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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. I see way more 40mm stocks in stores then you would think Either they aren't selling or they are selling and that is what the store is stocking
  2. i'm holding out for the 2 tone Hopefully in green - its a very different piece the 2 tone blue face with 2 tone bracelet is rockin this is a very understated 2 tone watch perfect
  3. ITs the unveiling of chronomat evolution all about the chronomat
  4. Gen based upon - the small blue AR coated reflection at 10:00
  5. my amazment at the interestiing and amazing folks that are on this forum never ceases
  6. trademarque WOWOWOW That is an awesome piece of work. what happened to your music making career after your class, was it just a side thing or did you divert careers
  7. actually my buddy i played with in high school had a bc rich bass- he is now a world class jazz bassist. - So, i mean they aren't totally bad
  8. Fantastic my brother in arms. - Have you ever tried it on? I thought it was cool from the photos - but when i put it on WOW. Its amazing. The rose gold is nice, but for something more financially attainable, i like teh white dial - i remember the roman numerals being black not SS. but, to me it has the class and look of a grandfather clock - the size of a panera and the sport/ edge with that window. I know that its not likely the factories will rep a 36000 bps movement, but i also don't think that the portions of the movement are very unique.
  9. Crystal - did you see my active desktop i "modified" you can select this page as your screen backround and its a working clock Zenith watch background I agree with you, this zenith in my opinion is the "Ultimate" watch. I love the white dial its FREAKING awesome if you want to grab a good deal - cobalt dial - $3590 - i was going to grab some and resell them on ebay for 4700, but someone is already trying that http://www.collectorstime.com/zenith.htm i'm trying to figure out how to raise the $$ for this watch - primary reason i took on the pen thing
  10. Yeah, they even have cell towers on cruise ships now - its still crazy expensive - but good for emergencies I still have - Oh, i was in the basement in a meeting, just got signal back now.
  11. Funny i found that the remotes are almost TOO sensative. Its good cause i use one of those remote extender deals cause the tivos are behind cabinates. But much better than the old tivo remotes - painful
  12. Yeah I was told that too when I was activating it. I actually caught word on a forum about the date in sept they were coming online. 4 appointments later because they kept runnijng out I finally got it. They screwed up scheduling my install so bad that I got them to give me a 2nd one I am like the only person in the country with 2 Totally worth it. Even worth purchasing from best buy.
  13. Well, it happens alot to "normal" people, but not to me. I have a very ugly habbit of telling stories EXACTLY how they happened, most often word for word. My wife, who re-narrates what she "wanted" to happen or a more interesting version - which my mother and sister also do - have come to admit, if i remember it one way and they remember it another way, i'm usually right. this is completely different then a lack of communication between 2 people which also happens - that is the difference between - what i said and what you heard. My wife and i often will stop, mid argument (were lawyers) and say, wait, ok, - i did say this - and she willsay, ok, but i "heard" this i recomend this technique, its a nice way to break through the BS and get down to the root of issues
  14. bill - your a sick sick man. And - i wish you for you they never develop a cure. - I have approx 14 or so including Gens I wear 1 a day, change basically every day. Try to match my outfit/ mood for the day. sometimes the outfit is chosen for the watch
  15. I agree clearly you must not get the watch that wasn't posted and be sure not to avoid the watch you like best. I recomend the Subpameitling
  16. Your right - If the only played with distortion, i'd have them on my IPOD !!! similiar talent - these guys all went to berkley and julliard
  17. great, now there isn't even the excuse - i sorry didn't get your message till now- i was on a plane
  18. This will blow your mind. - I know, everyone has thier bands they are into and, everyone always has a - you have to check these guys out. But, with DT - its like, not being familier with Rush. here is a small part from a live dvd - obviously its not great quality being on youtube - but good enough. This is called Instrumedly - its a medly of instrumental parts of songs - they usually have these long harmony solos in the middle of tunes - this is 12 minutes of that strung together. - now most of the complicated lines your hearing on gutiar and keyboard are being played as harmony solos - and even sometimes teh BASS!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieRFnlcsZ0g Think of the best guitarist you have ever seen. - Imagine that level of talent on keyboard, drums and bass and vocals - all playing heavy rock/ metal. Imagine guys that are routinley voted best in the industry in their individual magazines - Guitar, Modern drummer, ect ect ect I have all their stuff, i can give some to you if you want !!! Enjoy Guaronteed to blow your mind !! there are only 2 bands i see everytime they come to town - Dream Theater and King's X.
  19. Whammy bars are OVERATED - more problems then they are worth. You have to use a trem lock - locks suck. By the way are you a dream theater fan? That first video was john petrucci from dream theater - Top Progressive band in music today you will like them
  20. to all that may care- i just upgraded to the new HD Tivo the one that they make and isn't actually branded a tivo. ITS AWESOME compared to the old one, totally rocks - faster, better interface and organization. If you bought one of the astronomicially high priced HDTIVOs you can upgrade for free, or a 25 delivery charge depending on how good you are with the Customer Service people. If you need more info i'll be happy to give the phone number in order to get right to the correct person.
  21. nice left hand, would be more impressed if he actually picked all of that like this or this - under a glass moon solo or some young hotshot playing the under teh lgass moon solo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owBGZ84fGCI...ted&search= or some other hotshot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok8gKb2Ju5k You tube is crazy - lots of crazy talent out there. i don't know if i would have liked it better to have this when i was a kid or not. I'm not sure if it would have made me work harder or just straight up quit i think it woud have made me work harder. I would have tried to push much more to production ready. I never really did back then. I would settle, cause, well, just cause here is my point - check out these kids like 11 yrs old - and jamming and singing a complex king's x tune
  22. lurking for awhile is an understatment - JUne!! well, either you forgot about us for awhile and came back or you are simply the most patient person i have ever heard of. Question - did you buy those 4 reps before coming here? or since you joined. and of course- welcome to the party -
  23. yeah was going to mention that too, but i have seen a few new reps that have the no recessed pin - and, my kid started crying so i forgot
  24. yeah - his relumes (including the one he did for me) boggle my mind.
  25. You guys seen Josh's new 172? Nice Crown
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