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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. PRIUS Although it is probably too late... the end is way too nigh.
  2. ooohhhhh.... now I REALLY want to know: what goes on in McDonalds carparks at midnight??? sounnds very interesting...
  3. INDEPENDENCE FOR THE LOONY BIN NOW! When in the Course of events it becomes necessary for Replica Collectors to dissolve the bands which have connected them with a Forum and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Collectors are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Fash Shipping, Good Communications and the pursuit of Reps. — That to secure these rights, Rep Forums are instituted among Collectors, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Forum becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the Collectors to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Forums, laying their foundations on such principles and organizing their powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Collecting.
  4. ATTN RWG2 folk., Its your bin as well. JUST KIDDING... STAY THE [censored] OUT!!! :lol:
  5. EXCELLENT THINKING!!! Ok, Greg, how about Canada? It
  6. This is not what you want to hear but here it is: Take the money from car and cash the check. If you have any investments, liquidate them now. Sell all but one of your reps. Sell anything that people will buy, including your home if you are in an urban or suburban area. Buy an old (but well maintained) Land Rover. Buy the biggest tract of land you can afford. It should be in a remote area, have good soil and drainage, and plenty of precipitation. Construct a subterranean concrete bunker with enough space for you and your family. Don
  7. Children, if you have to wander outside the BIN, take a look at this: http://www.sexybabepost.com/freetour/samples.html
  9. I got an email from Jameo - he isn
  10. Okay you two - back to the BIN!!!
  11. If you search his posts, you will see he is starting to sneak out of the Bin with greater and greater frequency. We need to put up an electric fence or something.
  12. No, it was funny - but old people don
  13. Anybody seen that Oscar guy around lately? Is he cheating on us in the General Discussion forum?
  14. Oke, you dropped it, just DON
  15. Onze said that Oscar has an "inny" - I didn
  16. Yeah, but the owner is probably a total [censored]!
  17. I am going to sign up as "Oscar Mad Fish"!
  18. Kazi is pulling our leg - there is no Tag.
  19. Is it here yet?
  20. UPDATE I sent a message to admin at RWI and per my request they have forwarded my personal email address to JB at the address they have on file for him - with luck he will get the message and email me and we can get some time frame for the forum being back up. I will let you guys know the minute I hear anything.
  21. Stay away! Don
  22. Yup. Great opportunity for post whores!
  23. JohnG


    whoops! somebody got pwned!!!
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