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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. yes my friend steve - don't fear. we all have to learn. I happened to be involved in forums before this on phones and tech toys. But, none of this is personal tword you, it just became an open debate which will continue to be ongoing between many of us. You don't need a 1000 posts to contribute or enjoy. We all have learning to do. Even the people with 1000 posts still have more to learn, nature of the buis. I really do wish you well and i hope you report back on your findings, your likes and dislikes. The key is keep reading.
  2. ken, you had newb days? i always thought you were an immaculately conceived moderator. : you know its like its hard to imagine your parents as kids. its hard to imagine the experts that were there when you join as newbs
  3. i'm somewhat confused on if you agree with me or not. But for the record, the reason i post in these threads occassionally is to offer helpful advice - and or my "opinion" i don't pretend to speak as an official to the board. The guy opens a thread asking for advice, and i gave him some advice - usually the poster isn't happy with the advice i give. i never post anything like- cmon dummy use the search button. but i do often recomend maybe a different approach. I'm trying to be helpful. I think if this poster approached the question more like - Hi, i have been researching and i see this, this and this, and on another version i see this this and this. Am i missing something ? or , is this piece on the gen or not, i can't find a good photo. and it was a first post. i'm sure dozens of people would have lept to help. many people are new to "forum culture" and don't realize that in most forums the best way to get help is to figure out as much as you can and ask specific questions - as we all know our individual time is very valuable. And as regulars know there are many many helpful people here. I'm just making an observation and giving some advice to someone who made a post. its just my opinion, which of course, i am entitled to. often its the not the question itself but how it is asked that will garner the best response.
  4. Ok everyone together now. Hi steve. Its not that its a problem. Its just that so many folks pop in and want a good sub and are off. Frankly that's not what the board is about in my mind anyway. You may have gotten a different reaction if you had asked more specific questions. But as el pointed out or wait as el almost always points out there is no such thing as a perfect rep. So how is one to decide what flaws constitute better or worse or even price for that matter. Its all subjective. Real happyness won't be achieved imho by having the most accurate rep. Its by finding the rep that makes you the most happy:) For some its the look some its the modding and for some its the hunt. But the "who has the best" question 8 times out of 10 is not answerable objectively. I wish you well on your quest and look forward to sharing the journey with you. And in responce to the hazing thing. Its not about hazing or right of passage till your good enough to get our info. Its about there being no answer to the question. We don't haze those that come and do their best to learn we open arms and contribute much. Many board members go to great lengths to help and advise. And above all that this is a "message board" and all messeg boards frown upon creating new threads that cover an answered question The answer to this question is---there is no answer. At least to the sub question. And finally on a personal note I don't like giving time to folks that don't want to help themselves. I have shown the way to dealers helped with posting photos ect ect. But if you want my valuable time used on help you gotta meet me half way or at least try. That's just my personal opinion. (Nothing to do with steve here just talking in general)
  5. I have a compulsive personality which kicks in during times of stress (some sort of ruff upbringing or something) This is a great obsession. Expensive but great. i think i need to up my meds.
  6. I'm not sure what disponibility means. But, he is correct, its in the forum. And any forum, not just ours frowns upon asking questions that can be answered by searching. I think if you would have started out - Hi, i'm not a native english speaker. I have tried to search but because of my language skills keep running into roadblocks. I have found this, this and this. can someone help me understand what i'm looking for? You probably would have gotten a better response. but simply asking a question by saying, I searched i can't find the answer - so i'm asking the 2nd most popular question on the forum. -- no no, not, "who has the best sub" - "how do i buy mbw"
  7. Holy crap this is the funniest group of smilies i have ever seen (not the ones i picked, the new selection)
  8. didn't i just read something about grief on another thread? shame perpetuating the myth the legend
  9. Hello my friend. Please don't take this comment as discouragement. I encourage you to come here, learn, explore and contribute. Your first post - or contribution to the site you are asking for us to do work. What is curious is the use of the word "our" trusted dealer. As much as i hope you do stick around and contribute. many of us don't take kindly to those who pop in out of nowhere and expect that were just sitting waiting to serve if you stick around for a while. learn and maybe even contribute a bit there are many member of this forum that go above and beyond to help out a fellow watch loving soul In conclusion - the holy grail is not an item produced by any dealer - but a thought, a feeling and a peace of mind. Stick to that and - choose your dealer then your watch and you will find all you seek
  10. Woah, wait a minute - this site is 150 times easier to get info out of from when i joined the first RWG. First you had to figure out the dealers names, THEN you had to search to find out how to contact and if they had sites. At least most of the dealer names are there in black - uh, blue and white in the dealer section. When i grew up, walking up hill both ways in the snow back and forth from school, all we had was an "offers" section and a secret "offers II" section. You newbies have it way to easy now. You even have a links setup to all of the other sites that have everything layed out on a platter. AND - the first thing you learn after you have been here for a long time and bought some watches - is that you needed to learn more before you bought your watches at least I did. But i know now - enough, to make myself happy. which is what its about. You can't make an omlet without breaking some eggs EVERY cook will tell you that. Now - given our friend here seems to not have a native english speaking understanding, i see how it could be more difficult. but i'm american - the world, as far as i'm concerned revovles around english kidding - anyway, good luck my friend - you should know though that the holy grail is not an object produced by MBW - but is a concept, an understanding and a peace of mind. i.e. don't take everything you read literally
  11. Mear Mortals - its clearly l'egizio di firenze but the color is hard to tell http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c388/pam...gAnch=imgAnch14 http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c388/pam...mgAnch=imgAnch3 I'm wearing one right now. My Favorite Straps- especially for the $$ so was the contest to identify the seller or the brand name:)
  12. the 1 in the 12 is totally wrong for any 111. G or H though
  13. Hello my friend - i must say that you have some bonus points for not asking who has the best sub - especially since your name is sub seeker But - we recomend you sit, relax, stay a while and research. As always- we recomend you first choose your dealer, then choose your watch. You will not find any quick answers or recomendatins here. That is not what we are here for. But, all the answers you seek are answered within. Best of luck with your search.
  14. i was just coming over to post this. I swear josh has new stuff up almost every day. its amazing. By the way, i got one of his new pens -http://perfect-clones.com/mbp1003-writers-miguel-cerantes-gold-rollerball-p-1719.html wow Super Sweet. its really very impressive. And not to totally bogart the thread, but with all this talk of TTK and what dealers do - Joshua told me that the hard part about selling pens is the amount of time it takes checking over each one for quality control because - i guess he has to be more picky with the pens. So - he is checking each item before he takes it into inventory.
  15. not with that font on the 12
  16. www.The Zigmeisterinfo.com He will get back to you, he is very busy and may take a day or 2 to get back. He is taking work by appointment so you will have to schedule your job a few weeks out anyway. he is worth the wait
  17. i just got a 4 watch travel case from watch boys on ebay - seems good enough quality. i also got one of those cheapy boxes that has 4 winders and like another 6 display spots. (from some random ebay guy) the winders only lasted a few months before they crapped out. You get what you pay for. But the box itself is fantastic for just display and storage purposes. http://www.acetimer.com/ has some decent stuff for a decent price
  18. can you compare the AR on the crystals from stock to davidson? thanks
  19. I love Smat Straps - IMHO the best straps for the $$. that one was 49 bucks shipped. here is his album. He has prices and email information in one of the photos its not in every album so just click around for it. He has 2 types of straps. Walter straps which are hand made and on the upper pricing spectrum and Legizio straps which are 49/59. my strap here is legizio http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c388/pam2pam/ Enjoy!!
  20. i don't think its a davidson dial and i'm wondering if he got a crystal upgrade
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