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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Ask and ye shall recieve - - i'm playing drums - this is a highlights clip of a show. man- this was a great band only 13 yrs ago. but when your at your peak your at your peak
  2. where is the khaki and polos - thats a nice standard buis attire
  3. KEF mains, Paradigm center, Boston Acoustics surrounds. harmon kardon reciever - oppo dvd player (pretty cool) 2 HD tivos (well i will have the 2nd one on saturday)
  4. my buddy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tK2C8QNpCxw old bass player in one of my bands - does this kick ass solo-original
  5. yes - its not "things" that make you happy - BUT, its the "THINGS" we take for granted as americans that make a difference, access to food, acess to jobs, acess to health care - Central Heating and Cooling - i am not familier with contrasts in Europe, but i know if i lived in cuba - i'd be a reck, cause i wouldn't be able to get my drugs (prescription) Physically i would be more of a nightmare than i already am - and all the smiling happy family faces in the world wouldn't keep me from being miserable. having said all that - i think i'd be happier as a Canadian
  6. looks to me as if hte red numbers clash with the green bezel - but, continues to prove that there are more "reps" made by legit watch companys hchem, Hchem-LV Hchem
  7. Getting watches used is the number 1 way to go on value- however, one of the best sub 150$ reps i have is the Jaeger-LeCoultre recently tried on the gen - its wafer thin - this one is a bit thicker, but i like beefy watches anyway take this for 120 shipped - put on a hadley roma "aligator grain" leather strap for 23 bucks from Global Watch Band and your styling ready to go. Chances are 99.9 no one you see will have any idea what a jaeger is, let alone realize the watch is too thick.
  8. factory isn't watermarking Look, i don't doubt that paul may have the same products the rediculous thing is - HE IS ADVERTISING FOR ANDREW. i mean, what if someone wrote an email inquiring - for more info at trustytime. Not that i think paul is tryingi to scam - but i do think paul shows that has a few gears shy of a working movement um = duh, um, maybe no one will notice
  9. so cometh forth this thread as a tribute to the happyness of this forum
  10. no seriously phoband, tell me what you really think
  11. i don't think the 30 seconds is a big deal - frankly 220 is not exactly cheap - but my watches average 3-400 each with mods and work. the other cosmetic stuff we'll have to see a photo and it wasn't a long post
  12. wasn't a big deal here, but was wholly annoying in the old RWG Good Riddence to Rediculous Rubbish Somehow i feel like a loony bin, Best of/ look back should start playing now - in slow motion - its playing in my head anyway
  13. this one is in the forum links section, not as pretty but has more models http://www.paneristi.com/reference/vendome...meframeset.html
  14. found this site of a guy selling gens. He looks like he takes his own photos. Its kind of a nice reference for gens when your looking for a real deal thats not a crappy promo photo and he has casebacks which are sometimes really hard to find Enjoy http://www.timephilosophy.com/
  15. Tonton2000 posted a link to a group of pam special editions over the weekend. I had to wait till i got back to work to find my link to pretty much all of the pam models. Since i thought some people would be interested either now or searching in the future, i created a properly titled thread to find this link. I picked it up from someone on the old boards a long time ago. http://www.lacotedesmontres.com/Galerie-No_4092.htm Enjoy
  16. I'd wear a t-shirt that said victoria secret But seriously folks - there is a men's version, in black ceramic- large watch. I tried on the Gen Techno Marine's (rep) version of a chanel. Not too bad actually - different All watch companies make reps - they just put their own name on it. -
  17. "who has the best sub" ok, good now this thread will come up in noob searches. - so FYI , when i give advice in threads that what you should do is read read read - and explain in the post that you have read but still have questions and you will get tons of help from forum members - THIS is exactly what i'm talking about. We love to help - but you have to show you are trying. Ok - soapbox over -now back to this threads topic The "Diversify" advice is very good. i think you also got the "choose your dealer then choose your watch" to build on these points - what you find after collecting for a while is - 1. you love watches and 2. you love great quality watches and 3. they may not have a great quality rep for the ones you like and 4. you will like some other brands that are great quality just as good. When i first came to the forum, i was looking for corum and breitling. at the time the breitlings were - eh and the corums are still just - eh. lucky for you friend that there are some superior quality omega out there - but - to incorporate the advice above - its almost more important that you drop some pre-concieved notions of what your looking for - and look to see what you like that is available. its like my purse place in china town, i take orders from family members - not for this specific model - but maybe a brand or a color or a size or a "formal or casual" you have some good watches to choose from in omega - when you have gotten satisfied there - check out some of the really great reps that are out there - you can usually distinguish by price - over 200 usually means pretty good rep (could still be fantasy, but good quality) not a hard fast rule, just a good indicator. It took me a long time and lots of $$ to realize that i could build a collection that i go ga ga over- built entirly of watches that i wouldn't have thought about buying in my first 3 months on the forum anyway - blabbering over back to work for me - enjoy
  18. i'm clearly in the wrong business - how do these guys not get eaten up by rolex or ebay. - i got crap for advertising i'm leaving a few movies on my ipod i'm selling if the buyer already owns the DVD. Completely legal - but torn down.
  19. anyone have thoughts? http://cgi.ebay.com/MINTY-VINTAGE-ROLEX-PR...1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. i was searching and searching for a comment for that photo and - damn- that was funny, i can't top that. 150 tommy bahama, holy cheezwhiz i need a better job
  21. i wear the strap that would match the shoes' i'd want to wear but i'm too lazy to have more than 1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of dress shoes
  22. http://cgi.ebay.com/ZENITH-GRANDE-CHRONOMA...bayphotohosting looks like he is spoofing somebody's legit site and hoping someone pays to find out if its real
  23. Thats a great watch - i'm liking my 177h titanium even better than i thought. i have an 89-blue Which will soon have a cyclops upgrade and palp crown. so - it still maybe a bit fantasy - but, will be getting closer. What i should really do is get an AR crystal first before i throw the cyclops on, but - i just can't justify spending anymore on this piece. oh, i can't wait i also have my 177h going for davidson dial and ar crystal and palp crown updates. That is going to bump to premier piece.
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