnt use the right font, if rehaut engraving is important to you than neither flaw is satisfactory
  9. IMHO it will take a very long time to profit on these, there are so many of these subs in existence and alot of the people buying the new case version in the next few years will dump there old one, sea dweller prices seem to be going no where yet after 2 years and theres supposed to be around 10x less of them than subs
  10. The straightness of the surfaces and polish job say it all, bottom is gen, who cares what the top is its obvious a bunch of flaws have been polished over and its not something expected from a swiss watch
  11. The V looks a little weird, on the gen if you drew lines from the tops of the E's on either side it would hit the top of the V lines or incredibly close, and the angle of the - between I and O looks off a couple of degrees counter clockwise
  12. You can also try a sunglasses shop, the screws on the hinges are similar sizes and theres a good chance you can find one that works this is how I replaced mine
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