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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. i took mine into italy and spain - didn't get a 2nd glance
  2. great post, glad you got it resolved. now its time to ENJOY
  3. I got these watch stands on ebay. They are pretty cool, Small but hold up the watches really well. they are great for display and SUPER great for photos i got them from this vendor on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/4-Watch-Stands-Acrylic...1QQcmdZViewItem here are photos i took with the stands http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=12138&hl= also waiting for these http://cgi.ebay.com/2-Clear-Watch-Displays...oQQcmdZViewItem will report later wondering if i should also get these - they look cool for that super black look. hmmmm http://cgi.ebay.com/3-Black-Velvet-Watch-D...bayphotohosting
  4. fyi, i got those watch stands on ebay for 15 bucks shipped - set of four, they are pretty cool
  5. Welcome - enjoy - be prepared to empty the wallet though - its hard to stop once you start
  6. I don't have to much to say, the pictures say it all. The gen is fantastic - the rep is fun. Notice the green distortion on the rep notice the size of the crystal and the case is much more sleek and conforming. glad i own them both
  7. I know acetimer has a great reputation. Does anyone have any of their winders for longer than 6 months and running, the one i got on the internet crapped out about 6 months (not from acetimer a cheapy from ebay). I of course have read that in order to get them to last you need a good winder - the crap breaks but i have to recomend to a friend. I know they are guaronteed parts and labor for a year. but was wondering if anyone had any long term observations. Thanks Pho
  8. And what a fine section it is great photo of course
  9. and its funny just the other day i was saying to myself, i can't get no
  10. yeah, cause an oem bezel on a rep is the bezel that was made in china and its used interchangably especially with straps. you will see OEM rep strap. which is an accurate representation of the rep strap that came with your watch if your on the board - the price usually tells you if its oem rep or oem gen
  11. can you post some photos? both of the faces and if you can get the back off the movements, there are people here that will be able to tell you on the spot or not if its time to move on. read up on "swiss made" you will find alot of info here about what is real and what isn't. 9/10 with people that come new to the board they find that for signifigantly less money they can find signifigantly better watches from some of the dealers that have good reputations here. And as posted above, depending on the cases and the movements there are usually peole that will buy broken watches for parts here. good luck
  12. cwai02 - THOSE ARE HORRIBLE SCANS - they look too 3 dimentional - like photos - nice piece
  13. i think its time to put an IWC section in photo gallery seeing as there seems to be a signifigant number of high end reps coming out just an idea
  14. to be honest, hadn't thought of it till you mentioned it.
  15. yeah, Huge difference. If you don't want to wait - i built my own with wire hangers (made a cube) and cut up white tshirts for the diffusion. photo in the my collection thread linked in sig Its not perfect - but just like reps - making it was half the fun the lights you have to be careful with, i started with regular light bulbs - and the colors were screwy even with manual white balance. I used halogens - bamb perfect color reproduction
  16. So now that i have my quasi light box going and i'm taking some good photos of the collection. I have my new method of displaying the collection (thumbnail below) I wanted a way to distinguish the gens For a while i kept searching for some sort of 100% gen stamp, like 100% USDA BEEF or something i could spoof. I finally ended up playing with the rolex style wax impression. So here is the graphic i started with - (google images makes life so much easier) Next - I had to switch out swiss for gen -TOOK me forever to try to get that print matching up with what was there.- - and i had to copy and convert that stringy ropey stuff to make the one on the bottem longer finally, prepare it for a black backround which is what i'm using in the watch photos Then Realistically when it gets shrunk down to what you will actually see - it will look more like this And here is a final version of what it will look like full size - click the thumbnail. I haven't converted my collection yet, cause the main files are on my other computer By the way, phoband reserves all copywrite protection under all law for this this fixed piece of artwork any use or rebroadcast of this item is prohibited by law without ththe express written consent of the NFL and NFL players association.
  17. i predict blue ray will win out. 25 gig vs 40+ gig. 25 gig seems like enough until you start producing 1080 dvd video 3 language 5.1 / 7.1 sound and want to put extra features. i think all the players coming out now play old dvds as well.
  18. We have a king here in florida his name is JEB Bush - and at least with the hurricaness you get a couple of days notice - unlike the sunami and we have nice golf but oye! its so humid
  19. continuing my PSA on how to survive a fire - (after last years experience) Streamload via https://www.mediamax.com/Brands/MediaMax/home/signup.aspx now has a free online hosting syncing option that is pretty darn good. Allows for 25 gig of hosting, 1 gig of transfer per month, there is a limit on the file size for the free option. there are more stuff there for paid options. However, the point here is, you can "sync" like your my documents so you can have work or personal files backed up, and synced amoung multiple computers. I had been using "be in sync" which is a pay service - the only upside is it does it automatically, but i'm going to cancel my pay service and use this one. Enjoy!!
  20. I think you have a good solution. I haven't gone direct computer to TV yet, But i have an xbox serving as a media center so i can stream video audio mp3 and photos from my main house computer, and it connects as a 1080i so its the same effect. Upconverting definatly varies. The key for me was - i wasn't able to use a dvd player on my TV unless i got this specific one - because going through the old component inputs at 480i looked like crap I couldn't even do 480p cause the of the old TV. THe other big thing for me is, i have a 47 hdtv in my bedroom. AND - both tv's living room and bedroom back the same wall so, i have 2 tivos, xbox, dvd upscaling all go into 1 switch box - from that switch box it goes out to 2 tvs http://www.a-neutronics.com/shop/product_i...?products_id=29 means i can get any content in either room. Its sweeet
  21. other than the lume, what does the davidson hand set give you? i'm waiting for my palp crown to send it off it be modded - i have a davidson dial (with the better "swiss made" positioning and superlume) crown davidson crystal. hands are already superlumed - should be Grrrrrrreat (sorry just was reading the pirate thread)
  22. never measured i recomend smat straps - best bang for the buck http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c388/pam2pam/ his info is in one of the photos. its not in all albums. so click around. Great guy - great straps - if you want fast shipping, ask - but having patience is worth it good luck
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