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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. jeez no props here, not only did i breakdown the legal thing, but i then explained how it is a breech of contract Does everyone have me on ignore or something!!! also, my 2 Cents - seeing that everyone is so upset about it, i think we should enforce the rule - its defiantly not "nessecary" and as we all know in order to live in an orderly society we all must accept boundaries and limitations. And i see no reason to not enforce this one.
  2. i have the LV version on the way - I'm actually quite excited about it.
  3. NOOO not the pam monkey - the evil pam monkey will follow you for years !!!
  4. Andrew - Zenith Grande Chronomaster xxt Open - Cheap - 3500 bucks http://www.collectorstime.com/zenith.htm cheap gen, you would sell tons!!! list is 8k, normally around 5k
  5. I'm not usually one to start threads and not offer any substantial information. But- TTK said over on the dark side (and to me this morning) that he is expecting a new Chronomat Evolution based on the 7750 He can't attest to the quality as of yet- but, oohh, how exciting
  6. Your not going to believe most of this, but its all true Drummer - Band - "the mad anarchists" movie theater usher Drummer - Band - Norvac's Enworb Drummer - Band - Broke [censored] Dog Puppiteer at Universal Studios Camp Counselor United States Space Camp elected official, president of the student body of a major university clerk to Legal Aid (poor people) clerk to state attorney general clerk to district court judges bankruptcy attorney Guitar/ Drums Band - PHO Web Designer Senior lobbyist medical disaster campaign consultant vice president of regulatory compliance for an international investment enterprise radio show personality husband father special consultant to Cantor Fitzgerald LLC Owner and Proprietor for Buy my Damn Dragon Pens Inc. and i'm only 32 yrs old and poor now i'm look for a nice quiet job that pays the bills. Thought i had one - and got screwed out of it.
  7. Of course we all wish you well i hope it works out for you. I haven't really gotten any discounts either - however, i have always had any issues with my watch recieved handled without cost. Good luck my friend
  8. what is a Swiss watch chip
  9. I took anti-ambivolents for a while, but had to quite due to the sexual side effects - I think thats a slick look watch
  10. I should have added earlier that - recently my wife has walked past me as i surf ont he laptop and said WHAT KIND OF SITE ARE YOU LOOKING AT - i replied - no honey its just a watch site i think some are over the top. You do have a way to turn it off. and - yes Pugs, Firefox and adblock is awesome - i dind't even know the forum had ads until someone started saying no one was clicking on them. makes the whole web experience better - especially on the drudge report.
  11. I'm stoked - I never do downloaded movies for stuff like this - where the actual scenery, effects ect are as much a part of the film as the actor and director. Now something like "CLick" i'll download
  12. RWG finally went the way of the loony bin
  13. No, not true - your not a thief cause your in breach of contract. Also, your not in breach of contract for spending the time surfing the net. Under your theory, going to the bathroom is a breach and a crime. Now - Using the company's internet connection for personal use, is theft, same as borrowing stamps, copy paper or several hundred thousand dollars out of the pension fund. your stealing their bandwidth. Thts why its good to be in charge of all the IT at your office !!!! and as far as gioarmani is concerned - those aren't just random internet photos he is posting!!! I'd sell my soul to live in gioarmani's world
  14. fotoman

    My Start

    yeah, fantastic start - i too suffered from early mis-steps but, these are top notch welcome, and enjoy
  15. They totally ripped off TTK's 10 reasons to buy from US !!!! thanks - bookmarked
  16. #1 Re: Paul. - he is only semi trusted in my opinion. His in's and out's of trusted status are well documented. re: photos of other dealers - most of them use factory photos, take a look at trusty and josh - lots of similiar photos I don't think i'm letting out a big secret here when i say it is my understanding that most likley the watches cost the dealers half or less of what they are selling for. They have a heavy overhead - "the law" customs seizures - defective crap from the factory. high cost of international shipping ect ect. i think the prices are appropriate - but, he made money on you the first time - the 2nd time, he is still making $$ but less. I think he knew he was sending the wrong watch, and he made the money. THen, in order to keep your business he offered to make more $$ on you. I mean, you at least got a watch, which is better than most sites
  17. I tend to agree - sounds like a successful scam to me. I'm willing to put dollars to doughnuts that he would make $$ on you twice in that transaction. not to mention that since you seem satisfied, he would believe that you could likley buy again.
  18. since my most listened to halenalbum is the best of - My head went right into Ain't Talking about love Way to rock the house
  19. The Zigmeister is an artist - i can not fathom how he actually paints that - that would be good for a video. We need to get The Zigmeister a webcam - then we can live The Zigmeister action
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