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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. Holy crap thats fast to 4k I got screwed on paypal this year with eBay. Sold my iPhone 4, just like I sold the 3GS, 3G, ect ect. The 4s was announced 3 days after the sale. Value of the 4 went from 400 to 200. The dude says my wifi isn't working right. He put 2phones next to each other and they didn't show the same bars. Could have been a million things, including interference from putting them next to each other, wouldn't send a photo alleged bars, which I requested Note I use a microcell in my apt where you use wifi to make calls. I used this everyday for the past year. Wifi worked just fine. And worked fine when I got it. Back(incidentally anyone need an iPhone ) I told paypal this and buyer was regretting not waiting till the new model came out. lost 200 cause paypal always defers to the buyer. In their rational if you send the item back then what's the hurt. Keeps pay pals liability to a minimum. But can be a major pain. Buyer can say almost anything. And in fact the only thing you have to give paypal is a tracking number. No confirmation of the thing being returned. Major scam opportunity. Building 300 feedback over 11 years is valuable. Sometimes they just force you to eat. It. I think eBay is more and more useless. Somedays I feel like it's 80% of Chinese crap for sale. Amazon, although there is a mandatory 60 day return policy, has better buyers
  2. No doubt !!! As I don't dive Lume dials are cool. I bet to have it SL would be a fortune!!
  3. Sweet great info. On the rep strap I had 2 issues. It's not old school dust attracting but it's not as good as the AP rubber. And the rigidness right at the case makes it stick out to far on my wrist. Could be a design issue they share. On this or one of the other sites I saw just the rubber - no clasp for like 60? The wus is a great lead
  4. If you weren't shocked when they said eggs, you should cut this hobby and see a shrink. Moral relativism will only get you so far.
  5. My father used to tell me "son, your only as old as the woman you feel" Does it work that way w watches?
  6. Citizen So I got side tracked but check it, full lme dial so every thing but markers is Lume automatic, 43 mm wide This looks cool.
  7. No, Im cool with what I have for now. I actually have an untouched rep rubber. I try to save the virgin straps cause I always end up selling at some point. But down the line I'd consider the gen. And I figured. Someone else might find it useful.
  8. I was wandering around the Internet waiting for caucus results when I saw that sinn sells the rubber straps with buckle for a not unreasonable amount. The last few sinns were not the latest and greatest in rep rubber. Right now I have my HKTAN die cast strap which is super awesome. But I could have gotten the gen strap for the same price hxxp://www.sinnwatches.com/proddetail.php?prod=si920
  9. If some old has been can't pull together the cool videos from years past then what are we good for
  10. Thanks. I will reserve final judgement on the stitching until I get it all done and on the watch. When I had both halves with 1 done and 1 the old way with white stitching, it looked a lot better. The case is stainless. Ohhh you know what would be awesome? Lite black/ bead blasted grey dlc coating on the case. Hmm. Well 1 thing at a time thanks for checking it out. More to be revealed on my how to make a strap black with stuff from around the house at 2:00 am
  11. Yeah, nardins and zenith few and far between
  12. Find a watchmaker in china town. It's an easy fix. You watch could have been dropped with no scratch. I have only had it happen during shipping
  13. my fraternity brother, Robert Reich had this to say - thought it was hilarious Waiting for the results the #iacaucus is like waiting at the airport for someone you don't know, don't care about, and believe is deranged.
  14. my AP rubber clad which has a rubberized bezel has held up very well.
  15. FYI - this IS a super rep. if it was quarts with mineral crystal wrong subdials ect that would be non super. There was also discussion about the colors of the red and blue. After checking this watch out on you tube, i think they are pretty dead on. - The subdials its harder to tell, reflections can distort subdial color.
  16. So, I was thinking how to inexpensively put some change into the watch collection and one of the main thing i did was upgrade my straps. I also realized the Sinn regulator pieces which are more than super awesome, kind of have that iwc pilot feel. The bezel is almost non existant and its a relatively simple dial and i thought, you know what, i bet a rivet strap would be cool. So i went to panatime and found one that was perfect - This is for the black dial sinn. - reveal of the piece will be done when i'm finished with the 2nd half of the project below. Got the strap it was nice soft and awesome except WOAH, its not black. I ordered Black, but when you put it next to black as you see below, its clearly more Greyish Green. I asked panatime about it, and they said they agree and will change the labeling of the strap. They also were happy to take it back as they stand behind their straps. - Only problem is, the other rivet straps were sold out, and I really liked this one compared to the other design. Here is the color of the strap compared to the wearing side which actually is black So, i was thinking Hmm. Can i dye it? If you notice the strap is "sueaded" And i was Like hmm, that suaded feel should take to a coloring well as opposed to most other leather. So, the issue is, what do I use to dye it? How do I make it black without ruining the strap. Well, i had an idea and tested it on the back of one of the strap loops and it was not bad. So i went ahead and did a whole half of the strap. I used a method that was very slow and meticulous, applying the color in light and even patches then massaging and working the leather so it evened out. For Just the half of the strap i have finished, It took almost 3 hrs. I'm sure i could have done it better or more effeciently but, i didn't and i had fun. I used heat -friction to work the color into leather. In fact, both of my thumbs got huge blisters. it was worth it. its always cool to look down at something you worked on with your own hands and feel accomplished. Its not digital its not virtual its real. I got the same joy from making Pens. So - Here it is now, the finished half strap vs. the origional leather. The finished product has leather jacket, sort of feel to it. Before and after the strap is extremely soft and very very comfortable. Its hard to totally capture the strap, it does have that feature of suede in that if you run your finger over it you can change the reflections. The only thing I am not thrilled about it, is the stitching really adds to the astetics of the strap. It frames the strap. I may pull out the existing thread and restitch with white (which augments the white on the watch dial) If you make straps and I'm nuts about trying to re stitch not having done it before, please let me know. So the final photo is The new strap compared to the underside of the stock strap to compare blacks So, let me know what you think, i'm interested to hear your opinion before i share the remainder of my process.
  17. yeah, edge was a good dude. I'm finding the same problem with my "guide for newbs" deal. The forum name has changed, the dealer's sites names have changed so most of the links are outdated and in my case, many of the links to the photos weren't working so for the threads that were correctly linked, the photos weren't there. I'm in the process of updating the compendium of phoband. I think someone might want to throw up a hand and update the guide? alot has changed since 2008 but most of the core values and expectations of forum members has not changed
  18. Search ofrei on the board to see members experiences
  19. May be gen Not a gen AP but a gen Billy bob joe's brand
  20. This reminds me of building my fraternity or a new business. You start out with some extraordinary people who have some special talent or experience but have some sort of Greek tragedy style personality flaw which while their contribution helped the fledgling operation they flame out in a blaze of glory . And as the operation gets bigger, more rules, more vanilla and more watered down. I think actually in this case it. Was the super reps, but similar dynamic.
  21. Do some searching on gold wrap. I see you have been here awhile, but you will find there is no such thing as gold wrap. There is plating and there is gold dlcish No dlc in rolex. I know of. I do have 2 Rollie for Sale in members sale. 2 tone date just and silver day date
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