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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. I get that from my polorizing sunglasses - love to stare at the watch when wearing the sunglasses but i agree the PO is super clear - in most watches with AR you still see small reflections that are blue in color (note not the whole lens blue, just the reflection of the bulb. PO really looks like no crystal
  2. Welcome, sit back and enjoy the ride
  3. Dodgy? like a cheap american car?
  4. that is a rep, there are a few versions floating around, i think the version with the date and not the calender are better. but i have only seen one. the price is rediculous - check ioffer http://www.ioffer.com/i/ZENITH-Chronomaste...c-2006-14321172 http://www.ioffer.com/advSearchSold.do?tar...=BuySearchTable
  5. i got a good person on canal street in NY if you want to make a trip of it
  6. Ahh, the mighty Ken is Channeling the great Confucius (551-479 B.C.) Didn't know you had such abilities. Or - is he channeling klink?
  7. naw, do a crown upgrade and your close enough from 3 ft away where you and most others will see it from Buy gen's that can't be repped Like the Zenith XXT open i lust after
  8. I'm sorry, cleaning out my PM box i accidently deleted your forum name and i only answered half your question. If you could PM again i can answer anything else. The answer to the box that the pen comes with its the same box you see in the photos. Has a faux lizard exterior with the interior in the photo. Very nice gift box. Thanks!! Aaron/pho
  9. take note all those who complain about our dealers - they may call a rep with flaws the "perfect sub" but you get what you see in the photos everytime !!!!
  10. i have read they are slightly larger. So they need to be trimmed a bit. I have a 177h dial going to The Zigmeister for install but it won't be for a few weeks yet
  11. Damn those people who get in first to pick up a great pate . . . oh wait, that was me That ferrari though - wow- that is special looking
  12. I joined in March of 05 when the pam craze was in full swing. Was around for nearly a year before i got the news of my first son and had to cut the $$ But between the time i cut off, and came back - WOW lots of other models had come into full swing high quality. Esp breitling GT _ which i'm very happy about. I have learned so much in my time, when to buy, when to wait, what to look for. Where to find value. and i have had primarily excellent relationships with our dealers. I agree with The Zigmeister and might i ad - we are lucky to also have someone like him who works with our watches. Someone who doesn't need the income and someone who gives up their private time in order to work on our stuff and mod and make them better than before. That, to me, is one of the most valuable things we have here. Good People, Good Products, Good Times. i also learned that you hvae to jump on opportunities when they come along cause sometime they don't come back Like a nice dragon pen for instance plug plug
  13. you know whats great about TTK - even if i see a brand watch i don't care about or for - even if i see a watch that i have already seen by other dealers I Always check out TTK's selections just to see the photos were not worthy - were not worthy
  14. you could try reverse psychology and put "uh FAKE WATCH jk" who knows, that might be fun to try. In fact we should take a cheapy watch and start sending it country to country and see how many customs we can get it through before being seized
  15. crown aside, i think this is the first time i've seen an H series dial in High Definition so to speak - I have tried them on, but didn't compare with a loop. RBJ had told me along time ago that the Gen sandwhich dials were really cut much better. I have to agree, the numbers and the cutting - look, VERY different, at least to my eye. That is what caught my attention. There is almost a rounded edge to the lip of the cut. thank god from 3 feet away on the wrist you can't see the difference
  16. I was going to say ttk i think the universal language for non crap watch = SWISS E T A
  17. I am going to have just a crystal without AR available soon. But will likley be a few weeks till The Zigmeister gets to it.
  18. so has anyone tried out the backround? do they like it?
  19. Thats fantastic - next thing you need to do is one of those timed recording thing, where the camera takes a photo every 30 seconds or so and we can watch you disect a movement at high speed. the "over the shoulder view or straight down view. Now that would be wicked awesome You Da Man
  20. yeah, this is pretty much straight up aweful - at least to your budget
  21. Best and safest is escrow. Let a 3rd party handle it. I think escrow.com is recomended by ebay. I decided not to sell the gens, but i was planning on doing escrow
  22. There are zenith reps out there, but they are cheap crap. I have seen one that i was willing to buy and it wasn't on the forum here, but it was sold before i got to it. I'm saving up to get this gen. Arch, in my first post, you will see at the bottem, it says zenith.zip. Download that file. ENJOY Oh - and, believe it or not this watch is a chronograph. So the small seconds at 3, is just for chrono function. The large seconds is also for chrono, but on this animation it works as a big seconds hand. Yes, there is simulated movement action.
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